Important Changes in uContact Installation and Update Process

May 23, 2024

Dear Customers and Partners,

We are writing to inform you about a significant change in the installation and update process of uContact. Starting from version 6.514 of uContact, released on May 23, 2024, security enhancements have been implemented that affect the current procedures.

To ensure maximum security, all uContact installations and updates must be performed with an active internet connection.

This requirement is temporary and only necessary during the installation or update process. Once completed, the internet connection can be disabled again if desired.

This change will only affect those instances of uContact whose infrastructure is not managed by net2phone. Instances managed by net2phone will not be affected by this requirement and will continue to operate under the usual conditions.

We recommend preparing your systems to enable internet access during the installation and update processes starting from this version.

Please ensure that your technical teams are informed of this change to avoid any service interruptions.


The uContact Development Team