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Qui si potranno trovare tutte le informazioni sul nostro canale SMS


Table of Contents



Bisogna innanzitutto configurare i nostri providers SMS.

Ogni provider che abbiamo elencato è compatibile con uContact ed e ha diversi campi da compilare.

All the information required in the configurations is provided by your Tutto ciò che è richiesto per la configurazione è fornito dal provider.

After fill all the fields we press the "Save" button and the provider will be added to the list.

To Remove any Provider

Tipologia di codifica autorizzata dal provider scelto che determina in che modo verrà visualizzato il testo.

titleSMS providers screen

Once inside, we will see two sections:

First of all there is the section Una volta entrati, vi saranno due sezioni:

C'è prima la sezione "SMS Providers", here we will select the type of api for each provider through the drop-down menu. It should be noted that the options displayed are currently compatible with in cui si potrà selezionare il tipo di API per ogni provider mediante il menù a tendina. Si nota che le opzioni mostrate sul display sono attualmente compatibili con uContact.

  • DinstarWeb: Web service communication Servizio di comunicazione web.

  • Quality: API developed for spiluppato Quality Telecom.

  • GMG: Communication with Comunicazione GMG SMS API

  • Twilio: Communication with  Comunicazione con Twilio SMS API

  • Nexmo:  Communication with Comunicazione con Nexmo SMS API

  • InfoBip:  Communication with Comunicazione con InfoBip SMS API

  • URLSMS:  Communication Comunicazione URL GET.

  • URLSMSAuth: Communication with Comunicazione con URL Get with basic Auth

  • SMSMasivo:  Communication with Comunicazione con SMSMasivo

  • URLSMSPOST: Communication  Comunicazione URL POST

  • URLPOSTSMSAuth: Communication Comunicazione URL POST with basic POST con Auth base

Default: This option allows you to select the SMS provider as the default to receive notifications from the system.

If one is not selected, the system will take the first one from the list,

 L’opzione consente di selezionare il provider SMS in modo predefinito per ricevere notifiche dal sistema.

Se non viene selezionato nulla, il sistema prenderà il primo dell’elenco, come se non ci fosse il Default. (as if the one that is Default is deleted. If we have several and select another one as Default, the system will remove the previous one and mark the new one.

On the right is a table with the providers already created.

After we select an SMS Provider we will see the fields to configure the provider, these fields may change as required by the api, an example would be:

Image Removed

In this case, the DinstarWeb api was selected, which in order to access the provider requires: URL, Ports, Encoding SMS, User Name, Password and SMS RegExp. The aforementioned data will be provided by the SMS provider that the company has.*


). Se ce ne sono molti e viene selezionato un altro come predefinito, il sistema cancellerà quello precedente ed imposterà il nuovo.

Sulla destra c'è una tabella con i providers già creati.

Dopo aver selezionato un SMS provider, saranno visibili i campi per configurare il provider, i quali potrebbero cambiare come richiesto dall’API; ad esempio:

Image Added

In tal caso, il DinstarWeb API che era stato selezionato, per accedere al provider richiede: URL, Ports, Codifica SMS, Username, Password e SMS RegExp. I dati di cui sopra verranno forniti dall’SMS provider aziendale.*


URL (SMSEndpoint): 

  • URLSMS: The address of the external WS must be taken into consideration the following variables L’indirizzo del WS esterno deve considerare le seguenti variabili:  ${phone}, ${message}, ${id},  (ej:${phone}&mensaje=${message}&id={id}).

  • Dinstar:  (WEB y common):  IP address of the  indirizzo IP del GW.

  • Twilio:  no configuration needednon è necessaria la configurazione.

  • Quality: IP address of the   indirizzo IP del GW.

  • InfoBip: User and e Password of dell’account infoBip account .

  • SMSMasivo: User and e Password of dell’account SMSMasivos account.

User: SMS username for the service of sending username per il servizio di invio SMS

Password: SMS password for the service of sending per il servizio di invio SMS.

SMS Form: In case that the api or hardware allows) Name with which the SMS will leave In caso di API o hardware, nome con il quale verrà rilasciato l'SMS.

Ports: Port number from where the SMS will leave.SMS Regexp: Property that validates the format of the cell numbers that are sent, in order to have more practical control of whether or not to send, for example numero da cui si invierà l’SMS.

SMS Regexp: La proprietà che convalida il formato delle celle dei numeri che vengono inviati, per avere un controllo diretto su ciò che viene o non viene inviato; ad esempio: ^(09\d{7})$  this function to validates that the cell phone format is  questaè la funzione per convalidare il formato del numero telefonico 09XXXXXXX. (SMSNumberRegexp)

Codifica SMS EncodingType of codification that the authorized provider will choose to determine how the text is going to look.


