Otro cambios

Otro cambios


Cambiar Trigger de queue_log para poder computar las llamadas que estan en descanso para el perfil del agente.

delimiter // CREATE DEFINER=`ccuser`@`%` TRIGGER `ccdata`.`tg_queue_log_repo_loginfix` BEFORE INSERT ON ccdata.queue_log FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE LASTEVENT varchar(20); DECLARE LASTDATE datetime; DECLARE LOGOFFTIME INT; DECLARE LASTEVENTPAUSE varchar(20); select event into @LASTEVENTPAUSE from queue_log where agent = new.agent and queuename= NEW.queuename and event in ('PAUSE', 'UNPAUSE') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; IF (@LASTEVENTPAUSE = 'PAUSE')THEN IF(new.event = 'OUTCALL')then SET new.data = 'BREAK'; END IF; END IF; IF (new.event = 'AGENTLOGIN') THEN SET LASTEVENT = ''; SET LASTDATE = ''; SET LOGOFFTIME = ''; select event, datetime INTO @LASTEVENT,@LASTDATE from ccrepo.queue_log_repo where agent = new.agent and event in ('AGENTLOGIN','AGENTLOGOFF') and `datetime` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 hour)order by `datetime` desc limit 1; IF (@LASTEVENT = 'AGENTLOGIN') THEN SET @LOGOFFTIME := TIME_TO_SEC(NOW())- TIME_TO_SEC(@LASTDATE)-1; insert into ccrepo.queue_log_repo (`datetime`,`callid`,`queuename`, `agent`, `event`, `data`, `data1`, `data2`, `data3`, `data4`, `data5`) values (NOW()-1,'NONE', 'NONE', new.agent,'AGENTLOGOFF','', @LOGOFFTIME, @LOGOFFTIME,'','','BYTGR'); END IF; END IF; END;//



Columna de Campañas Nueva
ALTER TABLE `ccdata`.`queues` ADD COLUMN `dialstring` VARCHAR(100) NULL AFTER `quality`;
Nuevos indices
ALTER TABLE `ccrepo`.`cdr_repo` ADD INDEX `inx_contact` (`contact` ASC), ADD INDEX `inx_contactq` (`contact` ASC, `campaign` ASC);

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