Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

With ith our API you can interact through various channels so that your contact center is always connected.


Remember that to use the API you need

  1. Authenticate and get a token for the session

  2. Use the token in the Header Authorization

  3. End session

See more here…




Within this category we can perform the following actions


titleSend SMS

Code Block
Relative URL: Integra/resources/SMS/SendSMS
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params: destination (Number of the sms destination)
        message     (Text message)
        campaign    (Outbound campaign)
        agent       (Sender Agent)
        source      (Callerid or Port Number)
Result: TEXT  OK
Code Block
Relative URL: Integra/resources/SMS/SendSMSv2
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params: destination (Number of the sms destination)
        message     (Text message)
        campaign    (Outbound campaign)
        agent       (Sender Agent)
        source      (Callerid or Port Number)
Result: TEXT(json)  {

via Proxy

Code Block
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
   function SMS () {
       var windowProxy;
       windowProxy = new Porthole.WindowProxy(window.location.protocol + window.location.hostname);{'action': 'sms', 'campaign' : '<CAMPAIGN>', 'message' : '<MESSAGE>', 'destination' : '<NUMBER>'});
titleRecive SMS

Code Block
Relative URL: Integra/resources/InboundSMS/ReceiveURLSMS
Method: GET
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params: phone 		(Número origen del sms)
        message     (Mensaje de texto)
Result: TEXTO  OK

titleSchedule SMS

The dialer of SMS is for  scheduler SMS and the dialer will execute in the right moment, for this type exist a Web service REST schedule that allows them. And it is possible from Froms, Workflows or from external systems.

Basically the process is that there is a table where are the calls that are scheduled with all pertinent information.




phone destiny


date and time when you have to run



The message

The scheduler be placing on the sms_spool with priority 1 to the messages that have to run in that minute, which will make the dialer take it as soon as possible to send the message, is named based Schedule and Date to see which they are the sms that were scheduled and when they should be performed in order to compare with the sms_repo dateprocessed.


Code Block
Relative URL: Integra/resources/SMS/ScheduleDialerSMS
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params:  sms   (JSON Object)
Result:  1

Json Object

Code Block
  "calldate" : "2015-10-11 15:00:00",        // Sms date
  "campaign" : "Ventas->",                   // Sms dialer campaign
  "destination" : "098344484",               // Sms destination
  "data" :  "Message"                        // Sms text message
titleUpload SMS Base

Code Block
Relative URL: Integra/resources/SMS/uploadbase
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params:  filename         (Name of the file)
         fileb64          (base64 content of the file)
         campaign         (Name of the campaign)
Result: 1 (Async Method)

File format

Code Block
somecampaign;098344484;Hello World!;9999


The dialer has to be Enable and On Date To process Schedule SMS if not this will be the first to go out when the Dialer starts again.



For email we can load the dialers bases


titleUpload Email Base

Code Block
Relative URL:
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Parameters: filename         (File name)
            fileb64          (Csv file content in base 64)
            channel		     'email' (this value will always be the same)
            user			  username
			dialer			dialername
			filter         	email subject
			cant			registries count
Result: 1 (Async Method)

File format

Code Block
CampName;;This is an example mail body;;"Var1":"value","Var2":"value";9999


titleSend an email

Code Block
Relative URL: IntegraChannels/resources/Forms/sendEmail
Method: POST


Code Block
    "campaign": "Email",
    "to": "",
    "subject": "Subject",
    "body": "This is an email body can be HTML",
    "attachments": [
    "schedule": {
        "title": "Date title",
        "organizer": "Myself",
        "from": "2018-08-24 00:00:00",
        "to": "2018-08-24 01:00:00"
    "template": "templateName",
    "variables": {

Template, schedule and variables fields are optionally.

The variables in the template will be replaced before sending the email. Template only will be sent if the body is not specified.

Attachments are optional. Attachments will be a list of strings, each string represents the file location in the uContact server.


200 successfully

Code Block

400 Wrong parameters

500 Server error

Postman collection with example calls to Send SMS