SMS providers
The first step is to configure the SMS providers.
Each of the listed providers is compatible with uContact.
Required parameters may vary by provider.
Each provider will provide the necessary data for its correct configuration.
The WhatsApp providers are also configured on this screen.
SMS providers screen
To access the SMS providers screen you must be logged into the uContact portal, then go to the menu on the left side of the screen and select the option Providers SMS / WhatsApp.
Upon entering we will see two sections:
SMS providers
Here we must select the type of API for each provider through the drop-down menu. It should be noted that the options displayed are currently compatible with uContact.
DinstarWeb:Ā Communication by web service.
Quality:Ā API developed for Quality Telecom.
GMG: Communication with API CMG SMS.
Twilio:Ā Communication with API Twilio SMS.
Nexmo:Ā Communication with API Nexmo SMS.
InfoBip:Ā Communication with API InfoBip SMS.
URLSMS:Ā Communication by URL GET.
URLSMSAuth: Communication by URL GET with basic authentication.
SMSMasivo: Communication by URL GET.
URLPOSTSMS:Ā Communication by URL POST.
URLPOSTSMSAuth:Ā Communication by URL POST with basic authentication.
On the right is a table with the providers already created.
After selecting an SMS Provider we will see the fields to configure the provider, these fields may vary as required by the API.
The data will be provided by the SMS provider available to the company.
Possible parameters
URLĀ (SMSEndpoint):Ā
URLSMS:Ā The address to be executed to send the SMS must be added taking into account the following variables:Ā ${phone}, ${message}, ${id}, Ā (ej: Ā${phone}&mensaje=${message}&id={id}).
Dinstar:Ā Ā (WEB and common): GW IP address.
DinstarWeb: HTTP API for Dinstar.
DinstarWebPush: Same as Dinstar web but incoming SMS are Pushed to URL (https://INTEGRASERVER/Integra/resources/InboundSMS/DinstarInboundSMS)
Twilio: It does not carry information.(https://INTEGRASERVER/Integra/resources/InboundSMS/TwillioInboundSMS)
Quality:Ā IP address of the service.
InfoBip:Ā InfoBip account username and password.
SMSMasivo:Ā Username and password of the SMSMasivos account.
UserĀ (SMSUsername)
Takes the user for the SMS sending service.
PasswordĀ (SMSPassword)
Takes the password for the SMS sending service.
SMS Form
(In the case that the API or hardware allows) Outbound name of the SMS.
Port number from which the SMS comes out.
SMS RegExpĀ (SMSNumberRegexp)
Property that validates the format of the cell numbers to which they are sent, in order to have more practical control of whether or not it is sent, for example, ^(09\d{7})$ this function will validate that the number to cell phone is 09XXXXXXX.
SMS Encoding:Ā The providerās encoding type will determine how the text will be displayed.
Messages per second:Ā Limit of messages that will be sent by this provider per second.
Messages per second If it is 0, it does not limit the number of messages that can be sent per second.
After completing the fields we press the "Save" button and the provider will be added to the list.
To delete a Provider we simply select it from the list and, once we see its data loaded, we press the "Delete" button.
This table shows how regular expressions are user in the control:
.Ā Ā Ā Dot, any character (may or may not match line terminators, read on). \dĀ Ā Ā A digit: [0-9]. \DĀ Ā Ā A non-digit: [^0-9] \sĀ Ā Ā A white space character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]. \SĀ Ā Ā A non-white space character: [^\s]. \wĀ Ā Ā A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9]. \WĀ Ā Ā A non-word character: [^\w]. |
\ Ā Ā Ā Escape the next meta-character (it becomes a normal/literal character). ^ Ā Ā Ā Match the beginning of the line. . Ā Ā Ā Match any character (except newline). $ Ā Ā Ā Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end). | Ā Ā Ā Alternation (āorā statement). ()Ā Ā Ā Grouping. []Ā Ā Ā Custom character class. |
+Ā Ā Ā Match 1 or more times ?Ā Ā Ā Match 1 or 0 times {n}Ā Ā Match exactly n times {n,} Ā Match at least n times {n,m}Ā Match at least n but not more than m times. |
The provider's configuration must be carried out by a user with access to this data, since the lack or error in any of them will not allow its correct operation.