Facebook administration
Keep in mind
To activate Facebook it is necessary to allow pop-up windows from the web browser. This will allow the creation process to continue smoothly.
The user who configures the Facebook campaign in uContact, must be logged in as administrator of the page that they want to associate.
Facebook campaigns configuration
In order to apply the following steps to associate the Facebook account in uContact, first of all there must be a Facebook page created for the Facebook account in question.
If you do not have a Facebook page, go to the Create Facebook page section.
Basic configuration
Facebook campaign's name.
Service Level
Is the calls percentage that were attended by the agent before a stipulated time.
Page Name
Name of the facebook page, exactly same.
Is the behavior that the campaign will have. To know more about each option, please visit Strategies
Time frame in which the campaign will be available.
To add schedules, the days of the week and schedules From and To are selected in 24-hour format. Then we press '+', our schedule is loaded to the list and we click Save.
To remove a schedule we simply select it from the list, press the '-' button and click Save.
Advanced configuration
To add or remove agents from campaigns, the user must follow the same steps mentioned in the Omnichannel - Members section.
Members added to a campaign must be part of a voice campaign, on the contrary, this agents wont get any interactions from this channel.
Facebook agent
This is how the agent uses Facebook in the portal.
Facebook wall
Messenger Response
Lets you reply to wall posts with private Messenger messages.
To use Message it is necessary to have created a messenger campaign for the same page.
By clicking on Message displays a box like the following.
Here you will see the campaign for which the message begins and a text box to compose the message
Clicking on the start interaction button will open a Messenger interaction.
Facebook Supervisor
Facebook campaigns monitoring
Users with a supervisor profile will be able to see real-time statistics of Facebook campaigns.
To access the campaign statistics panel, you must access it through the uContact side menu in the Supervisor-> Campaigns-> Social Networks section and select the Facebook tab in the upper right corner of the screen:
Facebook recordings
Every facebook interaction gets to be saved in the system, you can see them here filtering by date, campaign and user.
On the top right corner where the messages unfold, there will be this icon.
It works as a refresh, so if the interaction is active, every new message will load here in real time.
Create Facebook Page
If you do not have a Facebook page, it is necessary to follow the following steps to create it: