Maria Carina Soca (Unlicensed)
Debt ID: ID number that a debt is registered with in the system
Name: Client's name
Doc Type: Indicates the type of document the client is registered under
Document: Client's document number
Country: Filter clients by Country
City: Filter clients by City
Telephone: Filter the search by telephone numbers. The search will look into the three telephone numbers one client can have
My Portfolio: The search will be made just inside the agents Portfolio with the clients she/he has assigned
Completed: It will just search for the completed cases
Pending for Management: It will search for the cases that have a pending state
Records: Number of records that where found and appear on the table below
Search Button: Applies the filters and makes the search
Clean Button: Cleans all the filters detailed
Manage Button: In order to manage a case, this one must be selected from the list and then by pressing this button, the Agent will be taken to the Debt section. To know more about this section, visit Debt
Return to Supervisor: Returns this case to the Supervisor, meaning that this case wont be assigned to that Agent anymore, so wont appear on her/his Portfolio
Contact Time: The Agent can search for an event by date
Payment Promises: A Payment Promise scheduled can be search by date
Portfolio: Indicates the Portfolio ID number
Document: Will appear the type of document and the number
Name: Client's name
Mail: Client's Email
Address: Client's recidence address
City: City where the client lives
Country: Client's Nationality
Telephone: SThree different telephone numbers can be defined. Next to each of the numbers there is a telephone button, when clicked, the agent will automatically call the client, this facilitates the Agent to contact the client in a fast way
Observations: Observations that the Agent made about the client
Deceased: If the client is deceased or not
Currency: Currency type of the debt
Total Debt: Total debt amount
Amount of Fees: Amount of fees that the client agreed to divide the debt
Fee Amount: Amount for every fee
Payments Made: Shows the number of payments already made by the client
Payed Amount: Paied amount by the client
Product: Detalle del producto adeudado
Debt: Monto que el cliente debe pagar aun
Payments Button: Will take the agent to the Payments section. To know more about this section, please visit Payment
Management Button: Will take the Agent to the Management section. To know more about this section, please visit Management
Promise Button: Will take the Agent to the Promise section. To know more about this section, please visit Promise
Return Button: The debt will go back to it's initial state, without any changes on the debt's amount
On the top part, next to the title, there are two arrows. With this one the Agent can go over all the client's debts.
On the top right part will indicate to which portfolio the debt belongs to.
Typology: The Agent must save the type of management that needs to be created (* Must Complete)
Comment: A comment explaining what the management is about must be added (* Must Complete)
Next Contact: Schedule a date for when this case is taking place on
Finish: Finish the managements with this client
Save: Saves the management. This one will be visible on the table to the right
Payment ID: Payment's ID number
Portfolio ID: Portfolio's ID number
Document: Document of the person that is going to make the payment
Amount: Payment amount
Currency: Type of currency used
Payment Day: Day the payment is made
Observations: Payment's observations
Save Button: Saves the payment made on the history that will appear on the table to the right
Clean Button: Cleans the detailed boxes
Date: Arranged date for the payment promise
Amount: Amount the client needs to pay for the promise
Amount Paid: Amount already paid
State: Payment Promise state
Save Button: Saves the payment promise detailed. This one is going to appear on the table to the right
Name: Filters by clients name
Doc Type: Indicates the type of document the client is registered under
Document: Client's document number
Product: Name of the product
Country: Apply filter by country
City: Filter the search by City
Telephone: Search using a telephone number, the search will look into the optional telephones of the clients
Adviser: Username of the Agent, to search for the clients that where assigned to her/him
Criteria: List with different criteria, this ones can be created on the Criteria Assignment section
Without Assignation: If the box is activated, the search will be made for those clients that are not assigned to any Agent
Records: Number of results from the search made
Search Button: Applies the filters selected and starts the search, the results from this one will appear on the table below
Clean Button: Cleans all the filters detailed
Manual Assignation Button: With the Agent already selected from the list of agents and a client from the list of results, if this button is pressed the client will be manually assigned to this Agent. If we check the table, now the adviser of this client will indicate the name of the Agent
Deallocate Portfolio: The client that is selected will not be assigned to an agent anymore
Cases: Number of customers to assign per agent
Automatic Assignment: Every record on the table will get assigned to the Agent selected
List Name: Name that the generated list will have
Dialers Combo: Lets you select the dialer to which we want to assign the list. The dialer should be Progressive.
Generate Dialer: Create the list and add it to the dialer.
Upload Portfolio/Payments/Clients: The Supervisor will upload a .csv file with the specified data
Records: Total number of uploaded portfolios
CSV Format: A .csv file will get downloaded, the first line indicates the format of the .csv file that the Supervisor will upload
Delete Portfolio/Payments/Clients: The portfolio uploaded selected from the table will get deleted
Export Portfolio/Payments/Clients: A .csv file will get downloaded with the portfolio data