Sales v5



Inside the system we can have diferents roles,can be the following:

  • Supervisor : Rol assigned to supervisors, mainly focused on the assignation of cases,managment reports, percentage,generalized view of agents,etc.

  • Agent : Generic rol where can manage the assigned cases and on another hand see information from others managers (if the final manager called and not this,etc ), for this case it si important to know if they can view the information managment will not have access to certain features when the case is not the same agent.



The supervisor role is complement the others roles of the system having account that the supervisor have total control of the assigned modules.



Upload Base : This button allows the upload of the sales base payroll later segmenting, and assign cases, must select of the ComboBox the campaign which the upload the data and assign a Base name. It important to know that the first field (ID) it must be generated and unique in the payroll to upload by the supervisor, is going to be a unique identifier of the base registry, then it allow us to update the free field putting up that id in each registry of the archive to upload the base.


To upload the base we must put in each field, separated with ; the followings columns to complete:




Coming up next an example to make it clearer:


47735722;Paul;24000392;;099324984;299636367;Abbey Road 5779 ;EC1Y 8SY;London;London;United Kindom;;ACOMP-BLESS->;FF1;FF2;FF3;FF4;FF5;FF6;FF7;FF8;FF9


Automatic assignments: This button allows assign cases for the agents with some criteria pre configured:

  • Cases by Agent : Amount of registry that want to assign to each agent.

  • Criteria: It defined likw its order in the Base to assign cases. The defined criteria by default are:

    • Deparment

    • Location

    • Cacarteristic

    • Random order

Inside the parameters, it can be defined new future filters.

  • Campaign: Campaign of which you want to filter to assign cases

  • Deparament : Selection of the deparmanet of which you want to filter in the case of choosing deparmanent filter.

  • Location: Selection of the location of which it desired filter in the case of choosinf locationfilter.

  • Carasteristics: Carasteristic of which we desired to filter in the case of choosing caracteristic filter.

For any of those cases always are necessary:

  • Amount of cases

  • Campaign

  • Sort order

  • Order value criterion


  • The system controls that have the required number of cases to assign based on the selected filter.

Filter: Allow us to search inside the base without assign to look specific registry.

Show Assigned: Only is going to show and look inside the registry that  are assigner to agents.

Assign: Select a agent and then one or mor than one registry of the base, clicking on Assign Manual all thoes base registry are assigned to the selected Agent.

Unassign: In base to the defined filter, allows unassign all the cases that correspond to the defined criteria in the filter, can select like an special filter to unassign not scheduled cases.


Agenda for today

Allow to visualize the assigned schedule for the day in all system agents with the final purpose to manage the scheduled activities previously.



It is possible to change the date for next days o previous days to see his respectives agendas.

Reassign: When this button is pressed the system is going directly to the Assignation tab with all the cases in the filter that are scheduled for today, this allow us reassigned to another agente in the case if it is necessary.




As refers to parametrization of the system exist a parameters module that allows add new values to the filters and parameters predefined in the system inside of thoes we can found:

  • Actions

  • Negotiation

  • Search criteria

  • Etc

Different type of parameters that can be set are as follows, of which we can assign them to a campaign and add values; there are two types comboBox and text field, the combo I can choose one of several available box, or write in a text box. The parameters that do not have associated campaign will be useful for all forms of sales. In this part we add values or sub values to predefined parameters.
Type combo box, they are identified with the cmb the beginning of the parameter, or the type of text box identify with the txt prefix followed by the parameter name.



Parameter : Field in which we filter to upload the information in the system.
Filter : Allows to define a filter for example in search criteria in portfolio to add the sql consult that will used,etc.
Value: Allows to define the value that is going to show in the parameter of the system it will use.
Sub value: Allows to define a sub value for the parameter.


Same of the predefined parameters are:

  • The parameter cmbcontact it is necessary to indicate the diferents types of agreement to add in the system,if the day of tomorrow add new contracts, putting like a filter the campaign which correspond and then in the value the physic name of the contract that will defined the system; contract + (Campaign Name).

  • The parameters numcontratoXXXXX define for the numerators of the system, this value is the name of the archive and add num at the beginning (here defines the numerators for the actual and future agreement). For each type of agreement it can assign a numerator to assign a identificator for each valid contract. Example ACOMP-BLESS→ capaign has any of these as contract values : contratosACIndividual, contratoBLMultiples, etc.

  • cmbsexo: Possible sexes users (default Male and Female) are listed.

  • cmbcriterio: The criteria of order for automatic assignment of contacts (random default, by department, location or feature) is listed.

  • cmbmoneda: Possible coins to be used are listed, usually we use in products sold where load refers currency (default p esos and dollars).

  • cmbestadoc: The filing statuses of clients (example : married, single, etc.) are listed.

  • speech: Possible dialoques to introduce the agents listed, can be an agent of supervisor, which is set in the subvalue in the value sets the speech where you can use variable names in the data loaded from eg : "Dear Mr. ${name}" and the filter is associated with the campaign speech. It must be indented in HTML, as it is neither txt and cmb.

