Collections custom

Collections custom




This is the first tab where punctual situations are managed. It allows the Agent to visualise the clients actions history, contact information and different calculus for payments that need to be established or offered.


This different sessions can be found in this tab:

Debtor Detail:Debtor contact Information like name, phones number, location, address, etc.

Telephone Icon: The telephone icon next to every telephone number allows to make an automatic call just by clicking on it.

Debt Information: Information generated from the debt that allows to identify the type, amount and the payment state.

Proposal: Allows to project the payments type based on the debts currency, making easier the calculus of the funding into two segments:

  • 2 to 11 fees, specifying the amount of fees and being able to see its amount information. 

  • 12 to 18 fees, specifying the amount of fees and being able to see its amount information. 

Management: Adds a new management situation to the database with the following details:

  • Management State

  • Management Action

  • Type: Contains two options, Schedule and Payment Promise. Allows to select a date to schedule a future contact, or in the contrary, assign a specific date to a payment promise.

  • Apply in every debt: If the client has more than one debt, allows to apply the management to every debt from that client.

  • When a management is selected, the detail of the process can be seen with the whole text, date and states (in order to add a new management situation, with the broom button all the information is cleaned and new one can be added).

States and managements:

  • Arrows Icon: In case of having more than one debt, this arrows situated on the top right margin, allow to navigate between the clients debts.

  • Agent: Shows the assigned Agent for the management situation.

  • Change Type:  Allows to assign a type of change to the system for the debt management based on the national currency.

  • Currency: Indicates in which currency the debt is based on.

  • Multiple Debts: Shows with a traffic light if the user has more than one debt, showing itself red if this happens.

  • Deceased: The icon indicates if the person is deceased or not.


  •  Generate Card: Redirects to the Card tab on the top menu.

  • Send SMS: Allows to send SMS having added the content of the message in the management and taking into consideration the CI number in the contact information where its asked for.

  • Payments: Redirects to the Payments tab on the top menu.



It allows to manage different actions:

Search Button: Allows to show the filtrated portfolio in various search filters, like name, personal document, telephones or the state of the management. Its important to highlight that the searches are connected, so if the user wants to make a new search with new details, the user will have to clear the filter and apply it again.

 General Search:

  • New: Selecting this checkbox, appear new managements that no actions where made on(just assigned or not managed yet).

  • My Portfolio: Allows to filter again inside the already filtered one or the whole portfolio, having some restrictions when the payments wants to be seen.

  • Finished: Filters by the finished portfolios.

Portfolio: Shows the portfolio assigned to the manager.

Schedule Date: Shows the scheduled cases by defect for today, allowing to select another date. By clicking on the search button, the agenda for that specific day can be seen.

Payment Promise: Shows the payment promise cases by defect for today, allowing to select another date. By clicking on the search button, the agenda for that specific day can be seen.

Manage Button: When a management is selected and then the user click on this button, it allows to go to a specific management, showing its information.

Return to a Supervisor Button: Returns a punctual case to the supervisor, so this one can assign the case to another agent. Its important to highlight that if this happens to a case that contains multiple debts, all of the associated lasts ones will be returned, so the unity is maintained. 

Upload Payments: A .csv document with payments information can be uploaded. A Supervisor user can use this too.

Pending Managements Button: It filters all the payments  that haven't been managed, once done this, one by one can be managed by clicking on Manage, and previously being able to see the payments of this management.


System module that allows to generate cards, payment cards, as well as cancellation in the system. The cards are generated under a .pdf format.


In this section we can select the automatic generation of two types of cards:

  • Payment Agreement: Where the user loads information in the Payment Agreement area.

  • Cancellation: Where the user loads information in the Payment Agreement area.

Download PDF Card Button: A .pdf file can be downloaded with the final card information specified. 

Clear Button: This button clears all the information for the card, so the user can add the again in case he/she wants to generate a new one.



Inside the Payments module, the management for all new payment can be done, being able to modify information or add it:

  • Payment Type

  • Fee from

  • Fee to

  • Type of change

At the same time, the payments commission will sum up where all this information can be seen:

  • Manager: Manager that administers the payment.

  • Portfolio Commission : Commission percentage that the portfolio has, based on where it belongs to.

  • Commission Manager %: Commission percentage of the manager.

  • Commission Manager $: Total amount of commission that belongs to the manager, based on the portfolio commission.

  • Period

Permission in payments management:

When the payments manager "business manager" sees the payments that are not his/her, the payments manager wont be able to see the amount and percentage of commission that belongs to another manager.


Comparing to the usual view when the manager can see the information:


Studio Payments

The modification, deletion or addition of new payments are allowed, where based on the currency It will be allowed the entrance or not of the type of change and the automatic calculus of the national currency value(in case of a needed conversion), of payments made in the studio.


By clicking on the show button, all the payments will be seen, and previously being able to make the needed managements.

When the agent is a supervisor or business manager, a screen will be available that allows to generate the payments report of the studio, using the selected date period.

Credetia Payments



Bank's Portfolio

The Supervisor's role complements with the other roles in the system, differing by having a total control of every module assigned.



