Agent v4 EN

Agent v4 EN





uContact Agent is a module for the call center agent as the total solution for integration with features relating to data capture, monitoring by states and integrated communications with the uContact plataform.

uContact Agent has a security control module to identify agents with a created profile allowing to have a strict control of the campaigns of each of the call center agents.

uContact Agent login is the main page that lets you select the language and role (Agent in this case) in which the user will work and validate his credentials, entering the URL : https://IPSERVER:/uContact



 Once inside the agent portal we will find the following screen:



Inside the portal we can see the varied actions of the agent:





Located in the center of the screen, the chat allows the exchange of short messages with other agents, mainly used to report actions or events among users when they are talking. The operating mode of this module is based on selecting the agent with whom you want to chat, when a new event reaches the agent a beep sound will be heard and a badge inside of the name of the agent.

The chat also includes a feature that allows you to upload and send a file to another agent, or to send a message to all active agents by broadcast.



Located on the left margin of the screen, Allows to pause or unpause the agent, Integra icon turns gray when the agent is paused (not being able to receive incoming from his assigned campaigns).

While the agent is paused, a timer starts counting indicating the time duration of the state as shown in the image starts.

Another way to notice the pause state is by the uContact logo that turns "blurry".

To exit the pause state , just click on the resume button.



Within we can assign different pause actions based on the agents needs.

  • Lunch.

  • Bathroom.

  • Personal.

  • Training.

  • Meeting

  • Data

  • and custom others

-It is possible to delete the default breaks or create new ones.


Forms allow to do CTI, this means that when a call is answered a form appears that contains all the client data based on the callerid, parameters that are passed from the telephony and the logic of the form.



Allows the agent to logoff from the system.



The menu button allows to show/hide the left margin, useful when more space is needed.


On the top right you can see a series of icons which have the functionality to notify the agent about different events .

These are:

  • Waiting calls: Shows the ammount of waiting calls of the agent.

  • WebChat: Shows the ammount of unread chat of the agent.

  • SMS: Shows the ammount of unread sms of the agent.

  • Twitter: Shows the ammount of twitter notifications of the agent.

  • Facebook: Shows the ammount of facebook notifications of the agent.

  • Email: Shows the ammount of unread eMails of the agent.



Located on the upper right corner, the agent can see his user name, current state and online time.

About the agent state:

  • A green circle indicates that the agent is Online

  • A gray circle indicates that the agent is Paused

  • If the agent is on a break, for example "Launch", that icon will be shown.

Clicking on the profile of the agent, deploys a menu that lets him change the background color of the screen, enter the agent profile , change his password, or lock his screen.


Detailed profile

Clicking on the profile button , a tab will open in the center of the screen.


Inside this tab, the agent can see his own progress, incoming and outgoing calls, as well as sms, mail and social media interactions such as twitter or facebook and the webchat of the day.


The agent can also see his logged time, total break time, the time he was speaking and the time he was free.

The free time is the time that the agent was logged without being on a break or making a call. It is to say (Logged - (Spoken + Break)) = Free.

Tables and charts

Besides he has the possibility to see a timeline detailing his activities, a table that indicates the times of each breaks he made and a chart of the day by hour.


The chart is divided by time and shows the number of calls or sms of the agent (whether incoming or outgoing ).

If the mouse is placed above the chart, a picture appears containing the ammount of calls or sms and the time they where made.



  • Both tables (the timeline and the breaks) stocks its data on the pc that the Agent is using, this implies that if the Agent makes a change of pc or cleans the caché of the one he is using, the data of the tables will reset.

  • The times as well as the interaccions of the Agente and the chart saves its data on the server, therefore this data will remain on the Agent's account.

  • All data resets daily.

Password change

The agent has the option to change his password.

A window will appear in which he has to put his old password and his new password in order to change it.



When locked, the agent will not have access to any funcionality. To unlock the screen, the agent's password is needed.

It is important to rembember to put the agent on pause or on a break before locking, otherwise he can get calls which he can not answer.



Allows to show/hide the Right Margin Menu. 



Allows sending text messages to cell phones, indicating the number to which you want to send, the campaign and the text to send.




Allows interaction making external calls. Among the features that will be allowed is the selection of the campaign which will call (in case you have more than one assigned outbound campaign). Moreover you can initiate a call (green button) cut a call (button red), indicate the number to call (text box) or by typing the phone number buttons to which you wish to call. 

Other funcionalities are: Attended Transfer, Hold, Mute and Blind Transfer.




Allows to see the call log of the current sesión of the agent, if the call was incoming or outgoing, the called phone and the talked time.

When clicking on the phone number, it redirects itself leaving ready to dial.


Allows to see the contacts of the system, with the possibility call directly, to transfer a call, answered or blind, add to favourites, start a chat or see the agent's information.


List of agents added to favourite.



When the agent has an incomming call, he will be notified with a sound alert as well as a popup outside the browser, or at the deploy button on the top right corner as shown in the picture.


Taking calls

On an incoming call, at the left margin an icon appears that the agent can use to take the call.

The call can also be taken by clicking the popup as well as deploying the right margin and using the phone.

The call can be rejected by clicking on the cross to close the notification or using the hang up button of the phone.


Unanswered calls

In the event that the agent does not take the call , it will be referred to the next available agent.

Note : The time that the agent has to answer the call is set to the campaign in which the agent is. The system also has AutoAnswer. If it is defined, when taking a call, a beep sound can be heard by the agent to know that he has a call in progress.


