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From this section of the menu the user will be able to monitor the campaigns of all the channels, the agents, the dispositions and surveys carried out.


To enter this section the user must navigate in the side menu to:
Supervisor → Campaigns

The module of campaign monitoring is divided into five tabs that will have different views of the campaigns that the supervisor has assigned.

This ones are

Dispositions Dashboard

In this screen the Supervisor will be able to see the percentaje of Dispositions in real time or in a predetermined time lapse for each campaign.


First Dropdown Menu

Allows the Supervisor to filter dispositions by Campaign. If nothing selected, system shows dispositions from all campaigns assigned to current supervisor. If it's a SuperUser will see all the Campaigns.

  • If the Supervisor select a dialer a 'Dialer Status' button is shown, When he clicks on there the system redirects user to 'Dialer Status' screen for the selected dialer.

  • If the Supervisor select a campaign a 'Camp Status' button is shown, When he clicks on there the system redirects user to 'Camp Status' screen for the selected campaign

  • In the Camp Status and Dialer Status have a button for all campaigns to come back to dispositions dashboard.

Second Dropdown Menu

Allows the Supervisor to filter the table by disposition level.

If nothing selected, system shows all dispositions.

By Agent

When this box is checked the table shows the dispositions filtered by agent.

Time Range

Allows the user to put a time lapse using the clock buttons to see the dispositions.

If nothing selected, system shows all the dispositions from current day. 

 Dispositions table

Table shown

  • Agent: When By Agent is checked this column is showed with the name of the agent who make the disposition.

  • Column Level 1: Shows the Dispositions level 1.

  • Column Level 2: Shows the Dispositions level 3.

  • Column Level 3: Shows the Dispositions level 3.

  • #: Shows the total of that disposition

  • %: Shows the percentage of that disposition


Shows in graphics all the percentages for each disposition, in center it's Level 1, in the middle it's Level 2 and outside it's Level 3.

In the bottom side of the graphic is the total number of dispositions.

It's important to know that every Agent have a button to see his oun Dispositions Dasboard. To learn more about that look at Dispositions Dashboard.

Campaign Agents

General view of campaigns and agents.

In the first table it can be seen a basic summary of the status of campaigns in real time.

The second table shows all the agents on the system on their actual state, name, amount of incoming/outgoing completed/rejected calls, with who the agent is having an active call and the time indicating their last state.

The table on the right shows the calls on hold, indicating ACD, position, callerid and the waiting time.


Complete detail of all the campaigns with its group of agents, where the supervisor can monitor everything in real time.

To get more information about this matter, please visit Survey Statistics.

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