Menu for report management.
The reports will be created with iReport.
Reports can be created with iReport reporting tool.
Ucontact Name | File Name | Group | Info | Ā |
Totals Breaks | TiemposPausaBreakPorAgente.jrxml | Agents | A date range and one or more agents are selected. The report details the total time break which the agents took. | |
Details Breaks | DetalleDePausasPorAgenteBreak.jrxml | Agents | Shows for each agent, the break start date, final date, reason for the break and duration in seconds of the break. Records are grouped by agent alphabetically. | |
Login Details | DetalleLoginPorAgente.jrxml | Agents | Shows the detail of the login of the agents. Returns the login date, logoff date, the agent that did the login and duration of the login. | |
Pauses detail | DetalleDePausasPorAgente.jrxml | Agents | Shows for each agent the start date of the pause, final date of the pause, duration of the pause. The records are grouped by agent alphabetically. | |
List of Agents and Campaigns | ListadosAgentesCampanas.jxrml | Agents | Show each campaign agent, along with its name, type and extension. | |
Logins Totals | TiemposLoginRealPorAgente.jrxml | Agents | A date range is selected and one or more agents. The report details the total login time that the agents had. | |
Pauses Totals | TiemposPausaRealPorAgente.jrxml | Agents | A date range is selected and one or more agents. The report details the total paused time that the agents had. | |
Auditory Detail | ReporteAuditoria.jrxml | Auditory | Shows the detail of the events made by the system administrators. The date in which the action was made, the user, under which serSee was made and a description of the event. | |
Supervision Detail | AuditoriaMonitoreoSupervision.jrxml | Auditory | This report shows the generated records when a supervisor monitors an agent. Returns the monitoring date, the supervisor, the supervised agent and the duration that it was in spy mode. | |
List of DNCR records | TelefonosBloqueadosDNCR.jrxml | Auditory | The report details the calls that where blocked because the number was on the black list. It provides information about the campaign and the number that was attempted to call. | |
Chats sip by date | ConSeesacionesSipPorFecha.jrxml | Chat | A date range is selected. It shows all chat made between those dates, indicating the origin and destination extension. | |
SIP Unitary chats | ChatSIPAux.jrxml | Chat | A date range is selected and an extension. It shows all chats of that extension either source or destination. | |
Historical local chat | ChatSIP.jrxml | Chat | A date range is selected, a source extension and destination extension. Shows all chats between those extensions. | |
CDR - Complete | DetalleCDRCompleto.jrxml | Details | This report brings a detail of the records in the cdr_repo table. | |
CDR - Summary Detail by answered queues | DetalleCDRResumidoXColasAtendidas.jrxml | Details | Shows a resume of the records in the cdr_repo table, the rows that return are: date of the call, source and destination, the duration of the agent, destination channel, the row and user field (customizable field for each client). | |
CDR - Summary Detail by excel queues | DetalleCDRResumidoXColasExcel.jrxml | Details | Shows a resume of the records in the cdr_repo table, returns the call date, source and destination, duration of the call, the agent that made it and under which campaign the call was made. | |
CDR - Summarized | DetalleCDRResumido.jrxml | Details | Shows a resume of the records in the cdr_repo table. It shows the date, source and destination of the call, duration, name of the agent and campaign to which it belongs. | |
CDR - Summarized by Queue | DetalleCDRResumidoXColas.jrxml | Details | Shows a resume of the records in the cdr_repo table grouping those records by call status (ANSWERED, FAIL, BUSY, NOANSWERED). | |
CDR - Summarized by Source | DetalleCDRResumidoXOrigen.jrxml | Details | Shows the same information that DetalleCDRResumidoXColasExcel.jrxml, the difference is that allows to filter by source. | |
CDR - Summarized by Destination | DetalleCDRResumidoXDestino.jrxml | Details | Shows the same information that DetalleCDRResumidoXColasExcel.jrxml, the difference is that allows to filter by destination. | |
Cost by campaign | DetalleLlamadasCampana.jrxml | Details | Shows a detail of the calls filtered by campaign and agent. Returns the date of the call, the number of the call, the source phone from which the call was made and destination phone, the duration of the call, a description of the carrier and costs of the same. | |
Cost by extension | DetalleLlamadasExtension.jrxml | Details | Shows a detail of the cost by call made. Returns the date in which the call was made, the source phone, destination phone, duration of the call, description of the carrier and cost of the call. | |
Cost by carrier | DetalleCarrierMargin.jrxml | Details | This report shows the cost of the calls in case the client handles a Carrier. Returns the date of the call, the agent that made it, The source phone, destination phone, duration of the call, a description and cost of the call. | |
Call Flow by ID | FlujoDeLlamadaPorID.jrxml | Details | The user enters a unique id of the call as parameter. The report returns a flow of that call. Provides information about the date, campaign, agent, event and details of the event. | |
