

We use Google Cloud Platform.

To create the instance we need to follow the next steps:

1.  Compute Engine → VM Instances

 2. Within this section we select "Create Instance".

3. Once the instance is created, we should configure it as required by uContact as it shown next.


  • When creating the disk with the Ubuntu Image, select an SSD disk.

  • Create the instance with the same name we will be using with our DNS (Example: DNS=integra.ucontactcloud.com. Instance=integra) 

  • Check: Allow HTTP traffic.

  • Check: Allow HTTPS traffic

  • Define access for every API and give Read and Write access for Compute Engine

4. After our instance is configurated, we must assign an external IP, given that the one Google assign us its ephimeral and will change when the instance is rebooted.

5. Then the firewall rules must be created.

Access it selection VPC Networks → Firewall rules as the image below:

Enable these TCP Ports:

  • 0-65535

  • 433

  • 3306

  • 5061

  • 22

  • 10062

  • 8089

  • 1337

  • 80

Also enable these UDP Ports:

  • 0-65535

  • 4569

  • 10000-20000

  • 5060

To add more than one port at the same rule we should follow the following format:

 -  tcp:5061;udp:10000-20000

And last we should create a new firewall rule to allow sip trunk's traffic with the destiny aplied for every instance (use the number IP)

Integra Server Installation

To install Integra Server in any of its versions should do the following:

Run the following commands to set a root password and update the OS :

sudo passwd root sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install unzip

On the file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

Modify  PermitRootLogin yes. And PasswordAuthentication yes

(This is made to be able to log with root and have permissions to finish the installation).

Download Setup

To download the latest version and run it:

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/builds-ucontact/uContact/IntegraInstall.zip

unzip IntegraInstall.zip

chmod 777 IntegraInstall

sudo ./IntegraInstall 2>&1 | tee ~/ucontactinstalllog.txt

At this point the following information will be requested:

  • IP address of the database server and telephony  (local IP will be suggested, if enter is pressed the suggestedIP will be used by default)

  • uContact domain ( *.ucontactcloud.com is shown) a valid domain must be entered eg.: xxxxxx.ucontactcloud.com (being xxxxx the subdomain assigned fot the installation), a domain must be entered to continue.

  • Installation language es / en / pt (Spanish, English, Portuguese).

  • Password for root (it will be changed).

Change Timezone

Execute the folowing command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Select the desired timezone and choice OK.

Reboot the server.

Now you can access your installation using https://XXXX.ucontactcloud.com

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