  • cmbvinculo: Possible links are listed with a client (parent,child,wife,etc.).

  • cmbformapago: Different forms of payment may be for sale (Cash,Credit Cards,etc.) are listed.

  • cmbstatustype: The different states of a sale can be CANCELED, VALIDATED UNVALIDATED,etc are listed.

  • txtCampoLibreX:Values are given to the free fields where w can be from 1 to 9, filter and value being the campaign name to take the field for that campaign. These free fields acan be viewed in the form of sales that appears the agent.

  • cmbresultado: The values for the actions and results are given in the filter goes the name of the campaign and the value and subvalue go as follows - subvalues are the values to take actions, value will be the values taht take the results in basen on the previously selected subvalue.




This section will give high and modify the products to be used in each campaign.


Campaign : Name of the campaign to includ the product.

Product : Name of the product.

Money : Type of coin,if its dolars or pesos.

Category : Definition of a add atributte of the product.

Amount : Definition of a aditional atributte of the product.

Range: Definition of a aditionl atributte of the product.

Value : Selected value.

Contract : Type of agreement that is going to use that product, for that generation of contracts.



This screen allows supervisor to manage case of sales, be able to filter by range by date, search numbers of specific contracts and also filter by puntual states.


Filter: Allows refresh the data to bring new cases admitted to validate with the followings parameters:

  • Initial date.

  • Final date.

  • Validation : Selected valid contracts, invalid or if its in blank if thoes who are still without action.

  • Contract number : If it insert a specific number of agreement that filter by that unique number.

  • Agent.

  • Campaign.

  • Document.

  • Titular name.


Report: Allow to download a PDF report of the complete sale as is how full the tab agent.

Complete Profile: Allow to download a PDF format a report of the complete profile of the buyer, with purchase data, contact,etc.

Modification : Allows to open a window in edition mode to modify necessary data, if the sale is in valid or invalid state only allows see the data without modificated, the screen will be equals to sales module in the sales part, being able to save all the parameters except the date of creation of its and the agent that created. This screen is enabled in the same module of Suervision only when such changes are made. 

Validation : Allows to validate the sale to change state to "Validated" (having to select the date of start contract valid).

Assignation of contract number :

  • Automatic,in base type of contract.

  • Manual, in base number that specify in the box.

Invalidation : Allows to invalidate the sale to change to "Invalidated".


Editing Sale


Edit the selected account from the validation panel (only if not validated).



From here you can be edit all the sames parameters as when adischarged a sale:

  • Contracted products

  • Members of the contact.

  • Way to pay.

  • Comments sale.

Parallel to this screen editing sale, since the contract is generated with the data holder you can proceed to edit the data in the customer profile from the Edit button in the Edit Title section.


Editing contact

Inside this section it allows to modify all the data of the sale titular contact .



In this module allows the hgh, low and modification of the systema cards.


Card: Name of the used card.

Along the card: Total long of the card digits.

Digits : Its registry the last 4 digits of the card.

Validation : If the card is validated 1, in other case 0.



In this module allows to export Excel files to the system managment in base to the range of dates in the validated contracts.



The module agent can be seen for all the roles having account some limitations when you do not have the role of manager we shall see later.

This module enables integral managment of assigned cases as well as shceduled and searches by different criteria.

Operational workflow:

  • From the initial screen of search will choose according to the criteria that cases will be necessary to manage selecting a case and pressing the "Manage" (item i) button.

  • As a posterior step will enter the managment screen (point ii) where you will see the data point lead (remembering that here you can modify only address document).

    • In the event that the customer is not registred in the system contact the lab contac is not any data (iv) so it m ust be created (by pressing the save button in the identity document, previously loaded appear by the operator).

    • For the customer there you can change all this data in the client file later to save them.

  • Data such as (name,surname,address,city,town,document,phone and date od birth) are necessary to continue actions as "sale" that would lead to the sale screen, otherside it will give appropriate notice to load that data in the contact tab.

  • Once the sale will be loading the data product to sell (these products will be pre filtered by campaign) as well as beneficiaries (if  nucleus) and the data and notes sale, to later validated by the supervisor, where specific contract numbers will be generated once validated.



With regard to the search is permitted to perform and manage several actions: 


All : Being shown ,arked cases of alla agents and campaigns, if it is not marked only shows those corresponding to my agent.

Manage : Selecting a registry and pressing the button allows to go to manage managment especially when all the information on it, it fills two tabs Managment and contact information thereof.

Return to supervisor : Returns a point to the supervisor so he can reassign it to another agent case, you must specify the reason why he returned in the text box.

Searches : Displays filtered based on various criteria, whiche may include the following:

  • Name, Adress, Phone, Document.

  • Campaign (to select the campaign to filter).

  • Result (bring the filtered results for the selected campaign).

  • All (if selected brings all records if not only the agent).

  • Finalized (if selected cases terminated brings too).

  • Cases without managment (bring cases that have not been managed).



This is the main screen where cases are handled promptly allowing you to see its historical actions, contact information.



In this screen you can se the following sections:

Data lead : Full of lead data.

Save document : The document allows to save a document number (CI) in the record to be traced from the contacts view.  If the contact exist bring all this data, and if not the same be supplemented without necessarily having to go the contact.

Save data : saves all data in both the Lead and contacd.

Campaign : Campaign name.

Free fields : There are 5 free fiellds which their name for each campaign and defined within the parameters of the systems.

Agent : Name assigned name:

It ended : Is left with a tic when you do not want to see more the case in the area of search and assigned cases, it is marked ad completed when there are no more possible steps for this case.

Icon phone : The phone icon in each of the contact telephone numbers to perform the call automatically without haveing to dial the number.

Icon information : A section of guidelines in which the agent will be able to access the speech of the campaign and if applicable to the product table will be placed.

Managment : Adds a new managment based on the following criteria:

  • Action : What kind of interaction was performed, incoming call, outgoing call, SMS,etc.

  • Result : QI result of the action, Sale , No reply, Busy,etc.
    In the case of selecting the result Sale, will address the specific section of Sale. In the case of selecting New Lead, allows the possibility of placing an extra phone and create a lead based on the same.

  • Redial : Select a date to schedule a close contact.

  • Button Mail : Send a mail using the box is in the mail,as a matter of what is in the data and in the body what is in comment, it automatically generates a gestion and sends the mail.

  • SMS Button : Send a SMS to Movil1 with the text that found in the comments, also generated automatically a manage.

  • To select a managment particularry to the table os manage it can see the data of the managment to see all the text, date and state (to add a new button handling data broom cleaned and can enter the information again).

  • Save Button :  Save a managment.



Own agenda for a Agent.



Unique vision of the contact, as in managment a contact can be several times as it can come in bases different campaigns of differents clients and managed separately, in this view have a unified view of the contact data, these can be updated to always keep the most current contact data in one place.

It also has a unified view of all the arrangements fot this contact for all campaigns. The contact database is unique and does not repeat contacts are identified by their document number.


Clean : Clean screen data.

Search : If the contact does not found as  in the original base not have document, so it possible to do a manual search to found and so see upload the lastest data.  For that is possible to use the Document field, 1 Name, 2 Name, 1 Last name, 2 Last name, 1 Telephone, 2 Telephone, 1 Cellphone, 2 Cellphone.

Save : Save the new data of the Contact. This is to have updated and unified data.

Generate Lead : As in the base of a sale can be generated new contects, it allows in base to a contact generated a new lead, like unique requirements select a campaign that want to genetare that lead to then managment.




Automatically the system pass through the tab to generate a sale.



  • Product : The product to be sale. Agree to the campaign that the agent isworking, the options will be presented.

  • Money : Pesos or dolars. It will put in the option is the product allows.

  • Category : Depends of the type of the product, it presented in the payroll with the detail of each one.

  • Amount : It will be used for the case of "ACOMPANA Y BLESS", to place the amount of hours, this depends on the product.

  • Range : It place in the option if the product allows.

It is possible to add some products to the sale.



  • Document : CI of the member or beneficiary.

  • Names : Names of the member of beneficiary.

  • Last names : Las names of the memeber or beneficiary.

    • Last names : Las names of the memeber or beneficiary.

  • Link : Type of link of the titular, father , son ,etc.

Each memeber generate entered a new contact if the document does not exist.


Way to pay

  • Way to pay : Method of payment agreed upon sale.

  • Number Card : Number of carg in case to be necessary.

  • Expiration : Refers to the expiration date of the credit card.

  • Document : CI of the member ir beneficiary (have to be valid).

  • Names : Names of the member of beneficiary.

  • Last names : Las names of the memeber or beneficiary.

  • Last names : Las names of the memeber or beneficiary.

Each interested person will generate a new contact if the document does not exist.

Comment: Allow to enter some comments to the sale.

Save Button : Save the sale, to not run this button any data is going to be saved in the system only show.




As level agent it is possible to calculate statistics of sales made, also in number like in report eith more details to internal control of the agent.



Calculate : Calculates based on the given date range, the amount of validated and dates are unvalidated.

Report : Generating a report based on the given date range, the amount of validated and dates are unvalidated.


Data Exchange


In this chapter will describe the format of data exchange both input and output system.


Base entry


The input of data defines with the following delimited fields by ; .

These are obtained by saving files Excel like CSV.

See form : DATA ENTRY.xlsx


To see format go to : Assigments




The reports have filters of Initial data, Final data, Campaign, Agent.


  1. Output data Contacts : Allows to exchange data with the system....

  2. Sales Information : For each sale allows to see products, members and way of pay.

  3. Detail Managment State : Last state "Lead" managment.

  4. Leads detail without Managment : Assigned Leads that where not managed by agent.

  5. Sales agents : Amount of sales per agent.

  6. Efforts for Results : Amount of pooled results per agent.