b. Integra Framework
Function | Description | Example | |||||||||||||||
UC_exec | (sqlquery,dsn,callback) Executes SQL query on the database (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), can or cannot have a callback. sqlquery: INSERT UPDATE or DELETE. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. value: If this value is true, the callback will give you the result from the database, otherwise it will give you OK or ERROR | ||||||||||||||||
UC_exec_async | Structure: (sqlquery, dsn) Executes SQL query on the database (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) sqlquery: INSERT UPDATE or DELETE. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. value: If this value is true, the callback will give you the result from the database, otherwise it will give you OK or ERROR | ||||||||||||||||
UC_Save | (object,table,dsn,callback) Saves an object of a table in the database. object: Javascript object to save (identical to destination table). table: Name of the destination table. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_Save_async | Structure: (object, table, dsn) Saves an object of a table in the database. object: Javascript object to save (identical to destination table). table: Name of the destination table. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_fullSelect | (solochosen,idSelect,objetoSelect, chosen,atributo,parse) Fills a comboBox or listBox with data from a query. solochosen: If this parameter is 0 initialize the chosen with the objects passed in objetoSelect. If 1 use the html values and initlize with .chosen(). idSelect: Id of the html (out comboBox). objetoSelect: List of values or objects: Example values: ["ACOMP-BLESS->","campanaParaTestBeto<-"] Example objects: [{"departamento":"ARTIGAS"},{"departamento":"CANELONES"}] chosen: If 1 the function .chosen() is applied initialize the comboBox,if 0 loads the html of the select with options of objetoSelect but doesnt apply .chosen(), does not initialize. attribute: If specified an attibute means that the objetoSelect has the form of a list of objects so the values displayed on our control is the content of the name of that attribute. Example 'departamento' to fill with ARTIGAS, CANELONES. parse: If 1 JSON.parse is applied to objetoSelect asumes is passed as a String, if 0 assumes that in an array of values or array of objects.
| ||||||||||||||||
solochosen | chosen | result | |||||||||||||||
0 | 0 | ListBox using objetoSelect values | |||||||||||||||
1 | 0 | ListBox using html values | |||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | ComboBox using html values | |||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | ComboBox using objetoSelect values | |||||||||||||||
UC_fullSelect(0,"campanasCodigos",campañas,1,null,1); | |||||||||||||||||
UC_fullTable | (idTabla,datosParaLlenar, stringDatos,onSelected,scroll,dataFormat,bColum,bOrder,bfilter,pagination,multipleSelect,onDeSelected) Puts all the data into the table. idTabla: Id of the tag <table> in our html. datosParaLlenar: List in String format used to load the table. Example: [{"id":1,"documento":"","nombres":"Casanova Barreiro Rossana Haydee","departamento":""... stringDatos: Names of the filed that we want to show int our column table. Separated by coma (,). onSelected: Function executed when you select a row of the table,has a parameter that returns the objet of the selected row. Example: function metodoOnSelectedSample(resp){ //Resp has the object in string format as we pass in the datosParaLlenar } scroll: Height in pixels of the table. Ej: '100px'. dataFormat: Format of the Dates so the table can order the datatype correct, example : 'MM/DD/YYYY'. bColum, bOrder: This parameters are to order via a particular column asc or desc, passing as an integer the number of the column to order and if desc or asc. Example: Second column descendent: 1,"desc" pagination: Boolean. True to make the pagination of a table. multipleSelect: null or 1 as integer for multiple row select. onDeSelected: null or function(a) to return the object of the selected row. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_addPagination | (idTabla) Add pagination to a table. This method adds two buttons, Previous and Next for pagination porpoises. The user has to define the methods for the behavior of the buttons: the ids are idTabla_anterior, idTabla_siguiente. Via javascript and jQuery: $('#idTabla_anterior').click(function(){...}); and $('#idTabla_siguiente').click(function(){...}); idTabla: Id of the html table. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_update | (json, tablename, column, dsn, callback) Update Data. obj: Object with the new data. tablename: Name of the table to update. column: Name of the column to update from usually the table PK. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_update_async | Structure: (json, tablename, column, dsn) Update Data. obj: Object with the new data. tablename: Name of the table to update. column: Name of the column to update from usually the table PK. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_delete | (tablename, column, value, valuetype, dsn, callback) Deletes an object. tablename: Name of the table to delete from. column: Name of the column that we are going to make the delete usually the PK. value: Value of the selected column to delete. valuetype: Datatype of the value of the column to delete: int, string. