f. Resources v5

f. Resources v5



Menú to manage the audio of the system.


Audios are created to use by the system for general funcitions, mainly for designed flows.


FORMAT: PCM 8 KHz 16 bit Mono


Name: Name of file to upload to the system is selected from the upload button to the right of the text box, selecting the Wav you want to upload to the system.

Record: A option to record a audio.

Description: Short description of the audio.

Language: Select the audio language, this places it in the appropriate place to hear the language as setted in the flow. 


Player for the sounds already located in the system.


Music on Hold

Menu for music on hold management.

Audio groups for music on hold are created, either for campaign or when you put a call on hold.

Class: Name of the group of music on hold.

Directory: Allows to upload the audio for that class of music on hold.




Menu for managing the quality models.


Models: Name of the model, write to add a new one or select an existent model.

Question: Question for the model. It can be written to add a new one or select an existent question.

Delete: Deletes the selected question.

Save: Saves the question for the model.





Menu for supervising system status.


We see the RAM memory status (free and used), the primary hard disk status (free and used space), CPU (used and free), we also have general statistics historical system load, network usage and memory thereof.

We have the option to generate a backup of the system:


 Backup generation

 Backup download

 System Restart


Be careful when restarting all calls will be hanged.




Menu for supervising the system log.

 Call Log Viewer.

To use this utility, you must take into account two fundamental steps for proper operation:

1.  In the telephony server must be enabled full Log type.

2.  In the call flow must exist a variable called: Ani and has the callerid from incoming call, you can also use the destination number in the outgoing flow to also find the outgoing call log. Although is more useful for IVR calls with several steps.

Phone Number: Put the phone number you want to search in the entire log (it can be a partial number).

Dates List: Displays all the dates and times of logs for the selected number. The full log can be seen by selecting a log from the list.

Download: The log can be downloaded by clicking the "Download" button.

Also it is possible to insert telephony commands by pressing the "Execute" button.


  Menu for managing the system configuration.


Settings, contains the basic system configuration.


In this part you can change basic system configurations

 Be careful to not use incorrect values as this would lead to system instability.


These options are valid only for editing:

AgentEmulateRing: 0 to use the telephony feedback, 1 to emulate the ring.

AsteriskIP: IP Telephony server.

AsteriskManagerPass: Password AMI connectivity (should not be changed).

AsteriskManagerPort: AMI port listening (default: 5038 should not be changed).

AsteriskManagerUser: User connectivity AMI (default: supervisor should not be changed).

AsteriskUser: Uses root user by default but other user could be defined.

AsterisUserPass: User password Operating System of the PBX (default: password is that you must install the operating system), changing here also changes automatically in the OS, not directly change the operating system because the system will fail. 

AuditoryLog: If logs all system actions 1 yes, 0 no.

Breaks: Separated by ; lists the different states of breaks that may occur in the system 

BackupRecordsIP: IP of the Recordings Backup server, this can be a storage server or any server that has the old recordings and has access via http, this means that there must be a web server (any), that can access the files of the recordings through their url. Example: http://IPBACKUPRECORDS/GUIDgrabacion.gsm should be able to access the recording.

EMailAuth: Specifies the type of authentication required Mail Service mails.

EMailPassword: It specifies the password in encrypted format in a mail forwarding account for shipping.

EMailSMTPHost: It must specify the host (mail server) to be used for sending emails.

EMailSMTPPort: It must specify the port used for SMTP connection.

EMailUsername: It must specify the user account used by the mail with authentication reasons.

FaxOutboundChannel: It must specify the output channel used for sending faxes.

ShowDTMFAgent: Set whether the DTMF typed from the keyboard in the integrated Phone will be displayed or not, with 0 being not display the digits or 1 will show the digits. This functionality is primarily used for cases when passwords are entered. And do not want to show them on screen.

NarrowAgent: Allows you to configure what type of screen will  be displayed to the agent with 0 if the classic agent being able of data capture and full screen, or 1 if in a limited sample to be used as a complementary bar format used to other things.

ScreenRecordServer: IP address of the server where the screen recordings are left.

ScreeRecordRootPass: Should specify the root password of the server where the recordings are stored in encrypted format.

Licence: License generated by Integra.

LogLevel: System log level (SEVERE, INFO).

SMSNumberRegexp: Property that validates the format of the cell numbers that are sent, in order to have more practical control of whether or not to send, for example ^(09\d{7})$  this function to validates that the cell phone format is 09XXXXXXX.


This table shows how regular expressions are user in the control:

 Dot, any character (may or may not match line terminators, read on).

\d   A digit: [0-9].

\D   A non-digit: [^0-9]

\s   A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r].

\S   A non-whitespace character: [^\s].

\w   A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9].