  • Load Bank's form: This button loads the bank's screen in order to segment and send what was chosen.

  • Import Clearing Base: Load the CIs and incident sent by clearing to use in the classification detail in the cards segmentation.

  • Type of Change: Brings the type of change that is applied right now and it can be changed.

  • Export Clearing's Base: Export the CIs that are going to be send to clearing, based on the received portfolio.

Segment Form Based on Details: This section allows to generate an Excel file as a data exit, based on the following details established:

  • Registry Amount: Amount of information that wants to be added to the Excel form

  • Minimum of Telephones: Minimum amount of telephones in the data to segment and generate the file.

  • Order: (the order that will be given to the registry section with 1,2 or 3, selecting everyone of them)

    • Clearing Incident: Assigned priority.

    • Payed fees: Assigned priority.

    • Balance: Assigned priority.

Delete Banks's Portfolio: Deletes the whole actual portfolio(recommended to do before doing the process selection).


This menu option allows to assign the system portfolio to the available agents, being able to do it manual or automatically.


Agents: List of available agents to assign cases.

Portfolio not Assigned: Shows the amount of registries without assignation inside the system, or the amount of results that the applied filter returned.

Automation of Distribution Based on Filters:

  • Filter: The assignation filter that the user wants is selected to distribute the cases(by telephone quantity to facilitate the contact or more balance).

  • Cases per Agent: Allows to assign the quantity of cases that will be assigned to every selected agent.

  • Type of Change: 

    • Automatic Assignation: Apply filters and quantity per selected agent.

    • Manual Assignation: Allows to manually assign a case, where an agent must be selected, a case and the button will be assigned automatically(in case the client has multiple cases, all of them will be assigned to the same agent, to maintain unity). 

Multiple agents can be assigned and make the distribution automatically, based on the established filters. Must have in mind that if the case has more than one debt assigned, all of the last ones are going to be assigned to the agents, in order to maintain unity with the contact information and possible agreements. 

Filters: Allows to search by different filters inside the unassigned portfolio, for example name, telephone or document, or bring the managements returned by the agents. Once applied the filter and the user needs to apply new ones, the clear button must be clicked to execute it again.

Load Creditia Portfolio: This option loads the portfolio sent by the bank(after the segmentation).

Load Payments: This option loads the payments sent by Creditia, supporting payment documents made that will be managed as a one.


Allows to visualise the schedule assigned for today's date in every agents system, with the purpose of managing the activities schedules previously.



Section that allows to generate various reports under a .xlsx format, based on a range of established dates.


Creditia Report: Allows to generate the report for Creditia, with all the needed options based on the established format.

Studio Payment Report: Allows to generate the report for the inside payments in the studio, with all the needed options based on the established format.

Finished Managements: Allows to generate the inside report with the finished management of the portfolio, based on the established format.

Creditia Payment Report: Allows to generate the inside report of payments and its commissions per manager, with all the needed options based on the established format.

Massive Campaigns Report: Allows to generate a report to make massive campaigns to send cards and gather addresses and telephones from clients to send.

Portfolio Rotation Report: Allows to generate a report with the information of the campaigns that needs to be rotated, based on the established format for Creditia.

Active Portfolio Report: Allows to generate a report with the list of portfolios that are active.

Portfolio Management


Allows to manage the portfolios with two specific functions:

  1. Load Portfolio Rotation: This load allows to upload to the system rotation cases returned by Creditia, this one uploads the cases, marking them as finished and adds to them a management indicating they were cancelled by portfolio rotation.

  2. Load Portfolio Update: This load allows to upload data that must be updated in the active actual portfolios, changing the amounts specified by Creditia. Furthermore, it allows to mark for each case a management with the previous value and the new one, for each  of the 4 values that change.

  3. Load List of Cases to Rotate: Allows to load the pack of cases so afterwards, generate the report of cases to rotate, based on the information in the system.

Manager's Commissions

Manages the commissions of the managers in the system, so later on it can be calculated.


In this module the user can change, delete or add a new commission for a manager, in order to make the pertinent calculus in the system.

Portfolio Commissions

Manages the portfolios commissions so afterwards it can be calculated in the system.


In this module the user can change, delete or add a new commission for the portfolio, in order to make the pertinent calculus in the system.


This modules allows to have a general version of the collected commissions state and the corresponding general payment of the managers.


Select the needed date parameters to make the calculus having the following data inside that period:

  • Studio Payments: Total amount of money unified of the payments made in the studio.

  • Total Payments: Total amount of money unified of the payments made in another area.

  • Not Payed Commissions: Total amount of money unified from the commissions that need to be payed to the managers.

  • Total Profitability After Paying Commissions: Total amount of money unified after paying commissions.



It allows to add new values to the filters and the preferred parameters in the system. Inside we can find:

  • Actions

  • Managements

  • Countries

  • Search Filters

  • Banks

  • Etc.

Parameter: Applied filter to load information inside the system.

Filter: Allows to define a filter, for example, inside Search Filters in portfolios, add the consult to SQL that needs to be used, etc.

Value: Allows to define the value to show in the parameter of the system in use.

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