API Telephony

API Telephony

Here we can find all the information relevant to the telephony actions that can be performed through our API.

Remember that to use the API you need

  1. Authenticate and get a token for the session

  2. Use the token in the Header Authorization

  3. End session

See more here…


With the calls we can find the following available actions


Relative URL: Integra/resources/Agents/AgentCall Method: POST content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 Params: callerid (From number that the call will go out with) agent (Name of the Agent that generates the call) phone (Phone of the Agent that generates the call) tech (Usually SIP) context (Context of the Agent configured in uContact) outqueue (Name of the Outbound Campaign to compute the call) destination (Destination number) Result: TEXT (Guid of the generated call) 0 if Error This is a two step call will call the agent and when answer (or auto answer), the final call it is generated.

via Proxy


<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/porthole/1.0.0/porthole.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function Call () { var windowProxy; windowProxy.addEventListener(onResponse); windowProxy = new Porthole.WindowProxy(window.location.protocol + window.location.hostname); windowProxy.post({'action': 'call', 'campaign' : '<CAMPAIGN>', 'callerid' : '<CALLERID>', 'destination' : '<NUMBER>'}); } function onResponse(messageEvent) { response = messageEvent.data.guid; //returns uniqueid of the call } </script>

This function allows you to make a call directly using the portal's phone. The only way to use it is via proxy, because the communication is with the uContact portal.


<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/porthole/1.0.0/porthole.js"></script> <script> function call(){ var windowProxy; windowProxy = new Porthole.WindowProxy(window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname); windowProxy.addEventListener(onResponse); windowProxy.post({ action: 'callWithPhone', destination: '091000000', campaign: 'Sale->' }); } function onResponse(messageEvent) { var response = messageEvent.data.guid; alert(response); } </script>


via Proxy


Disposition the call using dialer actions and taging





Dispositions must be configured in uContact.




Here you will find how to use recordings with the API


Here we see some actions that we use only for voice markers.





Upload Bases

The API gives us the possibility to upload the lists of dialers in a simple way, with parameters and with timezone so that it is used the most appropriate to your needs.


Campaigns Information

You can also get voice campaign information through the API.


Colección de postman con algunas de las llamadas.

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