Blacklist flows
Blacklist flows
The telephony option is currently available within the blacklist flows. This flow will always run before making a call from a dialer to decide whether or not to call the contact.
Available variables
type: Object
"campaign": "power3<-",
"destination": "099111111",
"status": 1,
"data": "variable1=val1:variable=val2",
"alternatives": "099222222:099333333",
"retries": 0,
"contact": 1,
"dialerbase": "data120211015T111344",
"priority": 9999,
"agentphone": "",
"datetime": "Oct 15, 2021 11:13:44 AM"
At the end of the flow, the BlacklistResult activity must be called, returning the desired result (Call, Do not call, Respool Alternative)