Calls Flow | FlujoDeLlamadasID.jrxml | Details | The user selects one or more campaigns. The report returns a detail of the flow of the calls associated to those campaigns. It provides the same information as FlujoDeLlamadaID.jrxml | |
Summary time by operator | ResumenDeTiempoPorOperador.jrxml | Details | A date range is selected and one or more campaigns. The report details the total spoken time grouped by campaign, provider and days. | |
Completed by Days | CampanasSalientesCompletadasPorDia.jrxml | Dialers | This report shows the amount of calls made for one campaign of the dialer. Returns the day of the week and the amount of answered calls (disposition='ANSWER') for that day and for that dialers campaign. | |
Completed By Days detailed | CampanasSalientesCompletadasPorDias.jrxml | Dialers | This report shows the amount of calls made for one campaign of the dialer. Returns the number of the day on the range of the selected dates and the amount of answered calls (disposition='ANSWERED') for that day for the dialers campaign. | |
Completed by Hours | CampanasSalientesCompletadasPorHoras.jrxml | Dialers | This report shows the amount of calls made for one campaign of the dialer grouping the calls by hour from the morning until the afternoon. Returns the hour and amount of calls for that hour. | |
Dialer detail by campaign | DetalleDiscadorPorCampana.jrxml | Dialers | This report shows the total of processed, answered busy and other statuses and outgoing not processed for the selected campaigns. | |
Not Processed Dialers | DetalleDiscadorSinProcesar.jrxml | Dialers | Shows the name of the dilaers campaign, the source phone number that was dialed, the status of the call and additional information about the call. STATUS: 0 - PROCESSING STATUS: 1 - TO PROCESS (inserted on spool ready to STATUS: 2 - EXCEEDED RETRIES STATUS: 3 - BLOCKED RETRY: 0 - | |
Monthly Statics | DiscadoresPorMeses.jrxml | Dialers | Shows the amount of processed calls by the dialers, grouped by the months corresponding to the selected dates set by the user. Returns the amount of processed calls, amount of calls with answer and percentage of answered calls according the number of processed calls. | |
Not processed by campaign | DetalleDiscadorNoProcesadasXColas.jrxml | Dialers | Shows all the phone numbers that are not yet processed by the dialer. | |
Not processed DNCR | DetalleDiscadorBloqueadasDCNR.jrxml | Dialers | Shows all phone numbers that are blocked, this means that belong to the black list and they should not be called by the dialers. | |
Outbound No Answer | DetalleCampanasSalientesXColasNoAtendidas.jrxml | Dialers | Same as DetalleCampanasSalientesXColas.jrxml, the only difference is that the query filters by disposition != ANSWERED, is it to say, for all calls that where not answered. | |
Outbound by Status | DetalleCampanasSalientesXColas.jrxml | Dialers | This report shows the calls made by de dialers campaign grouped by the call status (ANSWERED, BUSY, NO ANSWERED, FAIL). Returns the date in which the call was made, the source number and destination number, the duration of the call and type of dialer (PowerDialer or VoiceBroadCast) as well as the name of the associated campaign. | |
Statistical data Dialers | DatosEstadisticosDiscadores.jrxml | Statistical | This report shows the amount of answered calls, total of busy calls, total amount of calls in other statuses and total amount of calls that where not retried. Returns the rows previously mentioned. | |
Inbound statistics | DatosEstadisticosEntrantes.jrxml | Statistical | This report shows the amount of incoming calls, answered, abandoned, transferred, percentage of answered calls, percentage of abandoned calls, amount of answered calls to a lesser or equal to the time entered by the user, amount of answered calls greater to the time entered. The time that is entered by parameter is the time it took to answer the call in seconds. | |
Outbond per channel Distribution | DistribucionCanalesSalientes.jrxml | Statistical | Shows the number of outgoing calls made, that time of day under that channel was made. | |
Calls Distribution | DistribucionLlamadas.jrxml | Statistical | Shows the amount of outbound and inbound calls that where made by hour and channel, plus shows the total amount of calls by hour (inbound + outbound) See | |
Inbound per channel Distribution | DistribucionCanalesEntrantes.jrxml | Statistical | Shows the amount of inbound calls that where made, by hour of the day and under which channel was made. | |
Inbound - Abandoned | DatosEstadisticosEntrantesAbandonadas.jrxml | Statistical | This report shows the amount of abandoned calls as well as the aSeeage waiting time of those abandoned calls, the maximum waiting time of the abandoned calls, the minimum waiting time of the abandoned calls, the aSeeage position of the queue in which the call was positioned when the call was hanged up, the maximum position on the queue when the call was hanged up. | |
