h. RealTime Monitoring v5

h. RealTime Monitoring v5


Campaign Status

Menu for supervising campaign status.

The module of campaign monitoring is divided into three tabs that will have different views of the campaigns that the supervisor has assigned.

Campaign summary

Basic statistics as a summary of the status of queues in real time.


Here the user is able to see:

  • Name of the campaign.

  • Amount of available agents.

  • Amount of paused agents.

  • Amount of agents on a call.

  • Amount of agents busy paused (agents which are on a call and paused at the same time).

  • Amount of logged agents.

  • Campaigns total agents.

  • Agents on the Wrapup state (time in which the agents can not receive a call to finish its management. The wrapup time is established on the campaign configuration. This state starts when a call from a campaign is finished).

  • Ammount of completed calls.

  • Ammount of abandoned calls.

  • Agents on hold (on the ACD).

  • Service level.

  • Abandoned rate.

  • Average talked.

  • Average hold.


This dashboard is mainly targeted for deployment at the level of call centers that require display information with real-time alerts on monitors or LCD displays.

On the top right of the screen we can set the dashboard on Fullscreen mode.

Search: Allows to filter the list.

By clicking on a campaign the user can access directly to the selected campaign status.

Campaign status

Full Detail for queue status in real time.

Campaign: Dropdown where you select the campaign to display.

In this view you can see the exact status of a campaign, extensions and real-time statistics.

Dashboard agents: Shows the amount and porcentage of agents on their states (above the graphic we can see the agents in total).

Inside the graphic you can observe tha states of agents. Below the dashboard the user can filter the agents by pressing the state name.

The states are:

  •  Not available: Those agents that are not logged in.

  •  Available: Agents logged without a call.

  •  Busy: Agents with an active call. 

  •  Paused: Agents on pause state. These can not receive a call and are not currently making a call.

  •  Busy paused: Agents on pause with an active outgoing call.

  •  Wrapup: Agents on the wrapup state can not receive a call during the wrapup time to finish its management. The wrapup time is established on the campaign configuration. The wrapup time starts when a call from a campaign finishes.

Dashboard calls: Shows the amount of completed and abandoned calls (in case of outgoing are the unnatended calls or the missed ones).

Dashboard time: It shows exponential average time of Spoken and Waiting.

Exponential moving average: A type of moving average that is similar to a simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest data. The exponential moving average is also known as "exponentially weighted moving average".

Because it gives the most weight to the most recent observations, it allows operators to react faster to changes in recent times.

Average spoken time: Is the average time spoken of all calls made during the day.

Average waiting time: Is the average time waited of all calls made during the day.

Dashboard Service Level: You can see the percentage of service level of the queue (configured in the campaign parameters)

  • INCOMING: Calls answered below the service level.

  • OUTGOING: Duration equal to or less than the service level configured.

  • Above the dashboard it is the service level value in seconds for the calculation on that campaign.

About the service level without abandon:

The service level is the percentage of calls that were answered by an agent before the stipulated time limit .

For example , if a service level threshold of 20 seconds is set, the calls that are answered before that time,

increase the service level, the same way, the calls that are answered after the established time, decrease the service level.

So if there are 100 calls in which 20 are answered after the established time, the service level will be 80%.

The service level is calculated daily.

About the service level with abandon:

As well as the service level without abandon, this measure takes the calls that are answered before the stipulated time limit but it also counts the abandoned calls before the time limit.

The formula to calculate it is:

(Completed inside the SL + abandoned inside the SL) / total calls

Where SL means Service Level

Dashboard abandon rate: You can see the percentage of the rate of abandonment of a campaign.

About the abandon rate:

The abandon rate is the percentage of calls abandoned during the day.

To calculate the abandon rate, all the abandoned calls are counted over the total calls, where for example if 100 calls were made and 20 were abandoned, the abandon rate will be 20%.

The following calls are counted as abandoned:

  • Abandoned by the client: Calls that the client finishes before it was answered.

  • Abandoned by timeout: When a client is waiting to be answered, the call is placed on a waiting queue- That queue has a time called timeout which sets the time limit that the client will wait on that queue. If the call is not answered on that time, the call finishes and it will be registered as a abandoned call.

ACD Graphic: Shows the amount of calls in the ACD (in wait), on the graphic you can find the strategy of distribution of calls for the incoming campaign.

Filters: Filters to select what it is wanted to be seen in the Agents table.

Filtros by state: The user can manage the filters by selecting or deselecting the states. The selected flters will be marked with a tick.

