Recycling v5

Recycling v5


The main idea with this funcionality is the reuse of lists used in Dialers. By using parameters we can bring completed lists of certain dialer for this or that period of time that we want. 

To get this feature we must be sought within Dialers:

Entering Recycling, will appear the following screen:

A description of the parameters used:

  • Initial Date: Date on which gives starts that period of time you want to search. Just there we can choose the time from which we start looking at the base.

  • Final Date: The date which gives an end to that period of time you want to search. You can also choose when that day elected to date period.

  • Dialers: All dialers created on the site are displayed and choose one.

In the Results section you can find two different lists:

  • Management: The results from the last management can be found here, made by an agent. For example, Sale, Monitoring, VoiceMail,etc.

  • Results by Defect: There are two options and this ones can not be deleted, are used when the dialer can not make connection with the client. One of them is AMD(Answering Machine Detection) and Not Contacted.

Multiple options can be selected from one list, but not from both of the lists.

Inside the Manage Results section, new Results can be created and this ones, once added, can be seen inside the Management list.

In the first textbox the user can write the name for the Result that he/she wants to create, and press the button "+"  in order to finish the adding action.
With the "-"   the user can delete a wanted Result from the Management list, by selecting the last one from the list on top of this button and pressing it.

Once elected Initial Date, Final Date and selected a dialer, only then appear, if there are, those used lists (finished) by the marker in that time period, on the section below called Lists.
Continuing, from the choosen List from a campaign, only the contacts that apply with the Result detected are gonna be saved. When the Recycle button is pressed, this List will be added again to the campaign.

Once the recycling function was made, the following section will fill up:

The Records are the number of contacts that recycled from the selected list for chosen Result. If a waring appears to recycle a pop-up that says "No records to recycle" means that for the chosen filter result in that list for that campaign,no contacts that we can recycle.

Once you press the button Recycling, that list is loaded on the dialer soon to be used. To make the list is put in use must be activated and put a percentage. The name of the list changes, initially selected list was the original name and the date is was entered to the portal; now the name refers to recycling was performed as follows: first place R, an R will appear each time the list is recycled, also the name of the old list appear without the date plus the Result parameter which the list was filtered and finally the date on which recycling was made (R+ original name without date+ Result parameter + actual date). It is important remember this because when we have many lists and names can become confusing.


We will go to the Recycling screen and will appear something like this:

We completed the dates that we must look the lists of the campaign we want to recycle, and the following screen appears:

Then select the Result from which we want to filter the list and press the Recycle button: 

Now the list already recycled and loaded in the campaign, if we go to Dialers and select the campaign which will recycle the list can be seen:

What remains is to activate the list and put the percentage of proprity to give Play and the list start running. It can also be observed, as previously mentioned, the name of the list recycled, at first a R recycling, then the name of the list followed by Result parameter and the current dat on which recycling is made.

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