

In order to facilitate our uContact training process to our clients, you can survey this Step by Step tutorials.

Creating Agents

The following tutorial will help the client to register new Agents in the system. If more material is needed, please visit our documentation Agents.


Creating Inbound Voice Campaigns

In this tutorial everything the client has to know about creating inbound voice campaign is demonstrated. If more material is needed, please visit our documentation Inbound Voice Campaign.


Creating Outbound Voice Campaigns

Everything the client has to know about creating outbound voice campaign is demonstrated. If more material is needed, please visit our documentation Outbound Voice Campaign.


Adding Campaign Members

To know how to add members to your campaigns, follow the next tutorial. If more material is needed, please visit our documentation Campaign Members.


Creating Dialer Campaigns

Simple way of creating dialer campaigns by following the next tutorial. If more material is needed, please visit our documentation Voice Dialer Campaign.


Dialer Recycling

In order to speed up our clients job when using dialers, re using them is simple as shown in this tutorial.  If more material is needed, please visit our documentation Dialer Recycling.