Ending calls

To end a call, the agent can click on the Cut button located on the left margin or from the agent's phone .



When the call ends, the agent will be on the WrapUp state. This is to have a controlled time to end the appropriate management.

The WrapUp is a time interval in which the agent can not receive any calls. The time can be seen in the top right of the screen as shown in the image.


Note : WrapUp time is set to the campaign in which the agent is.




This manual is oriented to know the operation of the telephone switchboard and PBX Integra processes and configuration management.

Is orient to resolve all operational functions of a traditional PBX adding administration and management modules with new technologies.

Added to the basic functionality, extending a series of quick options and services, integrated into one product, which will enable the management of multiple communication channels with a single centralized device.


Basic Functions



Allows calls from other extensions be picked up in the following ways:



Pick up a group call (section)

* + XXX

Pick up an extension call determined by XXX 


External Calls

Make calls out (depending on the permissions of the user), permissions are associated to each extension:

Make local calls

Make international calls.

Make calls to cellular phones.

Make internal calls.


9 + number

External call (according to internal permissions)

*25 or

External call with recall possibility



Deviations are possible based on the state of internal or directly based on a specific user requests.



Enable deviation when the extension is busy


Disable deviation when the extension is busy


Enable deviation when the extension is not available


Disable deviation when the extension is not available


Enable total deviation of the extension.


Disable total deviation of the extension.


Check voicemail box


Erasing all messages in voicemail


Activation on demand Call Recording of an extension



Deviation can be made:

To other extension (ej: 214)

To an external number dialing “9 + number” (ej: 94013864)


Telephone status

Set the phone in certain states if the user does not want to have certain services, or not be bothered



Activate the "do not disturb" mode


Deactivate the "do not disturb" mode


Activate voicemail


Disable voicemail



Check states or information.



Extension Status (Indicates the services are activated)


Says my extension number





Making a call


For external calls you have to type:

9 +4013864

9 +16

Dial altogether.

Internal calls: Internal calls are made directly, for example: 205 or 207

Note: for IP phones, after dialing can be marked "send" or "#" to send the call.


Pick up another extension call


* 8. Dialing * 8 pickup calls in the same group.

* 100 to lift the extension 100 if is ringing.


Simple transfer or Blind Transfer (##)


Case: A is talking to B and A wants to transfer the call to extension C, without asking if

C wants to take the call.



When A and B are talking, A mark # #, the PBX plays "Transfer" and A digits the extension of C. After A digits the extension number B is transferred to C.

B is in communication with the extension C, or listening the ring tone until C answers or not.

If C does not answer the call is returned to the source.



Transfer with consultation or Attended Transfer (#0)  

Case: A is talking to B and A wants to transfer the call to C, consulting if C wants to talk to B. 



When A and B are talking, A dials # 0, the PBX plays "Transfer" and gives a dial tone so that the extension C is dialed. B waits on hold.

A dials the extension of C and talk to C.

If C wants to take the call, A must hung up so C and B get connected.

If C does not want to take the call, A dials * or C Hangs up, this cuts communication between A - C while A keeps talking with B.


  Call Parking


The PBX has the ability to park calls. For example: You are talking to A and wants to talk to B but you do not know where B is,  you can park the call from A while B is found, is like letting someone  wait in line for the caller.

Procedure to park:


When talking with A * 3 is dialed

The PBX indicates the position where It’s the call. Example, the PBX says: 701. So, that was the call parked at position 701.


Taking a parked call:

The position where the call is parked is dialed. In the above example, dial 701 to get the parked call.


Conference Room


If you want to set up a conference you should use one of the conference rooms of the PBX. The conference rooms are more like an extension with the difference that all internal callers can talk to that entity itself. The rooms are dynamic, are created by marking 555XXX, where XXX is the number of conference.


To access a conference room:


Call directly to the room: ex dial 555100

Be transferred to the room.


To transfer to a room is typed, # # (The PBX says transfer) + 555 + room number.





Voicemail Notification:

Analog phones. The dialing tone when dialing is choppy.

IP Phones. It depends on the equipment, but generally is indicated on the screen.

You can configure a notification by mail to the mail box, advising that there is a voicemail. You can also attach voice mail.


Check the voice mail box:


You dial *66

The PBX asks for the password


You can access an account from another telephone dialing: * 66 + number (extension).


You can delete all messages in the box typing the * 67, for this is for the voicemail password will be asked and then played an audio query if you want to delete all messages, if so pressing 7 can erase all otherwise the transaction is aborted.


Do Not Disturb mode.

When you are busy and do not want your phone rings you must enter the code * 78. From the moment we do this all calls to your extension will indicate that it is busy. To disable this mode must dial * 79.


Call Forwarding

Total (unconditional)

 For calls to your extension being redirected to another, you must enter * 72 and then type the extension where you want to transfer calls. To disable this function must dial * 73.


When busy

If desired to redirected calls to one another extension, but only if the first is busy, it must enter * 62 followed by the extension number to which the calls they wish to transfer. To disable this mode you must dial * 63.


When not available

If you want the calls to be redirected to an extension, but only if the first is not available (when no answer after a while), you must enter * 64 followed by the extension number to which wish to transfer calls. To disable this mode you must dial * 65.


Enable and disable voicemail

To enable voicemail on an extension you must enter * 91 to disable it while you must enter * 92.





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