 Filters by break: In addition to the filters by states you can filter the agents according to the break in which they are allowing a higher level of granularity when viewing the agents. About the break you can also display how many agents are currently in the break.



Searches: To only show what is sought in the tables, there is one for each table.


Agets status:

Grid with list of agents that are assigned to that queue.

State: Color identifier extension state.

Type of call: Shows if the call is outgoing  (arrow up) or incoming (arrow down).

Name: Agents name.

Phone: Technology and phone number of the agent.

Completed: Number of calls answered (inbound or outgoing).

Duration: Duration of the current or last call made.

Connected to: Telephone number of the last call or current call made or received.

Last call: Date / Time of last call answered.

Time: Shows the time that the agent is on the actual state.

Alert: Column where all configured alerts on the thresholds can be found. These are:

  • Red alert icon: Inactivity time (it is shown when the agent passes the defined threshold without recieving any call)

  • Yellow Telephone icon: Threshold 1 call time.

  • Red Telehone icon: Threshold 2 call time.

  • Red break icon: Break threshold.

Note: All threshold are defined on the campaign creation.



Real time listener monitor

When selecting an agent from the list, a bar will appear with the monitoring options, which allows us to monitor the agent directly from the computer where the portal is open (without the need of having a specific associated internal)

Selecting any of the options (without the stop) a timer begins to run next to the name of the agent.

The options are:

  •  Shows if the supervisor is in Spy mode (only hearing).

  • Shows if the supervisor is in coaching mode (talking to the agent).

  • Shows if the supervisor is in Barge In mode (talking to the client).

  • Allows ending the supervising mode.

  • Allows to see the agent profile.


In the bottom right corner we can find:

  • Full Screen: Puts the screen on full screen.

  • Refresh statistics: If we want to refresh the statistics manually (it refreshes automatically) we use that button.

  • Reseteo: Resets real time queue statistics leaving them on 0 (won’t change historical data).


In the lower left corner we see a filter icon which allows you to filter the agents that are available and all, since in several cases there are many agents that could be unavailable and disturb the visual.

On the other hand you can use a filter for displaying the agents that are in use and see their activity.


ACD State

Grid with a list of calls waiting (incoming).


Caller ID: Displays the number of the call.

Position: Shows the position of the call in the queue.

Wait: Timeout waiting for the call queue.


Agent Profile

When selecting an agent from the table, the info button will appear on the monitoring options.




On this screen the user can see his progress, incoming and outgoing calls, sms, mails, as well as interactions with social networks like Twitter or Facebook and the webchat of the day.


The user can also see the time he was logged in, time on breaks, spoken time and time he was free.

Free time is the time in which the agent was logged in without being on a break or making a call without having in count the thime spoken during a break.


The resulting formula is: Free Time = Logged - Spoken - Break + Talked break.


Talked break: Is the time that, while being on a break the agent made calls.

Real break: Is the total break time, without the time being on a call during a break.


Tables and graphs

On the right, the user can see a timeline detailing his activities, a table that indicates the time spent on every break and a graph of the day by hour.


The graph is divided by hour, it shows the ammount of calls and sms of the user (incomming and outgoing).

If the mouse pointer is placed over a specific time, the user can see the amount of calls and sms for that hour.



  • Both tables (the timeline and the time of break table) stores their data in the machine that the agent is using, thats implies that if the agent does a change the machine o clean the cache the one it's using, data of that tables it will reset.

  • The time as well as the interactions of the agents and the graph it will stores in the server, so thoes data will remain in the agents account.

  • All data reset daily.

Agents campaigns

General view of campaigns and agents.


In the first table it can be seen a basic summary of the status of campaigns in real time.

The second table shows all the agents on the system on their actual state, ammount of calls and the time indicating their last state.



Menu to supervise real time dialer status.

 Full detail of dialer’s status, allowing you to manage your business and database load.

Phone dialers



Campaigns: Select the campaign to monitor.

Status: Displays the status of the campaign based on the following states.



On Schedule: Shows whether the campaign is on schedule to run, with the following states.



Type: Indicates the type of campaign that is defined.

Processed: Number of calls processed by the campaign.

No processed: Number of calls remaining in the campaign.

Active Calls: Shows the number of active calls at the time (in the case that the campaign is in progress).

Answered: Shows the number of calls answered for the campaign.

Busy: Shows the number of calls busy for the campaign.

Other: Shows the number of calls in different states (other than answered or busy).

Blocked: Displays the number of calls be blocked by NDCR list. 

Button (Stop/Start): Stop or start the campaign, in case you want to do it for some reason.