\W   A non-word character: [^\w].


\    Escape the next meta-character (it becomes a normal/literal character).

^    Match the beginning of the line.

.    Match any character (except newline).

$    Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end).

|    Alternation (‘or’ statement).

()   Grouping.

[]   Custom character class.


*      Match 0 or more times

+      Match 1 or more times

?      Match 1 or 0 times

{n}    Match exactly n times

{n,}   Match at least n times

{n,m}  Match at least n but not more than m times


SMSSystemAPI: dongle or Twilio (that the system uses for massive SMS and alerts).

  • Dinstar: Socket communication

  • DinstarWeb: Web service communication

  • Quality: api developed for Quality Telecom

  • Twilio: Communication with Twilio SMS

  • URLSMS:  comunication URL GET


SMSUsername, SMSPassword: User data and password for the service of sending SMS.

SMSForm: In case that the api or hardware allows) Number from wich the SMS will leave.

AlertsEmail: Email you want to report in case of system problems.

BatchRecordingDownloadFormat: YYYYMMDDHHmm-AGENT-SRC-DST (format in which the recordings are downloaded into the disk).



Displays streams created with the Designer that are in the system.

Data sources

Data source management menu.

Configuration of data sources for use in the system either from call flows or reports.


DSN Name: Data source name is the one used from reports, and IVRs.

Engine: Database engine data source.

Description: Description of the DSN.

Data Base: Name of the Database.

Username: user to connect to the database.

Password: to connect to the database.

Server: IP where the database is located.

Port: Port where the database listens (automatically suggested according to engine selected).


Three sources of data on the system by default:

  1. Data: Access to the main data base.

  2. Repo: Access to the data on the repository base.

  3. Backup: Usually is the same as Repo unless it is wanted to run queries of the reports and search for recordings on a replicated server.



Menu system managment tasks.

The tasks module allows automating certain types of tasks that you want to control recurrently in the call center, allowing critical report on the status of these via email or SMS.

Name: Name of the alert to create.

Schedule: Frequency at which the alert is executed. For more details click on the next link: Schedule.

Alert: Being able to be alert type email or SMS.

Destination: Email adress o cellphone number, depending on the type of alert that defined (SMS o mail).

Enabled: If the alert is ON or OFF.

Type: Alert type to define, having predefined as follows:

  • Automatic Report: Definition of an automated generated report.

  • AbandonRateAlert: Defining an alert to monitor a particular campaign if the level exceeds a certain percentage drop.

  • ACDAvaiables: Defining an alert to monitor a campaign in the maximum amount of free agents who might be in it.

  • ACDCallsAlert: Defining an alert to monitor if you get to call up glued to a particular campaign.

  • ACDMidWaitAlert: Defining an alert to monitor in a campaign the maximum average waiting time in the campaign.

  • ACDNoAvaiable: Defining an alert to monitor whether a campaign is idle.

  • ACDWaitAlert: Defining an alert to monitor a campaign by setting the timeout that there may be a call on the same.

  • CallMaxTimeAlert: Set an alert for a maximum time of a call in minutes.

  • ChannelsAvaiables: Defining an alert to a minimum amount of free channels.

  • ChannelsDownAlert: Defining a maximum alert to alarmed channel (not connected).

  • ServiceLevelAlert: Defining an alert that lets you monitor when you pass a threshold level of minimum service in a particular campaign.

  • MySQLExec: Definition of store procedures or querys scheduled to be executed.

  • ExecScript: Executes a script on the server.


Parameter: Parameter name to take (default is right on the grid parameters are available and loaded by selecting the name of it).

 Value: Value of the parameter to control.


Specific parámeters for the different types of alerts.



  • Database: Indicates the data source to be used to execute the statements

  • Query: Indicates the query that is going to be executed in the defined data source.


Automatic Report:

  • Report=Name of the.jrxml .

  • Format= Out format , html, doc,pdf,excel.

  • REPORT_LOCALE: es, en, pt.

  • INITIAL_DATE: Fixed date or TODAY or TODAY-X (where x is the quantity of days to substract), or WEEK (from Monday to Sunday of the current week), o MONTH (From the 1st to the last day of the current  month), o YEAR (from the first to the last day of the current year) always inside INITIAL_DATE the date goes with 00:00:00.

  • FINAL_DATE: Fixed date or TODAY or TODAY-X (where x is the quantity of days to substract), or WEEK (from Monday to Sunday of the current week), o MONTH (From the 1st to the last day of the current  month), o YEAR (from the first to the last day of the current year) always inside INITIAL_DATE the date goes with 23:59:59.

  • QUEUES: Queues in format ‘Cola1’,’Cola2’.

  • AGENTS: Agent with the same format as queues.



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