

With our API you can integrate uContact with other systems.

To use the API you need

  1. Authenticate and get a token for the session

  2. Use the token in the Header Authorization

  3. End session

It is recommended to create a user that is exclusively for use with the uContact API.

API Omnichannel

API Telephony

API Other Actions

API Gamification




Prior to making any of the queries to the web services it is necessary to obtain the APIkey through the Login.

To do this, we will use the UserLogin service and enter a valid username and super user password.



Relative URL: Integra/resources/auth/UserLogin Method: POST content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 Params: user password Result: JSON


Where Md5secret is the APIKey or if it has no phone will have it on the 3rd item of the List If error Response is 0

Supervisor con teléfono

Md5secret es la APIKey

[ ... { .... "md5secret": "Q2FyaW5hOjI3YzdjNWM5LTkzYzQtNDYyMi1iYzg2LTlkMmNkMGVjNWEzMA==", .... } ]

Supervisor sin teléfono

Al final de la lista

Once you have your login token we will see how to use it in API queries:

  • JQuery can be configured to use the token in each request.

  • If not, it can be specified in the headers in each request made.



After using the API it is necessary to end the session.

This way we will avoid security problems by disabling the token generated in the login of the startup.



Aditional Iinformation

  • All WebServices are REST

  • Only https (http2) is used for security, a valid certificate *.ucontactcloud.com is provided

CrossDomain Connection

With the proxy window we can handle events of an iframe inserted in a form to be able, for example, to make dispositions, hang up the call, close the form or whatever is desired.
To do this you don't need any plugin.

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Upload dialer base



Postman collection for the Login and Logoff.




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