Delete button: Delete the campaign data that have not been processed (eg unprocessed records have been mistake or have been on the table NDCR, or for some reason want to be canceled).


Database Load: Loads a CSV file with the data from the phone to call with the following parameters discriminated as follows (campaign name, phone, state (always 1), additional information (in this case the name can be anything). The key is [campaign name, phone] this cannot be repeated, column 4 passes to the flow variables defined for example: [name: Juan; ci: 1234] you can use the variables ${name} is going to have Juan value or variable ${ci} that will be 1234. On the other hand it exists the posibility to add alternative numbers for the same contact, for example first for his home, then his mobile, then work, sepparated in the last parámeter by :

In this load you can load data for all the campaigns that are wanted at once on a very fast bulk insert.




discadortest;095957167;1;var1=123:var2=Juan; 099123456:45698745;

discadortest;23578408;1;var1=123:var2=Juan; 099123456:45698745;

discadortest;23113758;1;var1=123:var2=Juan; 099123456:45698745;



Upload record called DNCR: Allows loading a csv file with data of phones that should not be called, indicating phone number and campaign






Download base: Allows to download the base with all the numbers of that campaign. The format is .csv.


Dashboard agents:

 Shows the amount and porcentage of agents on their states (above the graphic we can see the agents in total). Below the dashboard the user can filter the agents by pressing the state name.

The states are:

  •  Not available: Those agents that are not logged in.

  •  Available: Agents logged without a call.

  •  Busy: Agents with an active call. 

  •  Paused: Agents on pause state. These can not receive a call and are not currently making a call.

  •  Busy paused: Agents on pause with an active outgoing call.

  •  Wrapup: Agents on the wrapup state can not receive a call during the wrapup time to finish its management. The wrapup time is established on the campaign configuration. The wrapup time starts when a call from a campaign finishes.



Whenever a dialer is generated must take into account the following criteria for files and its content:

The file name must not have spaces, strange characters, and not very long names, a file name example would be: DISCTEST.csv

The first column that refers to the campaign, must exist in the system, if not, it will give an error and will not let upload the file.

At least the first four columns should exist to upload the file correctly.

Must be no white spaces after the last line in order not to lift records without information.

Within the fields of variables, there can not be special characters like ´ ‘  “ @ etc, as they can affect the system performance,

in the event that these characters are, it will fail and will not let upload the file.

Remember that if it is a Power Dialer, the same will  run whenever there are avalible agents in the system to make calls.

The number of calls processed at the end of each dialer may not correspond to the originally uploaded calls because the calls that my have given an error, calls that have not been answered or had exceeded the waiting time, will be counted, and the ammount of retries that the dialer has defined.

The dialer keeps the name of the file and the date of upload as id of the uploaded base, this then makes it possible to get reports by base.


 SMS dialers

Menu to monitor the status of mobile services and SMS campaigns .

Displays all active mobile services, allowing to manage its activity and load of information .

Campaigns: Select the campaign to monitor.

Status: Displays the status of the campaign based on the following states.



On Schedule: Shows whether the campaign is on schedule to run, with the following states.



Processed: Number of sms processed by the campaign.

No processed: Number of sms remaining in the campaign.

Other: Shows the number of sms in different states by incorrect format number.

Blocked: Displays the number of sms blocked by NDCR list. 

Button (Stop/Start): Stop or start the campaign, in case you want to do it for some reason.

Delete button: Delete the campaign data that have not been processed (eg unprocessed records have been mistake or have been on the table NDCR, or for some reason want to be canceled).


Outgoing - Unit

There is the option to send a unitary text message to a unique and specific number, you must insert the following information:

Phone: Number where the text is going to be sent.

Texto: Text that the message will contain.


Outgoing - Massive

Outgoing SMS are automatically processed by the system after being loaded. To load a SMS a file must be uploaded which contains the next (in .csv format).

Values: campaign name ; phone destination ; message ; device (eg dongle0), state ( eg 1)



smsintegratest;099635199;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1;

smsintegratest;098344484;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1;

smsintegratest;099635199;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1;

smsintegratest;098344484;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1;

smsintegratest;099635199;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1;

smsintegratest;098344484;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1;


 Upload do not call record DNCR: Allows to upload a .csv file with the SMS data that should not be sent, indicating phone number and campaign.




Shows the phone line status in real time with the next states:

  • Free (Green icon).

  • Ocupied (Red icon).

  • Ringing (Sky blue icon).

Data: Shows status of the data of the device.

Channel: Shows the channel of the assigned device.

Context: Assigned context for the incoming calls of the device.

Group: Group to which the device belongs, allowing to group in the configuration, multiple devices in certain groups.

