Cloud v5

Cloud v5


We use Google Cloud Platform to Deploy uContact in the Cloud. Select From Images the deprecated Ubuntu 15.04.

You configure the VM compute engine instance as desire. 

Integra Server Installation

To install Integra Server in any of its versions should do the following:

Run the following commands to set a root password and update the OS :


sudo passwd root su sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install uzip

On the file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

Modify  PermitRootLogin yes. And PasswordAuthentication yes

(This is made to be able to log with root and have permissions to finish the installation).


Download Setup


From the Integra FTP:


URL: ftp.integraccs.com USER: setup@integraccs.com PASSWORD: setup2014

Use pasive mode 

ftp> pasive

It is possible to download any version of uContact, the last is the current for every release.

Once downloaded unzip it and Install uContact:

unzip  5.current.zip

cd 5.BUILD

cd Integra-Asterisk

chmod 777 *

sudo ./install 2>&1 | tee ~/ucontactinstalllog.txt

At this point the following information will be requested:

  • Password for root (it will be changed).

  • Installation language es / en / pt (Spanish, English, Portuguese).

  • IP address of the database server and telephony.

Reboot the server.

Now you can access your installation using https://XXXX.ucontactcloud.com