

In this context Messenger campaigns can be created.

This way, the user can initialise and respond messages using the portal.

Create Campaign

  • Keep in mind that to activate Facebook Messenger you can NOT have Pop-ups blocked.

  • Whoever sets up the campaign must be an administrator of the page you want to associate.



In order to correctly configure the following steps, first of all you must have an existing Facebook account.

If you do not have a Facebook page, go to Create Facebook Page section.

Basic Configuration

  • Name
    Messenger campaign's identification name.

  • Service Level
    Is the calls percentage that were attended by the agent before a stipulated time.

  • Page Name
    Exactly the same name that have the facebook pageĀ 

  • Strategy
    Is the behavior that the campaign will have. To know more about each option, please visitĀ Strategies

  • Schedule
    Defines the specific time for the campaign,Ā the default time isĀ MĀ to F from 09:00 to 18:00.

    • To addĀ anotherĀ scheduleĀ you mustĀ select the week days and hour time From and ToĀ in 24 hours format. After thatĀ pressĀ the '+' icon, our set is added to the list below and makeĀ click in SaveĀ button.

    • To deleteĀ aĀ scheduleĀ just select it from the list and press the '-' icon and makeĀ click in SaveĀ button.

These metrics to campaign statistics in real time, they are measured in time (seconds).

  • Service Level
    The time limit for response expected chats by an agent. Ā Ā Ā 

  • Dropout rate
    It is the time of chats to consider that they were abandoned by customers during the day time.

  • Time chat
    Time to consider the agent-customer chat reached the limit.

  • ACD
    Maximum number of customers who are waiting to be answered by an agent chat.

Maximum Interactions per Agent
Limits the amount of active interactions the agent can get. The rest of the interactions wait in queue.

After Hours
Define a message to show when the client try to start an interaction when the campaign itā€™s after hours

The system can have a non working Messenger campaign, without the need of deleting it entirely and lose information. If checked, the campaign can be used.

Pre designed responses can be added in this section, this ones will appear in a list when the Agent has an interaction with a client. With the + and - buttons, responses can be added or deleted from the table.

Once the parameters have been entered, clicking on Save displays a window to activate the campaign.

Here we will continue, as long as the account indicated is Administrator of the page you want to associate.

As we continue, we will see a new message asking which of our pages we want to associate, and all those that the facebook user has available will be listed.

After pressing ā€˜Nextā€™, we are given the permissions that are being requested to handle messenger.

After clicking on 'Done', Facebook will notify us in the following message that the connection was made.

Finally, after pressing 'OK', we will be shown a successful connection message that we can close.

At this time our Messenger campaign will be ready to receive interactions, just add the agents and start interacting!





This is how the agent uses Messenger in the portal.


The agent will have on his Inbox the Messenger with which she/he started an interaction.

This message will unfold on the right side of this section, showing its history of conversation.

This one has as title the campaigns name from which it came and the name of the user that started the interaction. Above it, the beginning of the interaction will appear and the user should open it to be able to see the rest of it.

On top of the interaction will be detailed:

  • Campaign from where the message is coming from.

  • Facebook's username of the person that sent it.


Below you can see the box to write and the following buttons:

  • Canned Responses
    In Campaign Settings the user can add pre-design questions, this ones will appear in this list.

  • AttachmentsĀ 
    The Agent can attach different types of files to the message.

  • Emojis
    A list will with emojis will unfold.

  • Send
    Will send the message the user wrote.




Here the statistics in real time are shown for Messenger campaigns.


Status Icon
Represents the status of an agent. Along with the status icon you may appear: if the agent is in a phone call appears ; and if the agent is to break the break for that picture will appear.

Channel Status
If the agent has an interaction opened, the logo of this one will appear in this column.Ā If the agent is attending more than one type of interaction, this one's will appear next to each other

Agent Status in real time. States can be Offline , Busy, Free, Free Busy in break and break ( still break any available ) .

Name agents members of the campaign.

Number of messages completed by agent.

Number of active interactions that the agent has open at the same time..

Time of the last change agent status

User:Ā Client's username

On Hold:Ā Clients waiting time.


Every Messenger interaction gets to be saved in the system, you can see them here filtering by date, campaign and user.

Create Facebook Page


If you do not have a Facebook page, follow these steps to create one

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