To enter this section the user must navigate in the side menu to: Administrator → Campaigns
Once there you will see all the available options according to your security group.
First are the campaign settings, they are:
After them we find other configurations that apply to one or more channels, they will be detailed below.
Registers holidays for campaigns.
Do not call registry
This feature allows you to manage DNCR of campaigns by adding or removing specific numbers. These features are detailed below.
The do not call registry (DNCR) can add numbers to a campaign in which you do not want to make calls.
The Email Blacklist allows to manage those emails that get messages as Spam.
Every time a client gets an email from an Email Dialer campaign, exclusively, an Unsubscribe button will be on the message as an option to stop receiving emails.
From the moment the client clicks on it, the user email will appear on this sections list, indicating its email address and the campaign's name that sent the email.
The user won't get more emails from his campaign while being on this list.
Dispositions are codes or key words working as tags for every call registry, from this, the call center can obtain more efective and quicker results of each management.
If the campaign does not have a disposition configured, the interactions of the campaign will close normally.
At the same time in the Campaigns creation we will see a checkbox that allows the activation of the disposition modal, both for normal campaigns and dialers (in case the campaign has a Survey type form this option must be deactivated)
When we create dispositions for a campaign or voice dialer that has a Survey type Form we can see that at the end of the call, instead of showing the dispositions modal, they will appear at the bottom of the survey and it cannot be saved until completed the disposition fields.
We will also see a button at the bottom-left corner of the survey that allows you to cancel the survey, and when you click on it we will see a confirmation message as it is an irreversible action.
After confirm the cancellation of the survey, the dispositions will be displayed at the bottom of the survey.
Dispositions Copy
Through this functionality the Administrator will be able to copy the Dispositions from one campaign to another, in this way he will not have to manually type all the Dispositions again.
When Dispositions are copied, their actions are also copied in case they have.
If we copy twice to the same campaign, the system adds the Dispositions that are NOT already copied.
The copies are not for updating Dispositions, they are meant to avoid the created manual.
In the following image we can see the Unified Inbox of an Agent that attends different Omnichannel campaigns.
This Feature is not visible on the screen nor is it configurable, it works for the Omnichannel services and allows the Agent to belong to a variety of campaigns of different channels and interact with all of them without any problems.