Workflow designer

Workflow designer

When starting the Workflow Designer we can see the Start Activities.

These are the initial activity of any flow, dragging one to the artboard defines what type of flow it is.

Different start activities:

  1. StartActivity - For telephony flows.

  2. BotStartActivity - For bots flows.

  3. BotFunctionStartActivity - To create bots extentions.

  4. ChannelProviderStartActivity - To send information to a third party.

  5. WebhookStartActivity - To receive information from a third party.

  6. BlacklistStartActivity - Activity that starts the blacklist flow.

Once the desired start activity is placed, the activities related to its channel and necessary for the creation of the flow are displayed.

Start Activities description


This activity is necessary to start the telephony flow, in it, it will be indicated for which context and extension the flow will be carried out.

  • context: Indicates the context in which the flow is applied.

  • exten: Indicates the extent to which the flow is applied.


This activity is the first in the flow, it must always be included in all the flows created, it indicates to the bot where the activities begin.

  • name includes the name that the bot has.

  • botTimeout is the time in minutes that the bot waits without receiving a response to end the interaction and give it up, by default it is 30 minutes.

  • msgBotTimeout is the message that is displayed after the botTimeout is given.


In order to create a bot function, we have the BotFunctionStartActivity activity.

This activity, unlike the BotStartActivity, only has the 'name' field.

That is, the initial activity of a function bot does not have the ā€˜bot_timeoutā€™ field, nor the ā€˜timeout_messageā€™ field, which means that the timeout that will be taken into account is that of the bot that calls the bot function.


  • name
    It will be the name of the provider, it will appear in the SMS/WhatsApp campaigns and in the dialers of the same channel.

If the provider's name contains the word "WhatsApp" in the unified inbox, it will appear with WhatsApp icons and the agent will have the ability to send attachments.


  • name
    It is the name of the webhook that, at the same time, will correspond to path to be able to execute the flow.

The methods supported are POST, PUT, DELETE, GET.



Activity that initializes the blacklist flow.

Flows Log

Log4j2 is used as a library for the flow log, and the file where you can see everything related to bots is found in var/log / IntegraFlows.log

This file not only logs the errors but, similarly to what is done in it, it logs all the activities that are being traversed as the flow is traversed.

The format in which the information is written in IntegraFlows.log is as follows:

YYYY-MM-DD HH: mm: ss ā€” [Thread number] ā€” [Flow name ā€” flow guide] [Activity step number]

First, the execution of the activity will be logged and then the parameters of the activity that was executed will be logged.

When the flow ends, the FINISH message shows.



Once a flow with bots, channel providers, or webhooks is loaded in Workflow Designer, the Logger option will be displayed, which allows you to see the log of all the executions of the flow that is loading.

By default, the logger is deactivated, to activate it you have to press the switch in the upper left corner.


It also has the possibility to filter the messages in the workflow console according to the level of error. The available levels are Info, Warning, and Severe.


Logger example:

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