Inbound - Completed | DatosEstadisticosEntrantesCompletadas.jrxml | Statistical | This report shows the aSeeage waiting time for the answered calls, maximum waiting time for the answered calls, aSeeage ringing time for answered calls, maximum ringing time for answered calls, aSeeage duration, maximum duration, minimum duration, how many calls where completed hanged up by the agent, how many where completed that the client hanged up, amount of transferred, amount of calls that where hanged up, amount of calls that did not had an answer and amount of calls between the service level. | |
Outbound - Completed | DatosEstadisticosSalientesCompletadas.jrxml | Statistical | This report returns the number to which the call was made, the amount of calls to the called number, the call with maximum duration, the number that has the maximum duration of call, the calls that where made between the service level, the amount of calls made and the amount of not answered calls. | |
Outbound calls grouped by Status | LlamadasSalientesAgrupadaPorEstado.jrxml | Statistical | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound calls grouped by Status. | |
Fax Detail | DetalleFAX.jrxml | FAX | Shows in detail the inbound and outbound faxes of the system. The date, source number, destination number, duration, name of the file that was saved on the base and campaign. | |
Fax by Hour | FaxPorHoras.jrxml | FAX | Shows the amount of inbound and outbound faxes grouped by day hours. | SeeĀ |
Action Details per Agent | DetalleAccionesDeAgentes.jrxml | General | This report shows the actions made by the agents. The date and time in which the event was made (action of the agent), the associated event (login, outgoing call, etc), reason (only in case that the event is a break), duration of the action of the agent and if appropriate, the id of the call. | |
Detail Transfered Calls | DetalleLlamadasTransferidas.jrxml | General | Shows the transferred calls in detail, returning the date of transference, the number of the person that called, the associated campaign, the agent that answered the call, the extension to which the call was transferred and duration of the call. | |
Transferred Calls Statistics | EstadisticasLlamadasTransferidas.jrxml | General | Shows the amount of transferred calls by destination extension, the waited time and spoken time of the call. | |
Black List | ReporteListaNegra.jrxml | General | Shows the date, the agent and number that belongs to the black list. Shows a detail of attempted calls to the numbers that belong to the black list but where not able to be done because is not allowed. | |
Transferred Calls | CantidadLlamadasTransferidas.jrxml | General | This report shows the amount of transferred calls from a source agent to a destination number. Returns the source agent that made the transference as well as the destination of the same and amount of calls. | |
Agents Performance | PerformanceAgentes.jrxml | General | The user selects one or more agents and a date range. The report details the time spoken by the agent, log in time of the agent, break time of the agent, free time of the agent (LoginTime - SpokenTime - BreakTime + SpokenOnBreakTime) | |
Campaign Summary per Range | ResumenCampanasRangos.jrxml | General | Shows for each day on 30 minutes intervals, the amount of calls made, the amount of outbound answered calls, the amount of inbound answered calls, the amount of calls on a waiting time lesser than 30 seconds, the amount of calls with a time lesser than 90 seconds, the amount of calls with a waiting time lesser than 120 seconds, the amount of calls with a waiting time greater than 120 seconds, the amount of abandoned calls, the aSeeage waiting time, the aSeeage spoken time. | |
Summary call per hour | DetallesLlamadasResumidasPorHoras.jrxml | General | One or more campaigns are selected on a date range. The report details the amount of calls, the aSeeage waited time and the maximum waiting time. | |
Call Summary per agent | LlamadasGeneralesAgente.jrxml | General | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents, a date range. The report details per agent, the amount of inbound answered calls, the amount of inbound not answered calls, the amount of outgoing answered calls, the amount of outdoing not answered calls, the duration spoken time (does not include waiting time) for all inbound calls, the duration spoken time (does not include waiting time) for all outbound calls. | |
Completed by Agent | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorAgente.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of completed inbound calls (COMPLETECALLER or COMPLETEAGENT) by agents. | |
Completed by Day | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorDias.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of completed inbound calls by agent grouped by day of the week. | |
Completed by Day and Hour | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorDiasHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details de amount of completed inbound calls grouped by day of the week and hour. | |
Completed by Dates | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorFechas.jrxml | Inbound | The user select one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of completed calls for each day of the date range previously selected. | |
Completed by Date and Hour | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorFechasHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents, a date range. The report details the amount of completed calls grouping the rows by date and hour. | |
