Administrator uContact Play

Administrator uContact Play

This document show the steps to follow in Gamification to have the necessary configuration to start the game.

The tasks of configuration will be performed by the Supervisor.

The role of the administrator does not participate in the game and his screen is in the Portal, can:

  • Configure and start a new game for a determinate area.

  • Create and save a new model of the game, putting a new image in the screen and marking another way.

  • Create daily goals, assign points and import new data.

  • Create new badges, view and modify badges created.

  • Create groups and teams competing in an area and the agents or groups that exist in each. Ā Assign the members of each one.

Supervisor user login with the uContact system.

In the menu of the left, open tag Gamification.

Areas and Groups CreationĀ 

The first thing to do in the Configuration, is to register the Areas and Groups. For them, select the functionality "Levels".

A new screen similar to the following appears:

With the left side panel, Areas and Groups can be created.

With the right side panel, the user can assign Groups to Areas, by selecting the area in the tab "Areas" and the groups in the tab "Groups", and then pressing the green button.
Now in the "Groups of Bussines Area", the groups that where assign are shown.

Assign Participants

After that Areas and Groups are created, the agents to the groups and areas must be assigned. Ā For this, go to "Participants". Similar to the following screen will look like:

In the table of "Agents", you can see all the Agents defined in the system. To assign them to a group, must first select the group and then add the agents.

The same thing happens with the assignation of groups to areas, must first select the area and then the groups.

In order to delete agents from a group, the user must select the group first from the tab "Groups", and there the tab "Agents" will be filled with the agents from that selected group.Ā 
After this, select the agent and press the Delete button above.

The groups assigned to the areas can be deleted the same way as explained before.
An area must be selected, then the group that the user wants to erase and press the Delete button.

Creating Measures

With the participants defined, must create performance measures. Ā For that, go to the functionality "Measures".

It would appear the similar following screen:

To create a measure, select the appropriate area, enter name and press "Save".

The measures created can be information generated by uContact or third systems.

Creating Objectives

After creating the performance measures, must create the performance measures for each objectives. For that, go to the tag "Objectives" inside Gamification.

For each performance measure created, you must enter the target for this measure and the points assigned to meet that goal. The user can see how many points are going to be assigned to the agent per acction. Points per action are calculated with the formula: (objectives/points) = points per action.

Meaning, if we have as an example a measure called "Number of Calls" and as objective we want 50 calls to be done that in case this ones are completed a total of 100 point will be given. The points per action for this measure will be 2, applying the formula: 100/50=2.

In the table all the objectives are set for a particular area.

There is an option as well to choose the hours the points will be multiplied, being able to chose a higher value to a measure depending on the time of the day the action was done.

Creating Models :

The way in which the agents will see their progress must be defined in this section.

To create the model the values to complete are:

  • Name: Name of the desired model.

  • Image: An image is uploaded to the model. A JPG or PNG file can be used. By defect "Simpson City" will be setted.

  • Width: Width that is going to have the model.

  • Height: Height that is going to have the model.

Note: Model names must be unique, taking into consideration models already created as well as deleted ones from the system.

Then, the grid must be completed with the path chosen.Ā In order to do this you must click on the black spots that appear on the model selected.

Creating a Game

After we create the areas, groups, measures, objectives, model, and we have assigned participants, we can create the game and active it. Ā For that you have to go to the tag "Game" inside Gamification. A screen will look like the following:

To create the game you must:

  • Select the area.

  • Select the model, background, that will use.

  • Select the game type.

  • Enter a name for the game.

  • Chose the points that will be the goal for each lap. The user can see on the right, how many Laps that are going to be necessary to reach the individual goal.

  • Enter an individual goal and group.

Then, press "Activate", it will see that add a "tick" in the game active up in the model.

The group and area goal, is the number of points that the groups of agents need to complete one Lap and with this complete the established goal. It is important to highlight that once the game is activated, this values can not be modified.Ā 

If the game is active, as the top checkbox shows on top of the model image, the user has the possibility to hide or show the Ranking tab in the game for the Agents, by clicking in the checkbox aboveĀ "Enable Ranking".

Creating Badges

The Administrator also can create Levels and Badges.The levels are "ranges" that can have the agents, depending the amount of Badges that already have.


By defect 6 different levels are shown:

  • Newcomer

  • Learner

  • Beginner

  • Top

  • Teacher

  • Expert

To add one, you must enter a name and the amount of according badges. Ā Then press "Save".


Must select a category, enter a name, description. Then press "Save". Ā The image that will have Ā badge is by default, this one can be changed for another ones that come by defect as well, clasified by categories in the portal or can be uploaded to the portal, this one must be square.

Under the categories of Commitment, Performance and Collaboration. The user can create a new category, in order to do that a name must be given where the categories are selected by defect and press the enter button. This way, the new category is created, ready for some badges to be added.

When all the badges are deleted from a category, this last one gets deleted too.Ā 
Important: In case all the categories get deleted, to create a new one the user must click in the categories field and press the enter button, this will allow to enter the name of the new category.

Import Data

The main form for data entry is through a Web Service.

You can also enter data using the Web Service /Integra/resources/GM_Integration/LoadActions with parameters: measureName, dataHour, agentName, amountActions (the last is to upload several actions in the same time).

See section : API Gamification

Another way to enter data is through the files. Having created performance measures, you can be accredit points to agents by functionality "Import Data". Similar to the following screen will look like:

The functionality "Import Data", is based on importing a .csv document, which must have the following format:

  • Agent: Name of the agent.

  • Performance Measure: Name of the performance measure(there must be an existing one in order to adjudicate points to it).

  • Points: Points made for that action. Afterwards, this value will be multiplied for the number of points per action of the measure, and the total of points will be assigned.
    The formula used is: (assigned points = Points * Perfomance Measure).
    Ā The points per action of the measures can be seen in the Objectives by the supervisor.


Fields in the .csv file must be separated by a semicolon (;).

userAgent;namePerformanceMeasure;points Agent1;MeasureTest;100

GamesĀ restrictions

For the proper functioning of the game, certain rules must be observed:

  • No new players might be added to a group during an active game.

  • Will not be able to add new performance measures for an active game.

  • The model that is being used can not be changed while struggling with it.

  • The images you want to upload both to badges images of group must be square and be of the type .jpg or .png.

  • Wanting award points to agents by importing files should be aware of the existence of the performance measures used, but will not be charged and these data are lost.

  • You can not import file to an agent that is still not an active game, because those points but never will be credited to the agent.

  • By entering negative of zero goals, points per share are not going to show.

  • A group once created can not be Edit or, only you can change its image.

  • You can not create a new group for an area with an active game.

  • Both the name of a badge as a measure of performance or descriptions, should not be not more words separated by spaces to 15 characters.

  • You can not repeat names of games that are or were active, not models that were used such name ever.

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