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_delete_async | Structure: (tablename, column, value, valuetype, dsn) Deletes an object. tablename: Name of the table to delete from. column: Name of the column that we are going to make the delete usually the PK. value: Value of the selected column to delete. valuetype: Datatype of the value of the column to delete: int, string. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_get | (sqlquery,dsn,callback) Get data from a SQL SELECT query. sqlquery: SELECT sql. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_get_async | Structure: (sqlquery,dsn) Get data from a SQL SELECT query. sqlquery: SELECT sql. dsn: Name of the data source, empty uses CCREPO Database. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_makeCall | (campaign,source, destination,callback) Makes a call. campaign: Outbound campaign to compute this call to. source: Oublound DID for this call (number seen by the client). destination: Number to call. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_makeCall_async | Structure: (campaign,source, destination) Makes a call. campaign: Outbound campaign to compute this call to. source: Oublound DID for this call (number seen by the client). destination: Number to call. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_hangUp | (callback) Hangup the actual call. callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_hangUp_async | Structure: () Hangup the actual call. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_hangUpMyCall | Hang up the call, if the caller id passed by argument is the same that the actual call, otherwise nothing will happen - callerid - callback | ||||||||||||||||
UC_hangUpMyCall_async | - callerid | ||||||||||||||||
UC_pause | (boolean) Pause or UnPause an agent. It will not UnPause the agent if it is on a break. boolean: true or false. function: callback function | ||||||||||||||||
UC_sendSms | (phone,message) Sends SMS. phone: Destination. message: Text. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_sendMail | (fromname, to, subject, body) Sends an Email with the system account. fromname: Name of the From. to: Destination email. subject: Subject. body: Text can be plain or html. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_sendMailCampaignv2 | Sends an email using an account of the specified campaign { "campaign": "Email", "to": "adress@ucontactcloud.com", "cc":"example@example.com", "cco":"example@example.com,example2@example2.com", "subject": "Subject", "body": "This is an email body can be HTML", "attachments": ["020212/738hbjk-h73894algo.jgp", "020212/738hbjk-h73894algo.jgp"], "reports":["<generated_report_guid>.pdf"], "schedule": { "title": "Date title", "organizer": "Myself", "from": "2018-08-24 00:00:00", "to": "2018-08-24 01:00:00" } "template": "templateName", "variables": { "var1":"value", "var2":"value2" } } CC, CCO, Template and variables fields are optionally. The variables in the template will be replaced before sending the email. Template only will be sent if the body is not specified. Attachments are optional. It will be a list of strings. Each string returned by the function addAttachment. Reports field is optional. It will be an array of guid reports with its extension. | await UC_sendMailCampaignv2_async({ campaign: "Email", to: "santiviglione@gmail.com", subject: "Subject", body: "Hola", attachments: [ "20190513/92c59937-194a-4ef0-a183-9f55d551eb94.Captura%20de%20pantalla%202019-02-23%20a%20la%28s%29%2018.25.28.png", "20190513/24817ad7-efc5-4277-8995-d64ee6e988a5.foton%20de%27cereat.jpg" ] }) | |||||||||||||||
UC_addAttachment(file, id) | Upload any type of file to the server file: File object javascript id (optional): used to recognize the file in the response Response: ["20190513/a6d9f3c6-9574-44ca-8b6f-ec02e2c977d1.filename.txt", "1234"] the first string is the file's path on the server. the second string is the id | await UC_addAttachment(new File(["test1234filecontent"], "filename.txt", {type: "text/plain", lastModified: new Date()})) | |||||||||||||||
UC_sendHeyNowMessage_async | Send message with hey now api. This method uses the provider previously configured { "clientId": "598112321323", "message": "Hola", "providerName": "HeyNowProviderName" } | let obj = { "clientId": "598112321323", "message": "Hola", "providerName": "HeyNowProviderName" } await UC_sendHeyNowMessage_async(obj) | |||||||||||||||
UC_getAgents | (callback) Get agents in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getAgents_async | Structue: () Get agents in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getSystemCampaigns | (callback) Get campaings in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getSystemCampaigns_async | Structure: () Get campaings in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getMyAgentCampaigns | (callback) Get agents of my campaings in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getMyAgentCampaigns_async | Structure: () Get agents of my campaings in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getMySuperCampaigns | (callback) Get campaigns if Im a supervisor in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getMySuperCampaigns_async | Structure: () Get campaigns if Im a supervisor in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getAgentForCampaign | (campaign,callback) Get agents of an specific campaign in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getAgentForCampaign_async | Structure: (campaign) Get agents of an specific campaign in the callback in json format. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_subirArchivoCSV | (archivo, tabla,sentence,callback) Upload a CSV file to a database table. archivo: Obtained from an upload tabla: Destination table. sentence: If changes are required (check MYSQL LOAD IN FILE syntax). callback: Null or name of the function to execute on completion, returns the result. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_subirArchivoCSV_async | Structure: (archivo, tabla, sentence) Upload a CSV file to a database table. archivo: Obtained from an upload tabla: Destination table. sentence: If changes are required (check MYSQL LOAD IN FILE syntax). | ||||||||||||||||