Completed by Hour | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of completed calls grouping by hours of a day of work. | |
Completed by Month | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorMeses.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of completed calls grouping by the months that are between the selected date range. | |
Completed by month, day and hour | LlamadasEntrantesCompletadasPorMesesDiasHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of completed calls grouped by day, month and hour. | |
Completed by Number | LlamadasEntrantesPorNumero.jrxml | Inbound | The user enters a determinate phone number. The report details the ammount of ibonud calls for that number. | |
Inbound OSeeflow | CantidadLlamadasDesborde.jrxml | Inbound | This report shows the amount of abandoned calls grouped by the next reasons: 1) Exit due to button pressed 2) Exit due to queue oSeeflow 3) Exit due to empty campaign | |
Inbound OSeeflow Detail | DetalleLlamadasDesborde.jrxml | Inbound | Shows for each calls of a campaign, which where abandoned because the user pressed a button (table1), which where abandoned because a timeout occurred for a queue, this means that the user waited a time greater than the established timeout on the queue (table2), which where abandoned because there where not available agents on the queue to answer the call (table3). Returns the campaign name, number to which the call was made, source queue position and final position and the waited time. | |
Abandoned Detail | DetalleLlamadasEntrantesAbandonadas.jrxml | Inbound | Shows a detail of the abandoned calls returning the date, number that was called, to which campaign entered, the queue position on the time that was abandoned, the original position that had on the queue at the time it was abandoned and the time that was waiting on the queue. | |
Detail Abandoned by Agents | DetalleLlamadasEntrantesAbandonadasAgente.jrxml | Inbound | It shows a detail of the calls that were not answered by agents and consequently were abandoned. Returns the date of the call, the phone that made the call, the bell associate and agent where ringbut bib not attend. | |
Completed Detail | DetelleLlamadasEntrantesCompletadas.jrxml | Inbound | Shows the amount of calls that where completed by agents. Grouping the records by agent. It shows the date of the call, number that called, campaign, waiting time that the client had, total call time and the starting position of the call on the waiting queue. | |
Not answered per Agent | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorAgente.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls for those agents. | |
No Answer by Day | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorDias.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls grouped by days of the week. | |
No Answer by Day and Hour | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorDiasHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls grouped by days of the week and hour. | |
No Answer by Dates | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorFechas.jrxml | Inbound | Th user selects one or more campaigns and a range of dates. The report details the amount of not answered calls by day and for the selected date range. | |
No Answer by Dates and Hour | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorFechasHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls by those agents grouped by date and hour. | |
No Answer by Hours | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls grouped by hours.} | |
No Answer by Month | LlamadasEntrantesNoAtendidasPorMeses.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls for the months between the selected date range. | |
No Answer by Month, Day and Hours | LlamadasentrantesNoAtendidasPorMesesDiasHoras.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and a date range. The report details the amount of not answered calls grouped by month, day of the week and hour. | |
Abandoned Range | RangoAbandonadas.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, inserts 3 different time parameters (p1,p2,p3) (making reference to the waiting time). The report shows for each day the amount of abandoned calls in which waiting time is lesser than p1, which waiting time is between p1 and p2, which waiting time is between p2 and p3 and which waiting time is greater than p3. | |
Answered Range | RangoContestadas.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, inserts 3 different time parameters (p1,p2,p3) (making reference to the call duration). The report returns for each day the amount of completed calls that has a duration lesser than p1, amount of calls which duration es between p1 and p2, amount of calls which duration is greater than p3. | |
Times by Agent | LlamadasEntrantesTiempoPorAgente.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details for each agent his waiting time, spoken time and the sum of the spoken time plus the waiting time for the selected date range. | |
ASeeage call time by Agent | LlamadasEntrantesTiempoPromedioAgente.jrxml | Inbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details for each agent the aSeeage spoken time for the date range selected. | |
