Twilio WhatsApp

Twilio WhatsApp

This document clarifies how the integration of uContact works with the Twilio api for the creation of WhatsApp campaigns.


Firsts Steps

Twilio approval

First we must register our number in Twilio on the web https://www.twilio.com/whatsapp/request-access.

This is necessary so that our number is enabled to send Whatsapp through uContact.

  • This step must be repeated for each number that we wish to use as a provider.

There we will have to fill out a form with our data and wait for approval.

Number Approved

After the number is approved, we will go to the configuration of Twilio Whatsapp.

When entering this screen we will see all the numbers that we have enabled
and a link to configure each one.

Pressing the link opens a pop-up to configure our URLs of Incoming Messages and Status.

The FROM field must be copied.


"whatsapp: +13212040825" → this is what we will paste in the DID field of the Whatsapp campaign.

To configure the URLs we will use the following links.

When a message comes in

Status callback URL

  • <instancename> it's our ucontact cloud domain

Twilio data access

To configure Twilio as our provider we will need access data such as Number, User and Password, to obtain this data we will do the following

Once inside Twilio we go to the icon of the gear in the upper right part of the screen, click and select 'Settings'.

Here we look for the 'LIVE Credentials' box from which we will take the ACCOUN SID as our User Name and the AUTH TOKEN as the Password



In the first instance we must configure TwilioWhatsapp as our SMS provider.

For this we will go to Providers/SMS

Here we will have to configure our provider:

  • Name with which we identify our supplier.

  • Username ACCOUNT SID provided by Twilio.

  • Password AUTH TOKEN provided by Twilio.

  • SMS From the mobile number that will be associated with Twilio will be entered with international code (ex: '1' for USA).

  • SMS RegExp will be entered "." to ensure its operation.

After completing the fields, we will press Save and thus everything will be configured for TwilioWhatsapp.


Once the provider's configuration is finished, we will go to Campaigns/SMS

Here we will create our WhatsApp campaign, all we have to do is:

SMS Providers select our provider previously created for WhatsApp.

DIDs - Ports enter the word Whatsapp

The remaining fields have the same function as the rest of SMS campaigns.

At the end of the creation click on the Save button and our WhatsApp campaign will be ready, it would only be necessary to add the agents through the Members tab as well as the rest of the campaigns.


To create a WhatsApp Dialer we must have created our Providers. Once created we will go to Dialers/SMS.

Here we will create our WhatsApp Dialer, we just have to select:

  • SMS Providers the provider created for WhatsApp at the beginning of this document.

  • Dial string complete with "." to ensure its operation.

The remaining fields have the same function as the rest of SMS Dialers.