i. Recordings v5

i. Recordings v5



Call recordings

Menu for supervising the calls records of the system.

Listen of recordings,searching by date/hour, clasification, origin and destiny.


  • Initial Date: From when  recordings search

  • End Date: To when recordings search.

  • Agent: Filter by certain agents to find recordings.

  • Campaign: Select a particular campaign to find recordings.

  • Data: It allows to filter by specific data this data or word must be contained on the label of the call to filter.

  • Source / Destination: Filter allows calls from different sources, which may be channels or extensions.

  • Rating: Allows to filter calls according to their ratings.

Filters on obtained recordings:

  • Time range: Filter the obtained data by a time range (start time - end time: 24 hours format).

  • Calls: Allows to filter data by number of occurrences of the phone number (returns if the number of recordings is greater than the entered number, this must be greater than 1).

  • Minimum: Allows to filter recordings with an equal or greater time than the entered time (Format in seconds).

  • Exclude: Allows to exclude the recordings for the entered phone number, this can be the source or destination number.


  • Date: Indicates the date of the recording.

  • Source/Destination: Source and destination telephone number.

  • Duration: Duration of the recording.

  • Account: Account name of the agent who was recorded.

  • Source/Destination channel: Source and destination name channel.

  • Campaigns: Name of the campaign by which the recording was made.

  • Data: Call data.

  • Rating: Shows the rating of the recording.

  • Download: Allows to download the recording.

Clean fields: Button that allows to clean the fields in order to reset the filters.

Magnifier: Run the search with filter (check the arrows to search for paginated pages paging 50 records).

Play: Button to hear the recording associated with the record, the recording is heard if the range is within stored recordings (if it was not passed to backup or eliminated entirely), the default is 30 days available online, are then passed to the folder BackupRecords which remain for 150 days until irreversible deletion (configurable from PBX). 

 Download: Button to download the selected recording to disk.

Massive Download: It allows download  of all  recordings that have in the filter,it is important to use all in  screen display  making  the paginated  50, otherwise drop form 50.

Tag: Button to enter a check mark (with comments) in real-time recording. You can select the marks and the recording will start directly at the time of the mark. To see the marks access to the Information window.


When clicking in a recording,  would appear the following options:

Erase: Delete selected conversations (need superuser privileges).

Information: Allows to access to the selected recording information, being able to see its qualification so as the username, tags and comments.

The search function will search any coincidence on the table for the entered value.

About the Rating, it is calculated as the average of allquestions on the  quality part  detailed below.



Quality: Allows the user to give a score to the recording. The score is set to every question of the quality model ,the questions are set on the quality model configuration. The total score is the average of all the question.

It is also possible to add a comment next to any question and to download a generated report in PDF format by clicking the "Download" button.



Menu for supervising the fax repository.


Initial Date: From when to search the faxes.

End Date: To when to search the faxes.

Source / Destination: Filter allows calls from different sources, which may be channels or extensions.

Magnifier: Run the search with filter (check the arrows to search for paginated pages paging 50 records)

 Inbox: Displays the fax in a new window as a pdf.



Number: Phone number you want to send the fax.

File: Selection window file .pdf for faxing.

Send: To the fax number with the file attached.


  Note: You can send a FAX via third-party applications, executing a REST Webservice.


Screen Recordings

Menu for supervising screen record files and Keyboard typing.

For Screen Recording and Keyboard Log search.


Initial Date/Hour: From when to search recordings.

End Date/Hour: To when to search recordings.

Agent: Select a particular agent to find recordings.

Campaign: Filter by Campaign  to search recordings..

Text: Allows you to filter by specific screencasts text typed on the keyboard.

Magnifier: Run the search with filter (check the arrows to search for paginated pages paging 50 records).

Display: Displays the screen recording in a new window.

Donwload: Download screen recording files.

Folder: Download all screencasts deployed on the grid.



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