Inbound Campaign Summary | ResumenCampanaRangoEntrantes.jrxml | Inbound | Shows by intervals of 30 minutes, the amount of inbound answered calls, amount of inbound not answered calls, the amount of inbound calls with a waiting time lesser than 30 seconds, amount of inbound calls with a waiting time between 30 and 60 seconds, amount of inbound calls with a waiting time between 60 and 90 seconds, amount of inbound calls with a waiting time between 90 and 120 seconds, the aSeeage spoken time and the aSeeage waiting time for that time range. | |
Inbound Campaign Summary by Date | ResumenCampanaRangoEntrantesPorFechas.jrxml | Inbound | Shows for each day of the selected date range the amount of inbound answered calls, the amount of inbound not answered calls, the amount of inbound calls with a waiting time between 30 and 60 seconds, the amount of inbound calls with a waiting time between 60 and 90 seconds, the amount of inbound calls with a waiting time between 90 and 120 seconds, the aSeeage spoken time and the aSeeage waited time for that time range. | |
Cancelled by Agent | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorAgente.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details, grouped by agents, the amount of cancelled calls for the date range selected. | |
Cancelled by Days and Hour | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorDiasHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of outbound cancelled calls grouped by day of the week and hour. | |
Cancelled by Dates | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorFechas.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of cancelled calls grouping by days that are between the date range selected. | |
Cancelled by Date and Hour | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorFechasHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of cancelled calls grouping by date and hours of the day between the selected date range. | |
Cancelled by Hour | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of cancelled calls grouped by hours. | |
Cancelled by Month | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorMeses.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of cancelled calls grouped by months that are between the selected date range. | |
Cancelled by month, day and hour | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorMesesDiasHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of cancelled calls grouped by months, days of the week and hour between the selected date range. | |
Cancelled by Number | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorNumero.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the number that was called, the status of the call and the amount of cancelled calls for that number. | |
Cancelled by Day | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasPorDias.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and a date range. The report details the amount of cancelled calls for days of the week. | |
Completed by Agent | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorAgente.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns, one or more agents and inserts a number making reference to the duration of the call. The report details the amount of outbound calls for those agents that meet the condition that the call is greater to the entered number for the user. | |
Completed by Days | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorDias.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound completed calls grouping by days of the week. | |
Completed by Days and hour | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorDiasHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound completed calls grouped by days of the week and hour. | |
Completed by Dates | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorFechas.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound completed calls grouping by days of the selected date range. | |
Completed by Dates and Hour | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorFechasHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound completed calls grouped by date and hour. | |
Completed by Hours | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound calls grouped by hours of the day. | |
Completed by Month | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorMeses.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound calls grouped by months that are between the selected date range. | |
Completed by Month, Day and Hour | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorMesesDiasHoras.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound completed calls. | |
Completed by Number | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasPorNumero.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the amount of outbound completed calls grouping by number. Plus it provides information about the status of the call. | |
Completed Detail | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasDetalle.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details for each selected agents, the outbound completed calls that made and provides the next information: date of the call, name of the agent, number to which the call was made, spoken time, total time (includes waiting time). | |
