




In this section, the Agent can manage the corresponding client's ticket.

The user can identify the following sections:

On the left section, the client's information is displayed, offering the agent a faster way to modify this information, if the client already exist in the system, or register a new one by completing the data.

 Account Number Icons: This three icons next to the Account Number text box, allow the agent to search for clients on the system, in case a registered client is calling from a number that is not assigned to the client's  information on the system.
The magnifying glass button is to search, the bin button deletes the account number assigned to the client so the agent can update it. To apply the changes, the agent must click on the tick button.

 Telephone Icon: The telephone icon next to every contact's telephone allows to make directly call that number.

 Search Icon: The agent can search for a client using any of the three different phone numbers. If the system finds the contact, all the registered information from him/her will be displayed.

Next contact: The agent can schedule a call to get back in contact with the client. This scheduled date will appear on the Schedule section as an event.

 Recycling Icon: Resets the PIN number assigned to the contact.

Business: If the client identifies itself as a working company.

ResidentialIf the client is registered as an independent person.

Tickets Table: The table that presents the ID, DATE, TYPE, STATUS and PRIORITY data, will unfold all the tickets that the client has.

Actions Table: Every action that is made on a ticket will appear on this table, separated by DATE, AGENT, ACTION and COMMENT.

On the right section, the ticket selected from the Ticket's Table will be displayed. Here the agent can update the ticket status.

The Escalated detail will load automatically and can not be modified. There are three types of escalation:

  • Green: The ticket was recently created or its inside the time line established to solve it. 

  • Orange: The ticket has been pending for a long time and should be solved as soon as possible.

  • Red: The ticket trespassed the time limit established and must be solved.


The Agent can search for today or future events created to make contact with clients.

After selecting a date on the calendar, the magnifying glass button must be pressed to start the search. The results will be displayed on the table below.

When the Agent finds the event he/she was looking for, the Go to Customer button can be clicked, this one will take the user to the Information section where all the details from this client will appear.



The supervisor can search for today or future events. Underneath the number of total results will appear.


The supervisor can add and modify the parameters that appear on the table below on the left side.


When the user selects a parameter on the list, all the information from this one will appear in the Parameter, Filter and Value area, letting the supervisor modify this lasts ones.

 This button adds a parameter to the list, if this one was created from the scratch, or modifies an existing one.

 By pressing this button, the user deletes a parameter from the list. In order to do this. the parameter that the user wants to delete must be selected.

 With this button, the user cleans the text boxes for Parameter, Filter and Value.


Special PBX Sounds: The user can apply one of them to a parameter's Value. Just one of them can be selected.

Support Movile Phone:

  • Active: There are two options, to have 1 active phone or 2.

  • Movile 1: First Phone.

  • Movile 2: Second Phone.

  • Service List Phone: List with every telephone.

  • Add Phone: Adds a number to the Service List Phone list.

in order to add a telephone number to the Service List Phone, the user must write the number in the text box next to the Add Phone, and then click on the tick button.

If the user wants to delete a number from this list, the number must be selected and then press the cross button.

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