Instagram - Meta

Instagram - Meta

Instagram API enables businesses to communicate with their customers through Instagram. It allows businesses to send messages, receive messages, and automate certain aspects of customer communication.


The first step to integrate Instagram with uContact will be creating the provider.

Professional Instagram account is required.

Log into uContact with a user with permissions to create SMS providers.

Then we go to Administrator → Providers → SMS


Select Instagram from the list of providers and complete the field Name:

  • Name
    To identify the provider

  • Messages per second: Limit of messages that will be sent by this provider per second.

Messages per second If it is 0, it does not limit the number of messages that can be sent per second.

You need to press the “Save” button, and a new window will open where you must log in with your professional Instagram account by clicking the button. You must accept the requested permission, and the provider will be successfully created.




  • Select a Instagram provider.

  • Put any text in the port field. (To avoid the error for missing fields) the correct port will be updated after adding the campaign.

Rember to add members to the campaign.

Type of Messages

The following types of messages are supported:

  • Text

  • Audio

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Gifs

  • Emojis



location /Integra/resources/instagram/ { proxy_pass http://localhost:8085; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } location /api/inbound/instagram/webhook { rewrite ^/api/inbound/instagram/webhook(.*)$ /Integra/resources/instagram/webhook$1$is_args$args last; } location /api/inbound/instagram/activateCampaign { rewrite ^/api/inbound/instagram/activateCampaign(.*)$ /Integra/resources/instagram/activateCampaign$1$is_args$args last; }