Wavy WhatsApp

Wavy WhatsApp

En este documento se aclara cómo funcionará la integración de uContact con la api de Wavy para la creación de campañas de Whatsapp.

Firsts Steps


First we must have access to Wavy. If you do not have it, you can go to the Integra CCS commercial area.
This is necessary for our number to be enabled to send whatsapp via uContact.
This step must be repeated for each number we wish to use as a provider.

Luego de aprobada la cuenta nos dirigiremos a la configuración de Wavy.


In the side menu we go to WhatsApp → Account.

Upon entering this screen we will see our WhatsApp account created by Wavy.

Here we can get our approved number, company description and other options.

Wavy will require you to pass the web services to connect with uContact.

For new POST messages

For the status of POST messages

HSM Codes

To see the outgoing message templates we go to WhatsApp → HSM.

Here we will have the list of possible outgoing messages and their code to send the message.


In the first instance we must configure WavyWhatsapp as our provider.

For this we will go to Providers/SMS

Here we must configure our provider.

First we will put:

  • Name with which we will identify our supplier.

  • Username is provided by Wavy.

  • Password is provided by Wavy

  • SMS RegExp will be entered "." to ensure its operation.

  • SMSFrom namespace provided by wavy after account creation

After completing the fields press “Save” and this would be configured for WavyWhatsapp.


Once the provider's configuration is finished, we will go to Campaigns/SMS

Here we will create our WhatsApp campaign, all we have to complete its:

  • Name to identify the campaign

  • Service Level

  • SMS Providers select our provider previously created for WhatsApp.

  • DIDs - Ports enter the phone number approved for Wavy

The remaining fields have the same function as the rest of SMS campaigns.

At the end of the creation click on the Save button and our WhatsApp campaign will be ready, it would only be necessary to add the agents through the Members tab.

See Members - Omnichannel for more information


To create a WhatsApp dialer we must have our providers created.
Once created we will go to Dialers → SMS

Here we will create our WhatsApp dialer, we must simply select:

  • SMS providers the provider created for Whatsapp at the beginning of this document.

  • Dialing chain complete with "." to ensure its operation

All other fields behave the same as SMS dialers.


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