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To activate Facebook it is necessary to allow pop-up windows from the web browser. This will allow the creation process to continue smoothly.
The user who configures the Facebook campaign in uContact, must be logged in as administrator of the page that they want to associate.
Facebook campaigns configuration
In order to apply the following steps to associate the Facebook account in uContact, first of all there must be a Facebook page created for the Facebook account in question.
Service Level Is the calls percentage that were attended by the agent before a stipulated time.
Page Name Name of the facebook page, exactly same.
Strategy Is the behavior that the campaign will have. To know more about each option, please visit Strategies
Schedule Time frame in which the campaign will be available.
To add schedules, the days of the week and schedules From and To are selected in 24-hour format. Then we press '+', our schedule is loaded to the list and we click Save.
To remove a schedule we simply select it from the list, press the '-' button and click Save.
After entering the parameters for creating the Facebook campaign in uContact, pressing the "Save" button presents a pop-up window to activate it in the system
The user must press "Continue" as long as the user related to the Facebook account in question has administration permissions for the page that you want to associate.
By continuing, the user will be asked to choose an available page from the list for the Facebook account, which of these is required to associate with the uContact campaign.
After pressing the "Next" button, the necessary permissions must be enabled to manage the Facebook account.
After clicking "Done", Facebook will visually notify on the next screen that the connection was successful.
Finally, after pressing the "Accept" button, an image will be displayed that confirms the successful activation of the Facebook page in the corresponding campaign, which must be closed to finish the process.
The Facebook campaign will be ready in uContact to receive interactions. It only remains to add the agents who will be members of the campaign, so that they begin to process the interactions that customers make on the page.
Advanced configuration
Thresholds These metrics to campaign statistics in real time, they are measured in time (seconds) .
Service Level : The time limit for response expected chats by an agent.
Dropout rate : It is the time of chats to consider that they were abandoned by customers during the day time.
Time chat : Time to consider the agent-customer chat reached the limit.
ACD : Maximum number of customers who are waiting to be answered by an agent chat.
Maximum Interactions per Agent: Limits the amount of active interactions the agent can get. The rest of the interactions wait in queue.
Enable: The system can have a non working Facebook campaign, without the need of deleting it entirely and lose information. If checked, the campaign can be used.
Canned-Responses: Pre designed responses can be added in this section, this ones will appear in a list when the Agent has an interaction with a client. With the + and - buttons, responses can be added or deleted from the table.
To add or remove agents from campaigns, the user must follow the same steps mentioned in the Omnichannel - Members section.
Facebook agent
This is how the agent uses Facebook in the portal.
Facebook wall
The agent will have in his inbox the facebook post with which the interaction begins.
It will be titled with the name of the campaign through which the interaction entered and the name of the page to which it was sent.
The agent must open (select from the list) the interaction from the list of interactions located to the left of the unified inbox in order to view the full post.
At the top of the interaction is detailed:
The campaign for which the message is entered.
The name of the Facebook user to which the comment belongs.
Below you can see the box to write the message (response that the agent will send) and the following buttons:
Canned Responses In the campaign configuration, pre-defined responses can be added, which will appear in this section so that the agent can use them directly.
Attachment The Agent may attach different types of files to the message.
Emojis A list of emojis will be displayed to add to the messages.
Send It will send the written message to the client.
Messenger Response
Lets you reply to wall posts with private Messenger messages.
By clicking on Message displays a box like the following.
Here you will see the campaign for which the message begins and a text box to compose the message
Clicking on the start interaction button will open a Messenger interaction.
Facebook Supervisor
Facebook campaigns monitoring
Users with a supervisor profile will be able to see real-time statistics of Facebook campaigns.
To access the campaign statistics panel, you must access it through the uContact side menu in the Supervisor-> Campaigns-> Social Networks section and select the Facebook tab in the upper right corner of the screen:
This section shows:
Icon Icon Agent Status . Along with the status icon you may appear: if the agent is in a phone call appears ; and if the agent is to break the break for that picture will appear .
Channel Status If the agent has an interaction opened, the logo of this one will appear in this column. If the agent is attending more than one type of interaction, this ones will appear next to each other.
Status Agent Status in real time. States can be Offline , Busy, Free, Free Busy in break and break ( still break any available ) .
Agent Name agents members of the campaign.
Completed Number of messages completed by agent.
Time Time of the last change agent status
It shows the data of Facebook clients that are waiting to be served by a system agent. The specific information of the clients is:
Number Client's telephone number
On Hold Client's waiting time.
Facebook recordings
Every facebook interaction gets to be saved in the system, you can see them here filtering by date, campaign and user.