Detail Cancelled by Status | LlamadasSalientesCanceladasListadasPorEstado.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more bells, one or more agents, and the report by grouping by state, the date of the call, the bell, the agent who made the call, and the number that was called. | |
Listing completed by state | LlamadasSalientesCompletadasListadasporEstado.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the outbound completed calls grouping by status of the same. It also provides the next information: date of the call, agent that made the call called number, duration of the call and total duration of the call (includes waiting time). | |
Outbound Campaign Summary | ResumenCampanaRangoSalientes.jrxml | Outbound | Shows on intervals of 30 minutes the amount of outbound answered calls, the amount of outbound not answered calls, the amount of outbound calls with a waiting time lesser than 30 seconds, amount of outbound calls with a waiting time between 30 and 60 seconds. amount fo outbound calls with a waiting time between 60 and 90 seconds, amount of outbound calls with a waiting time between 90 and 120 seconds, amount of outbound calls with a waiting time greater than 120 seconds, the aSeeage spoken time and the aSeeage waited time for that time range. | |
Outbound Campaign Summary by dates | ResumenCampanaRangoSalientesPorFechas.jrxml | Outbound | Shows for the date range selected, the amount of outbound answered calls, the among of outbound not answered calls, the amount of outbound calls with a waiting time lesser than 30 seconds, amount of outbound calls with a waiting time between 30 and 60 seconds, amount of outbound waiting time between 60 and 90 seconds, amount of outbound calls with a waiting time between 90 and 120 seconds, amount of outbound calls with a waiting time greater than 120 seconds, the aSeeage spoken time and the aSeeage waited time for that time range. | |
Times by Agent | LlamadasSalientesTiempoPorAgente.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details by agent the total waited time, the total spoken time and the sum of both for the selected date range. | |
ASeeage call time by Agent | LlamadasSalientesTiempoPromedioAgente.jrxml | Outbound | The user selects one or more campaigns and one or more agents. The report details the aSeeage spoke time by agent for the selected date range. | |
Amount of SMS by day and agent | CantidadSMSPorDiaAgente.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected and one or more agents. The report details the amount of SMS by day for each Agent. | |
Amount of SMS by hour and agent | CantidadSMSPorHoraAgente.jrxml | SMS | A date range and one or more agent are selected. The report details the amount of SMS by hour for each Agent. | |
Amount of SMS by month and agent | CantidadSMSPorMesAgente.jrxml | SMS | A date range and one or more agent is selected. The report details the amount of SMS by month for each Agent. | |
Amount of SMS by agent | CantidadSMSPorAgente.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected. The report details the amount of SMS by agent between the selected date range. | |
SMS chat | SMSDetalleConSeesacion.jrxml | SMS | A cellphone number is entered. The report details the sent messages and received for that number. | |
Not processed by DNCR | SMSBloqueadosDNCR.jrxml | SMS | One or more campaigns are selected. The report details the sms that where not sent because the destination number was on the black list. The report provides information about the campaign, number that was tried to send the sms and the associated message. | |
Inbound Detail | SMSDetalleEntrante.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected. The report details the received message for those dates. It provides information about the date of the message, the gateway, cellphone number to which the message was sent and the text message. | |
Outbound Detail | SMSDetalleSaliente.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected. The report details the messages sent to those dates. It provides information about the message date, gateway, cellphone number to which the message was sent and the text message. | |
Not processed by error | SMSNoProcesados.jrxml | SMS | One or more campaigns are selected. The report details the not processed messages (not sent by that/those campaign/s. It provides information about the ageway, destination cellphone number and text message. | |
Inbound by Hour | SMSEntrantesPorHoras.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected. The report details the amount of received messages grouped by hour. | |
SMS campaign summary | ResumenSMSPorCampana.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected and one or more campaigns. The report shows a resume of sent sms for each campaign. | |
Outbound by Hour | SMSSalientesPorHoras.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected. The report details the amount of sent messages grouped by hour. | |
Status Outbound SMS | SMSEstadoSalientes.jrxml | SMS | The report details the amount of messages grouped by status. | |
Outbound by Days detailed | SMSSalientePorDias.jrxml | SMS | A date range is selected. The report details the amount of messages sent for that date range grouped by day. |
CDR -Ā Detailed Summary by Queue Excel.