About Gamification

About Gamification

The Game

One game is integrated for many competitions given during a specific while. It has place when the administrator active the game untill it cancel, and only there is a game Ā by area of Call center. An area of active play can have more than one group, each group has different agents.

The visualization of the game is a board with boxes, a background, Simpson City is the default background, you can also enter the picture you like, using a jpg or png file. The width and height you want to give to the grid and then make a way boxes for players progress based on their score (each box worth X points, agent moves to the next box, where X is the goal / amount boxes). The boxes only can seen on the designer of the model then in the real game are not visible. New models can be created or reuse models created previously.Ā 

The competitions are views of games : they share the same model of the game, but change players participating in the competition, and the point value of each cell, according to the goal of the competition. There are of two types:

  1. Inside a group, a competition between agents.

  2. Inside a area, a competition between their groups. It is important to highlight that groups compete between each other without taking care if they are for the same company or not.

With respect to the rules of assignation of points, it can define and modified for an area. Ā Example : Sales have the following indicators which give the following points. Change the model of the game but the daily objectives will remain equals, if they want to modify, must Ā change Ā in another screen of game creation.

They also look for a set daily goals each level of competition. When it reaches the goal, an achievement occurs, but you can always accumulate more points from the goal. To achieve, the agent must start a new round of the game (form the box of start again). Ā The goals are the same for al the groups and teams. Example: Agents, 10 daily points. Groups, 50 daily points. Areas, 500 daily points (It is not Ā considered a award in the product to reach that goal)

Besides the game, it will be a dynamic ranking that will generate in base to the following filters:
Amount of competitors to show, Initial date,Finish date,Performance measures (points game), and if it's shows agents (and in which group), group. It is only for the current selected area.

The Score

  • Point earned in the day of today. It is reflected in the game like advance in the daily goal.

  • There will be levels of experience according the amount of badges received.

  • The group score Ā is the sum of the points of their agents.

  • The Area score is the sum of the points of the groups.

The objectives

The objectives are daily, personal for agents and determine how the score isĀ generate .

The group's goals are only in amount of points, not in performance measures. Ā The group as such has a goal. Only the agents have goals based in points and objectives based on performance measures.

It has a target of an indicator or performance measure, for example 50 calls.
That goal is worth a certain amount of points, for example 100 points. So each call you make will give you 100/50 = 2 points to the agent. Ā When it reaches 50 it meets the daily goal.Ā 

Performance indicators are quantitative , base of amount. Ā They are not taken into account percentage indicators, averages o qualitative. Ā This is because agents can not move as they perform Ā their activities, are measures that get at the end of the day such as rejection rate or average sales . Ā They can not take part of the daily game. Ā No long-term objectives referred, only daily objectives (on long-term have levels). Examples of possible indicators: amount of calls of welcome in the area of customer support, sale of more that one amount in sales area, or total calls.

Indicator can be created and integrate with others businesses system of the Call Center riseĀ through excel screen or real-timeĀ time through web service, with customers program the that upload from your system, for each agent in a measure. That file must be of type csv or excel worksheet with the following: agentName;performanceMeasure;pointsGiven.

As you can be seen in the file format by three separate fields. There must be careful that the agent you want to give the points are in the area of performance measurement that you want to give points, if the point is not so loaded into the agent. If the file format is respected but not the relationships between the agent and measures are respected, the data does not load correctly in the database information so losing the rise.

The agents can see the progress in their daily objectives and that of his group and team. Ā The daily objectives are the same for every agent in the same game, they not change according the team o group. Ā The business objectives of the Call Center (sales or collections) they are to compose the daily goals of agents in its various performance indicators.


All the mentions and public congrats for agents are madeĀ through badges. The administrators define badges that they need (for example, badge of Super Champion). The company choose her name, description, category and image. Ā Then the supervisor can decide who win and assigned to the winners, to appear in their profile. You can reward an entire group (badge for all players in the group).The system does not automatically assigned badges.

Some examples:

  • Super Champion, for being 3 month in the top 25.

  • Monthly top 25 diploma in effective sales, Champions Dinner.

Also can be physical awards granted by the company related to the theme of the current game.Ā For example, when a game of football World Cup is ended, giving goalkeeper give a glove that has less rejections or glass that was more effective sales.

Others examples are the awards for dynamic targets set by supervisors based on performance the group as to enter a raffle for free if you meet your goal all week,if all the group reaches a daily goal, etc.Ā 

Metrics to establish who wins these awards can be obtained by the dynamic ranking, always they are indicators of quantity, but it is the company that provides physically and are not reflected in the game.

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