The incorporation of Infobip to our service provides a better experience for our clients.
There are many possibilities that highlight how useful this service is
Setting up Infobip in uContact should only follow a few simple steps, but first we must verify that it has everything required to create a provider and campaign.
Account configured in Infobip and access to it
Enabled contact number
Login to uContact with a user with permission to create SMS campaigns and dialers.
1. Configure account
In the Infobip account you must create a ScenarioKey
UContact Webhooks are also configured so that Infobip sends messages to the portal.
2. Obtaining access parameters
In infobip you will find the API Keys that you will need to create the provider in uContact
3. Create uContact Provider
LogIn to uContact with a user with permissions to create SMS Providers.
Once inside we go to Administrator ā Providers ā SMS
We select InfobipWhatsapp from the list of providers and complete the fields:
To identify the providerUser
Created ScenarioKeyPassword
Infobip API KeySMS from
WhatsApp Number, only numbers.
By clicking on Save the provider will be ready to work.