


The supervisor view allows to manage the Codes that will be used on the Code form on the Agents view

In order to save a new code you must put a Code name, Detail and Group.

The Action field gives Respool to the code.

To edit a Code, just select one from the table and edit its fields.



When the agent has an incoming call, a form opens up in the Codes tab displaying the information with the telephone number.

There the agent can enter the contact data and necessarily having to select a Group before saving.

When selecting a group, the Codes for the selected group will appear. The agent selects a code allowing to load the Details that he must select in order to save the management.

In case that the agent wants to save the er, a date must be selected on the schedule field. which will save the phone number to be able to manage later. It is possible to visualise the scheduled numbers on the "List and Agenda" tab.

Save: Saves the code and closes the form.

Save and Hung up: Saves the code, closes the form and hungs up the call.

Search history: Search the history of codes for that phone number.

Clean: Cleans all fields.


This window allows to manage the referred data for the agent.

You can see the following sections:

Demographic data of the referred: All basic data of the referred is saved.

Referral Contact details: The data to contact the referral is saved, it is possible to save a new number by pressing the arrow next to the phone fields which opens the Codes tab to save the new number.

Reference data: The data of the referral is saved.

Place of residence: The place of residence of the reference.

Management data: All the management data is saved, including the schedule date.

Note: The reference is save as Managed if you add Referral profile, Promise, Detail, Comment or a schedule, otherwise it is saved as pending management.


On this tab a detailed view of the referrals can be seen for the logged agent.

It is possible to Filter the Referral by Managed or Pending management.

Plus there is a list to search the Referral that are scheduled by entering the desired date.

Manage: It is possible to manage the Referred by selecting a referral from the list and pressing the Manage button. The Referred tab is opened to make the management.

List and Agenda

It allows to visualise a list of phones or the agenda of today with the end of manage the previously scheduled activities.

It is possible to change the date for following or previous days to see his respective agendas.

Manage: By pressing this button the Codes tab will open with the selected phone from the Agendas list.

CSV: It is possible to upload phone numbers by uploading a .csv file. The fields must be separated with semicolons ; .

Add phone: It is possible to add a phone number entering the field number,selecting a date in the calendar and pressing Enter. The number will be added on the Phone list with the entered date.

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