Dopo aver compilato i campi bisogna cliccare sul tasto “Salva” e il provider sarà aggiunto all’elenco.

per rimuovere qualsiasi Provider, questo va selezionato dall’elenco we need to select it from the list, we will see all the data charged to edit and we press "Deletesi vedranno tutti i dati attribuiti per la modifica e bisognerà cliccare su "Elimina".

titleSee regular expressions

This table shows how regular expressions are user in the control:

.   Dot, any character (may or may not match line terminators, read on).

\d   A digit: [0-9].

\D   A non-digit: [^0-9]

\s   A white space character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r].

\S   A non-white space character: [^\s].

\w   A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9].

\W   A non-word character: [^\w].

\    Escape the next meta-character (it becomes a normal/literal character).

^    Match the beginning of the line.

.    Match any character (except newline).

$    Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end).

|    Alternation (‘or’ statement).

()   Grouping.

[]   Custom character class.

  • Match 0 or more times

+      Match 1 or more times

?      Match 1 or 0 times

{n}    Match exactly n times

{n,}   Match at least n times

{n,m}  Match at least n but not more than m times.


The configuration of the provider must be made by a user with access to this data because the lack or error in any of them will not allow its correct operation.


Once the provider is already created in uContact, we can create our sms campaign.

titleBasic Configuration

SMS campaign's name

Service Level
Is the calls percentage that were attended by the agent before a stipulated time.

Is the behavior that the campaign will have. To know more about this, please visit Strategies

Time frame in which the SMS campaign will be available.

Telephone number associated to the campaign for identification purpose.

titleAdvanced Configuration

Out of Time
Here the user can personalise the message that the client will receive when the campaign is out of time.

Maximum Interactions per Agent
Limits the amount of active interactions the agent can get. The rest of the interactions wait in queue.

These metrics to campaign statistics in real time, they are measured in time (seconds) .

  • Service Level
    The time limit for response expected chats by an agent.    

  • Dropout rate
    It is the time of chats to consider that they were abandoned by customers during the day time.

  • Time chat
    Time to consider the agent-customer chat reached the limit.

  • ACD
    Maximum number of customers who are waiting to be answered by an agent chat.

Canned Responses
The campaign can have pre written answers for your SMS interactions, this facilitates and speeds up the communication between agent-client.

The system can have a non working SMS campaign, without the need of deleting it entirely and lose information. If checked, the campaign can be used. 

titleAdd Members


In order to add or delete agents from a campaign, the user must go to Members on the top left corner.

From here, select the agent or agents to be added in the list on the right of the screen, and then press the green button.


Members added to a campaign must be part of a voice campaign, on the contrary, this agents wont get any interactions from this channel.


Regarding SMS, we have a unique type of dialer that will only have a schedule associated as well as an only dialer device.

It will associate a time range for all campaigns, that will establish the time and day on which they run in order not to make actions at improper schedules.

Basic Configuration

To create a SMS dialer you need to fill the fields:

  • Name
    In order to identify our dialer

  • SMS provider
    Which will be used to send messages

  • Schedule
    The time when the dialer will send messages is defined

  • Dial String
    Based on the api that sends SMS, you can configure a port or a range.

    • Dinstar - DinstarWeb
      Enter the range of channels, example: (0.3) this means that the message will be sent to 4 channels recursively (0-1-2-3-0 ...).

    • Quality
      No need for dial string.

    • Twilio
      No need for dial string.

  • Time between messages
    It is the time the dialer takes to send messages simultaneously, expressed in milliseconds.

titleOptional parameters

Optional parameters

  • Enabled
    Indicates dialer status, whether it is active or not.

  • DNCR
    Allows you to enable the review of Blacklist registration, for phone numbers that should not be called or send messages.

titleSMS dialer function

It works in a similar way to the rest of the dialers that we have, 50 state 1 messages from the sms_spool table are ordered, ordered by their entry position, it is set if it is in the black_list, if it does not send it and sets to state 3.



CSV upload example

Code Block

For the next campaign:









this is sms channel



extra data

Nuestra base sería:

Code Block
test1;098344484;this is sms channel;9999


Code Block


Take note!

  • To start a dialer, it must be previously enabled.

  • In the Dropbox Providers one of the created SMS providers is selected, this allows us to associate a different provider for each dialer.


This is how the agent uses SMS in the portal.

titleStart interaction

Next to the searching box, there is an icon where the user can easily start an SMS, Email and Twitter interaction.

