Workforce Management

Workforce Management

Workforce Management is a system developed to facilitate the management of Contact Center human resources. It is a tool that consumes uContact’s data in order to control the information of each agent. Its main functionality is to be able to configure shifts and groups of agents with a specific schedule and to be able to assign the schedules that each one must comply with. Also, it has the possibility of comparing the scheduled information with what has been done by each agent, as well as a request system with which agents can request changes in the schedules or events of their agenda.



In the ‘Development’ section of uContact’s menu, there is a new option called ‘Workforce Management’. When you click on it, a new tab will open in the browser, that will allow you to access the new system. Currently, only users of type SuperUser have it enabled.


The menu has 3 options, as well as a button in which the supervisor can view the requests.

In case of having requests, the supervisor button displays a notification with the number of pending requests. The menu options redirect the user to the available pages of the system.



Here are the configurable parameters of the system, which are divided into three: shifts, groups and breaks.


A shift is configured as a weekly schedule an agent must fulfill.



They are used to group campaigns and agents within a specific schedule.



It shows all the breaks created in uContact, to which a time can be configured which will limit the amount of time per day used in the break in the schedule of each agent.


It is the main page of the system, which shows a calendar where you can see the days that have or do not have scheduled events. By clicking on a day, you automatically go to the corresponding schedule.

From here you can also generate a new schedule.



This page shows the schedule for that day. If there is nothing scheduled, a message will be displayed for the supervisor to be able to create it.


If the selected date is subsequent to the actual date, a schedule is displayed in which you can see both the schedule and the change requests by agent.




If the selected date is equal to or prior to the actual date, a schedule is displayed where you can see both what is scheduled and what was done by the agent.

The schedule is represented as a table of hours and resources, identifying the events as blocks that occupy the time boxes. The white time boxes are the schedules that the group has available for each agent in their respective shifts, otherwise, they are represented by gray boxes that indicate that it is outside working hours.


In the upper right corner, you can find a button to save the changes or delete the schedule for the selected group and day.


Schedule creation

A schedule can be created from the home page or from the schedule page within a date that has no scheduled events.

The creation form asks as the first parameter the group to which the new information will be destined.

The second thing to set is the date or date range. You can do this by clicking on the calendar days that you wish to select. The first click selects the first day of the range, the second click selects the last day of the range.

The calendar will show the days with events, and the days when the group does not work.

In the case of selecting a range with unavailable days in the middle, the schedule will only be created for the days configured in the group. For example, if a week from Monday to Sunday is selected for a group that only works from Sunday to Friday, the configured schedule will be from Sunday to Friday.

  • You can only select a range of days or a day, you cannot select several ranges.

  • The range has a maximum of 1 month from the first day selected.

  • You cannot select days that have different schedules configured for the same group. For example, if the group has configured from Monday to Friday from 09 to 18 and Saturdays from 09 to 15 if a whole week is selected in the calendar, an error notification will appear.

  • If days are selected in which a schedule already exists, a confirmation panel will be displayed if you want to step on that agenda or cancel to be able to change the range.

  • When saving the schedule, if there are agents without events, a confirmation panel will be displayed if you want ‘day off’ events to be created for those agents or cancel to be able to assign events manually.

Schedule modification

If you want to modify a schedule, you must go to the schedule page and select the day you want to configure.

By clicking on an event you can see the information, as well as a button to remove it from the schedule.

By clicking on an available time box, a form is displayed in which you can select the type of event to create.

  • In the case of being a work event, it is generated in green.

    • You can manipulate the size of the event.

    • Cannot create work events on top of other work events.

  • In case of being a break event, it is generated in red.

    • You can manipulate the size of the event.

    • There cannot be break events outside of a work event.

  • In the case of being a 'day off' event, it is generated in black.

    • The event cannot be manipulated.

    • When you create an event of this type, all events for that day are removed.

    • Day off can be removed in order to create new events.

To save the changes or delete the schedule for the group and selected day, use the buttons in the upper right corner.


By clicking on the supervisor button, a panel with the change requests made by the agents is displayed.

The requests show information such as ‘title’ (Date and time it was made, group and agent), content, the date for which it is requested, and the detail of the request. At the end of the request, they are shown the comments made by the agent.

Each request is represented with a different color depending on its validity. The validity is determined by the date for which the request was made.

  • In case the validity is larger than tomorrow, the request is shown in green. It is allowed to reject, approve and go to the agenda.

  • In case the validity is equal to tomorrow, the request is shown in yellow. It is allowed to reject, approve and go to the agenda.

  • In case the validity has expired, the request is shown in red. It is allowed to reject.



To access the agent calendar, in the uContact menu there is a new option called Calendar. When you click it, a new uContact tab will be displayed with the corresponding schedule.

Here the agent can see his schedule by day, ordered chronologically.



In the timeline, you can see the events that you have scheduled in order. You can also make a schedule change request for them.

Time-change requests are shown in the timeline, if the request is pending it is shown in yellow, and if it was rejected it is shown in red.


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