Signaling: Shows the status of the signal of the device.

Account: Shows the account to which the device is registered.




To see the status information of sent messages and status of messages waiting to be sent see reports.

It is possible to send messages from third-party applications by executing a webservice REST, for example:

Whenever a dialer is generated must take into account the following criteria for files and its content:

The file name must not have spaces, strange characters, and not very long names, a file name example would be: DISCTEST29042014.csv.

The first column that refers to the campaign, must exist in the system, if not, it will give an error and will not let upload the file.

At least the first four columns should exist to upload the file correctly.

Must be no white spaces after the last line in order not to lift records without information.

Within the fields of variables, there can not be special characters like ´ ‘  “ @ etc, as they can affect the system performance, 

in the event that these characters are, it will fail and will not let upload the file.



Menu for supervising the status of physical lines.

Physical Lines


Detailed status of the lines that are being used or not.

Displays physical channels associated with telephony cards status:


  •  No alarm.

  •  Red alarm.

  •  Yellow alarm.

  •  Blue alarm.

  •  Recovering.

  •  Not open.


Channel: Number of channel.

Signaling: FXS, FXO, PRI, BRI, R2 corresponding to the channel (remember that analog signaling is the opposite channel type eg. Whether I have FXO signaling channels is FXS).

Context: Context that is grouped.

Data: Free or in use, can be unknown if nothing is connected.

Account: Display extra information about the channel connection.

Hang-up Button: Hang-up a selected channel.

Extended Information (to select a channel from the list):

  • Channel: Channel name.

  • PSTN: CallerID phone side.

  • Lenguaje: Channel  Language .

  • Status: Channel status (unknown, low, quiet, OffHook, marking, ring, ringing, connected, busy, marking OffHook, prering).

  • Rings: Number of rings before answered.

  • Duration: Of the call in h: mm: ss.

  • PBX: CallerID PBX side.

  • Extension: Where matching the dialplan if applicable (incoming).

  • Priority: If is an IVR what step is.

  • Application: If an IVR application is running.

  • Data: Appplication parameters.

  • Group: Diial group which is associated with the channel.


 Active calls

Menu for supervising active calls on the system

Information about active channels (no direct correspondence between one call and a channel, 2 call sides or 1 may be a call). What you see here are created telephony channels, a channel may be an established call between the street and an IVR, or the PBX to an agent or phone, is thus noteworthy that the fields origin Channel and Destination Channel are cross linked on a bridged call that involves 2 call sides.


  • DOWN: Not available.

  • RESERVER: Reserved

  • OFFHOOK: Offhook.

  • DIALING: Dialing.

  • RING: Listening ring.

  • RINGING: Ringing.

  • UP: Active.

  • BUSY: Busy.

  • DIALING OFFHOOK: dialing offhook.

  • DIALING PRERING: dialing prering.


Account: Usually the extension you are connected, you may also name the carrier.

Source: ANI (callerid) number of the origin of the call.

Extension: DNIS, DID, internal extension.

Time: Channel active time.

Context:Context where the call came.

Origin Channel: Channel where the call started example. SIP/1001 or IAX2/1002 (IP) DAHDI (conventional telephony).

Destination Channel: Channel where the call was connected.

Step: Step in the dial plan.

Application: Application Name where the dial plan call is currently placed

Data: Data passed to the application.


In the upper right corner is a button which can hangup a channel. (IF ONE OF TWO CHANNELS IS HANGED BOTH INTERCONECTED CHANNELS WILL BE HANGED).

On the other hand we have a button to refresh the status of the active lines. By default updated every 20 seconds.




 Menu for supervising Voip endpoints.

Show all VoIP endpoints connected to the system, such as administrative phones, agents or gateways.

Type: Voip endpoint Technology(the iconography corresponds to this difference, change the icon whin it is a GW connected as shown in the picture).

Account: Phone or VoIP endpoint name.

IP: IP address of the endpoint.

Status: Status of the component displays OK and the arrival millisecond.

Extended information (by selecting an endpoint):

  • Channel: Type and number and type endpoint or destination channel number.

  • PSTN: CallerID phone side.

  • Language: Channel Language 

  • Status: Channel status (unknown, low, quiet, OffHook, marking, ring, ringing, connected, busy, marking OffHook, prering).

  • Duration: Of the call in h: mm: ss.

  • Extension: Match of the dialplan.

  • Priority: IVR step.

  • Application: Running application.

  • Data: Running application parameters.

  • Account: Can be the name of the extension and / or account name of the PSTN, there may be two entries in this data depending on the type of call.


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