By click it the following box will infold:

And inside the SMS option:

titleStarted Conversation

The agent will have on his Inbox the SMS with which she/he started an interaction.

This SMS will unfold on the right side of this section, showing its history of conversation and the client's information:

  • SMS Campaign's name

  • Client's telephone number


Next to the response box, will see some buttons that helps the agent to write the messages:

  • First of all we have a list with emojis to use on your messages will unfold.

  • The next contains the canned responses from the campaign. This ones get inserted in the response box automatically once the agent selected it from the list

  • The last button sends the message the Agent wrote.

  • And on the top right corner, the three points button will load the message history with the client.

On the other hand, using the integrated softphone in the portal, the user can send SMS as well.

Know more about Softphone SMS


Campaign Monitoring

Here the statistics in real time are shown.

titleTable on the left down side

The table on the left down side of this section shows:

Icon : Icon Agent Status . Along with the status icon you may appear: if the agent is in a phone call appears ; and if the agent is to break the break for that picture will appear .

Channel Status: If the agent has an interaction opened, the logo of this one will appear in this column, for SMS, Webchat, Email, Twitter. 
If the agent is attending more than one type of interaction, this ones will appear next to each other

Status: Agent Status in real time. States can be Offline , Busy, Free, Free Busy in break and break ( still break any available ) .

Agent: Name agents members of the campaign.

Completed: Number of SMS completed by agent.

Active: Represents the active interactions that the agent has.

Time: Time of the last change agent status

titleTable on the right down side

The table on the right down side unfolds:

Number: Client's telephone number

On Hold: Client's waiting time.

titleActions with agents

When an agent has an active interaction, the supervisor can click on it an the following options will appear:

The supervisor can visualize in real time the messages exchanged between agent-client.

Monitor screen
Allows you to view the agent screen in real time, to see this button the option to monitor screen must be enabled in Configuration - Agents.

Displays a window with all the agent information.

The supervisor will pause the agent status.

Chat with agent
It gives us the possibility to send a message to an agent.

Disconnect agent
Supervisor can log out the agent's account.. The agent must enter his username and password again to be able to enter and continue working.


In this section, the supervisor will see every SMS chat interaction.

titleSearch records

Parameters for filtering

Start date: Start Date Search SMS recordings .

Final date : End of recordings that we get from the search.

Mail: E-mail client we want to find . In this field you can put a part of the mail and the search will be the same.

Campaign: Select the campaigns SMS available on the list.

Agent : Select the agents who attended the SMS.

Dialer Monitor

Menu to supervise the state of the mobile services and SMS campaigns.

Show all the mobiles services actives, allowing supervise its activity and upload information.


Once the campaign was selected the section will show the following:

titleParameters details

Campaign: Allow to select a campaign to supervise.

Status: Show the general state of the campaign based on the following states:

  • Inactive

  • Active

In date : Show if the campaign is in date according the definition, with the following status:

  • Inactive

  • Active

Processed: Amount of SMS processed for campaigns.

Not processed: Number of calls left in the campaign process.

Other: Show the amount of SMS whit different states a by incorrect format. 

Locked: Show the amount of blocked SMS that are in the DNCR.

In the upper right corner we have the following buttons:

Button Start/Finish: Allows to stop o start the campaign to demand.

Delete button: Allows to delete the campaign data that have not been processed (for example, not processed registries that retuned an error or have been in the NDCR table, or for some reason want to be cancelled).

Upload a DNCR: Allow to load a csv file, with the SMS data that could not be sent, indicates the telephone number and campaign.

Code Block

titleOutgoing - Unitary

Exist the option to send an unitary text message to a unique and specific number, it must insert the following data:

Telephone: Number where to send the SMS.

Text: Text of the message to be send.

After completing the fields, press the Send button and the message will be sent by the dialer

titleOutgoing - Massive

The outgoing SMS are processed automatically by the system. To upload SMS it must load a file which have the following, in csv format:








text message


Code Block
smsintegratest;099782129;Test message;9999;
smsintegratest;0917564998;Test message;9999;
smsintegratest;095675776;Test message;9999;

To view the status information and status messages sent message waiting to be sent views Reports.

It is possible to send messages since applications of thirds executing a web service REST for example:

Always that a dialer is generated must take into account the following criteria for files and content:

  • The file name must not have spaces, strange characters or very long names would be an example of file: DISCTEST29042014.csv.

  • The first column refers the campaign that  exist in the portal, if the same not exist will throw error and the file can not loaded.

  • The first 4 fields are required to upload the file correctly.

  • Cannot exist blank spaces after the last line.

  • Inside the fields, cannot have special characters like ´ ‘  “ @ , in this case it would give error and the csv file is not going to upload.