

Download uPhoneX for the following platforms

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General View

Bottom bar options


The user can start 4 different types of calls, for any of them, first of all the user must dial a number to call and then choose one of the following type of call.

  • Call Conventional phone call.

  • Video Call The user can start a call using the camera.

  • Conference A conference Room will be created so the user can talk to more than one person at the same time.

  • Share Screen The user can share the screen while talking.


When a call is made, the following unfolds:

  • Conference A Room for the conference will be created and the person will be transferred to it. More people can be added by calling them.

  • Silence The microphone will be off, the other person cant listen.

  • Blind Transfer The call will be directly transferred to the other person and hang up on the person who made the action.

  • Attended Transfer The caller transfers the call, starts talking to third person and then when the call ends, the second person ends up talking to the third.

  • Keyboard The phone keyboard will unfold.

  • Hold The other person will be put on hold.


The user will have all the contacts in this section, this ones can be easily contacted by call or text.

Call Contact A voice call with the selected contact will start.

 Send Text Chat with the selected contact will unfold. On the top right corner we have the buttons that facilitate to start a voice or video call.

Add Contacts

New contacts can be added to the list like so:

The user can add more than one contact at the same time by uploading a .csv file. This file must contain by line the contact name and the phone number, separated by " ; " semi colon. Example: 

One contact at a time can be added here. A screen will unfold, where the user must specify the new contact's name and phone number.

Every contact added will have this icon next to it, where the user can modify the contacts name and phone number. In here, the contact can be deleted.


Here the user will have the complete registry of calls. By just clicking on one registry, the user will call back.

Incoming Call

Outgoing Call

Rejected Outgoing Call

Rejected Incoming Call


User settings.

Server Proxy Ex.: example.ucontactcloud.com:8089/ws

Domain IP.ucontactcloud.com

Server Stun stun:stun.ucontactcloud.com

Telephone Number Telephone number associated to the user

Password Password associated to the user

Language Spanish / English


Show Contacts All contacts on the system will appear on the Contacts section

Light / Dark Mode Changes the appearance of the application.

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