Bots - Omnichannel
A bot is a computer program that automatically performs repetitive tasks over the Internet, whose execution by a person would be impossible or very tedious.
Available for
WebChat, SMS, Email, WhatsApp and Messenger
uContact Bots
The bots allow the execution of flows that use a Javascript engine allowing you to perform almost any action if you have the necessary programming knowledge.
From simple answers to transfers, queries to the database or execution of web services are just some of the programmable activities for bots.
To get started with bots you will need to log into uContact with a Supervisor type user with permissions to use the Workflow Designer.
To start creating bots you must have bot licenses available.
They can be requested by sending an email to Integra Support.
Bot development
This is the core, here its behavior is defined and that it is well created is essential for its implementation.
For this we go to the Workflow Designer, there a blank page will open and on the left, in the activities menu, we will see a dropdown called Bots located at the end of the list.
From here all the activities to be carried out by the bot will be taken.
Bot Activities
The activities allow to control the operation of the bot.
Bot Functions
Function bots are bots that are used as functions. Its purpose is to be able to modularize certain sections of the bots in order to facilitate their development, testing, and maintenance.
Function bots do not consume bot licenses and are uploaded to the server with the context 'botsFunction'.
Bot Administration
Since update 6.275 in the configuration of SMS, WebChat and Messenger campaigns we will see a drop-down menu called Bot Name, when it is displayed all the created bot flows will be listed.
After selecting the desired bot for the campaign, simply press the Save button and your campaign will start working with bots!
Create the first Bot
In this section we will see how to create a basic flow, as an example and practice, that contains the following actions:
Presentation - SendMessage
Options - SendMessage
Get reply - ReadMessage
Evaluate the answer - Evaluate
End interaction and make disposition - Disposition
Insert a user into a table - ExecQuery
Transfer to a campaign - TransferBot
Check the system version and save the variable - LogOp
Use the variable in a response and end the interaction - SendMessage
Simple bot example
This is the introduction to Bots.
Soon we will add posts and videos about it.