Reports - Supervision

Reports - Supervision

Menu to generate system reports based on historical data.

Report Generator


On the upper left corner there is a search field to filter reports.

Parameters in each report can be configured on Reports Administration.

Usually, the user will find the following parameters to generate the report:

Initial and Final Dates which can be selected using calendars with date and time detail.

Language of the report, which is selected in a combo box.

After adjusting each parameter, click on the generate button to display it on screen.

Report Viewer


  • Downloads the generated report with this format.

  • Downloads the generated report with .csv format.

  • Shows or hides the report, allowing the user to easily come back to the parameters section and change them if needed.

  • Schedule a report to be sent to an specified email address with the updated data.

  • See all scheduled reports, you can also delete them.

To know more details about schedule click on the following link: Schedule.

Available Reports

uContact has built-in reports in these areas

  • Reports for the information generated by the activity of the agents to login, paused, logout the system:

  • Total breaks: Aggregation of the agent’s breaks grouped for each of these.

  • Breaks Details: Detail breaks all aggregated detailed agents per agent in each action.

  • Pauses Detail: Detail breaks all aggregated detailed agents per agent in each action. 

  • Login Detail: Detail all agent´s logins detailed aggregated by agent in every action.

  • Total Logins: Aggregation of grouped agent’s logins for each of these.

  • Total pauses: Agent´s pauses aggregation grouped by each of these.

  • Reports for the information generated by the system audit, consulting allowing the user activity in the system.

  • Auditory Detail: Details logged activity in the system in a given time period.

  • Supervision Detail: Detail supervisor detailing activity monitoring executions, tracks, etc.

  • DNCR: Detail of the content of the do not call registry.

  • Reports for the information generated by the Web chat module (for making it available)

  • Conversation History: History of all conversations conducted in a given period and user groups.

  • Abandon Detail: Detail of chats abandoned them all (they never answered.)

  • Abandoned by Day: Detail of abandoned chats every day of the week (which was never answered).

  • Abandoned by Dates: Detail of chats abandoned by all dates in this period (which was never answered).

  • Abandoned On Hours: Detail of all chats abandoned for hours in this period (which was never answered).

  • Completed Detail: Detail of all completed chats (who were seen).

  • Completed by Extension: Summary of all completed chats grouped by internal (which were attended).

  • Completed by Day: Detail of all completed chats per weekday (who were seen).

  • Completed by Dates: Detail of all chats completed by this period dates (which were attended).

  • Completed by Hours: Detail of all completed chats for hours in this period (which were attended).

  • SIP Chat History: History chat messages in SIP.


The option to add an email and the Schedule format will only be available only if you enter from the Report window.


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