- 1 Agent
- 1.1 Search
- 1.2 Debt
- 1.2.1 Debtor Detail
- 1.2.2 Debt
- 1.3 Management
- 1.4 Payments
- 1.5 Promise
- 2 Supervisor
- 2.1 Assignations
- 2.2 Bases
- 2.3 Calendar
- 2.4 Parameters
- 2.5 Permissions
- 2.6 Assignment Criteria
In the next section the Agent can look for registered clients in the system and event scheduled.
Debt ID: ID number designated for the debt in the system.
Name: Client's nam
Doc Type: Indicates de client's document type.
Document: Client's document number.
Country: Filter by Country
City: Filter by City
Telephone: Filter your search by telephone number. The search will look into the three telephone numbers of each client.
My Portfolio: It will search just for the clients that are assignated to that Agent.
Completed: Will search into the completed cases.
Pending for Managment: Filters for the cases that are not managed yet.
Records: Number of records found.
Search Button: Applies the filters and makes the search.
Clean Button: Cleans the filters applied.
Manage Button: In order to manage a case, this last one must be selected and then press the Manage button, it will re direct you to the Debt section. To know more about this section, please visit DEBT LINK
Return to Supervisor: Returns the case to the Supervisor, taking out this case from the Agent's Portfolio.
Contact Time: Searches for a scheduled event.
Payment Promise: Will search for a payment promise by the date picked.
This section get available once the Agent clicks on the Manage button.
Debtor Detail
Porfolio: Indicates to which Portfolio this case belongs to.
Document: Will appear the client's type of document and this one
Name: Client's name
Email: Client's Email.
Address: Client's address
City: Client's residence city
Country: Client's residence Country
Telephone: Will allow to register three different telephone numbers. The Agent will be able to simply and fast call the client by clicking on the telephone button located next to each three of them.
Brand by Objective: MISSING DATA
Observations: Observations detailed by the Agent.
Deceased: If the client is deceased or not.
Currency: Type of currency the client agreed to pay with
Total Debt: Total amount of the debt
Number of Fees: Number of fees the client agreed to divide the debt
Amount per Fee: Amount of each fee
Payments Made: Shows the number of payments the client already made
Payed Amount: Amount that the client already paid
Product: Detail of the product
Debt: Amount that the clients still needs to pay
Payment Button: Will take the Agent to the Payment section. To know more about this section, please visit PAYMENT LINK
Management Button: Will take the agent to the Management section. To know more about this, please follow MANAGEMENT LINK
Promise Button: Transports the Agent to the promise section. To know more about this, please visit PROMISE LINK
Return Button: The debt will no longer appear modified, every change made will be reversed.
On the top part, next to the title, the user can find arrows to the sides, this ones surveys the different debts from the clients.
This area get available when the Agent clicks on the Management button on the Debt section.
On the top right corner will indicate to which portfolio the debt belongs to.
Typology: The Agent must select a typology for the Management. (* Must Fill)
Comment: A comment about the management must be added (* Must Fill)
Future Contact: Date scheduled for future contact with the client.
Finish: Finishes the managements made for the client.
Save: Saves the management and adds it to the list on the right.
This area get available when the Agent clicks on the Payments button on the Debt section.
Document: Client's document number
Amount: Amount that the client needs to pay
Currency: Type of currency used
Payment Date: Date the client made the payment
Observations: Payment observations
Save Button: Saves the payment and updates the table on the right, adding the new payment registry.
Clean Button: Cleans the detailed boxes.
The following area get available when the Agent clicks on the Payments button on the Debt section.
Date: Arranged date for the promise
Amount: Amount the client needs to pay
Amount Paid: Payed amount
Status: Payment promise status
Save Button: Saves the promise and updates the table on the right, adding the new payment registry
The Supervisor is able to assign clients to different Agents and manage portfolios from this section, using many available filters.
Name: Filters by clients name
Doc Type: Indicates the clients document type
Document: Clients document number
Product: Products name
Country: Apply filter by Country
City: Filter by City
Telephone: Searches by clients telephone number, incluiding the additional telephone numbers the client has registered
Advisor: Filter by the clients assigned to a certain Agent
Criteria: This list can be created and added to this list on the LINK ASSIGNATION
Without Assignment: If this is checked, the search will be made on the clients that are not assigned to any Agent yet
Registries: Indicated the total of regisitries found
Search Button: Applies the detailed filters and initialices the search, the resullts will unfold on the table below.
Clean Button: Cleans the filters detailed.
Manual Assignation Button: Having selected an Agent from the Agents list on the right and a certain client from the results list, by clicking this button, the client will be assigned to the Agent and the table will get updated.
Automatic Assignation Button: Every registry that is on the results table will get automatically assigned to the selected Agent
Disable Manualy Button: Deletes the client from the portfolio and the data base
General Deactivation Button: Every registry on the result table will be deleted from the portfolio and the data base
Portfolio Deactivation Button: The selected client will be not assigned to the actual Agent
In the following area, the Supervisor is able to upload different data bases to the system.
Upload Portfolio/Payments/Clients: The Supervisor can upload .csv files
Registries: Total number of portfolios uploaded
CSV Format: Automatically a .csv file will downloand, indicating the format that the actual .csv file that the Supervisor will upload must have. When a date is required, this one must have the follwoing format YEAR-MONTH-DAY
Delete Portfolio/Payments/Clients: The selected portfolio selected will be deleted
Export Portfolio/Payments/Clients: A .csv file will download showing the portfolio selected
On this section the Supervisor can see every scheduled event on the system.
The Supervisor can create different parameters that later on can be seen on its correspondent area.
From here the Supervisor can control who has certain permissions and not. An Agent with permissions can see and activate parts that others cannot.
Assignment Criteria
The Supervisor can create different criteria for the Assignment area.