e. API Gamification v5
e. API Gamification v5
- 1 Import data
- 1.1 Import data
- 1.1.1 Format file
- 1.1 Import data
- 2 Upload actions
- 2.1 Upload actions
Import data
Import data
URL Relativa: IntegraGamification/resources/GM_Integration/BatchMeasures
Method: POST
Parameter : filename (File name)
fileb64 (Content of the file in base64)
Result : 1 (Asynchronous)
Format file
Agent1;Test;2016-04-20 15:30:00;1;100;agentUser;performanceMeasureName;date;amount;accreditedPoints
Upload actions
Upload actions
Relative URL : IntegraGamification/resources/GM_Integration/LoadActions
Method: POST
Parameters : performanceMeasureName (Name of the measure performance)
dateHour (Date and hour that the action realized)
agentName (Name of the agent)
actionAmount (Allow to upload actions in the same hour)
Result : Succes message.
In error case send a message error. Asynchronous.