Templates on canned response

Templates on canned response

At this time only Gupshup has this functionality integrated.

In uContact we have the possibility of sending templates from canned response, for this we must follow the following steps:

  1. Synchronize templates:


On the providers window we have to select the desired provider and click on the synchronize button. With this the provider will obtains all the approved templates. It is possible to delete them with the Delete button found in the Templates section.

Only text type templates will be synchronized.

  1. Select template and replace variables:

The next step is to click on canned responses and select the desired template. If you have variables, they are found with a number between 2 curly braces. Ex: {{1}}. To replace it is necessary to delete the curly braces and the number for the content.

If characters other than the variable placeholder are removed, the message will not be sent as a template, in that case it will be a text message.