UC_generateReport | (jsonReport,html,excel,pdf,doc) Generates and download a report excel, pdf, doc,txt, cvs. jsonReport: The object with the following format: html, excel, pdf, doc: this parameters are 1 o 0, when 1 is downloaded in the following format. (excel 2 is a csv) (doc in 2 is txt) | ||||||||||||||||
UC_closeForm | Close actual Form. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ShowXForm | Shows X button on Form Tab. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_setChannelVariable | (variable, value, callback) Sets a variable to an active call. variable:Name of the value. value: Value. callback: Returns. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_setChannelVariable_async | Structure: (variable, value) Sets a variable to an active call. variable:Name of the value. value: Value. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_TagRecord | (guid, data) Tag a recording so we can search for that value on Recordings. guid: Id of the call from CTI object. data: Text to tag it. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_respool | (objetoRespool, callback) Respool for a Dialer call when you havent reach the client you wanted. is possible to add the next phone of the contact to the dialer altough was an answered call. objetoRespool: Object of the type UC_DialerObject (check function). callback: Response of the function. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_respool_async | Structure: (objetoRespool) Respool for a Dialer call when you havent reach the client you wanted. is possible to add the next phone of the contact to the dialer altough was an answered call. objetoRespool: Object of the type UC_DialerObject (check function). | ||||||||||||||||
UC_DialerObject | (dialer) Returns an object type calls_spool (dialer table), so we can make a respool or dialer schedule. dialer: String of the attribute Dialer in the CTI object. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_replaceAll | (str, find, replace) Replace all occurrences of a string. str: Original String. find: String to find. replace: What to replace with. Returns changed String. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_generateNamedReport | (jsonReport, html, excel, pdf, doc, name) Generates and download a report excel, pdf, doc,txt, cvs. but with a determinated name (not a guid). jsonReport: The object with the following format: html, excel, pdf, doc: This parameters are 1 o 0, when 1 is downloaded in the following format. (excel 2 is a csv) (doc in 2 is txt). name: Name of the file to download. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_DialerSchedule | (callDate, objectDialer, callback) Schedule a call for a Dialer in a determinated date for a campaign and destination. callDate: Datetime for the schedule call. objetDialer: Object UC_DialerObject with the Dialer String of the CTI object , callback: Response of the function. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_DialerSchedule_async | Structure: (callDate, objectDialer) Schedule a call for a Dialer in a determinated date for a campaign and destination. callDate: Datetime for the schedule call. objetDialer: Object UC_DialerObject with the Dialer String of the CTI object. | ||||||||||||||||
notification | (title, message, icon, type) Shows a message to the user. title: Title of the notification. message: Message of the notification. icon: Fontawesome string for icon. Example:"fa fa-times"(error),"fa fa-check"(success),"fa fa-warning"(warning) type: Type of the notification. -Example:"danger"(error),"success"(success),"warning"(warning) | ||||||||||||||||
UC_audit | (audit) Audits actions of the user. Adds a record to ccrepo.auditory with user and IP. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_goToTab | (idTabPane) Go to other tab of the Form. idTabPane: Tab-pane id we want to show. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_generateGraphic | (idContenedor, datos, tipo,titulo, colores, tamano) Genete charts. idContenedor: If of the chart container. datos: Array of the data for the chart. tipo: Chart type if lineal null else pie, donut, bars. titulo: Title for a donut chart else null. colores: Array of colors in hexadecimal (['#2334','#45454']). tamaño: Size in pixels of the chart ('240px') else null takes the size of the container. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_Http_proxy | Only url and method fields are required Method must be: GET, POST, PUT or DELETE The body field must be the same string you want to send in the request UC_generateGraphic await UC_Http_proxy({ url: 'https://api-mirror.herokuapp.com/', method: 'POST', headers:{'authorization': 'header1'}, body: '{}', type: 'application/json' }) Response example UC_generateGraphic { body: "the body response", code: "200", //401, 504 etc headers: { content-type: ['application/json'], server: ['gunicorn/19.7.1'] } } | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ExecGet_async | await UC_ExecGet_async({url: 'https://google.com.uy', headers: {'Authorization': '1234'}}) | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ExecPost | (url, data, callback)
url: Pass the url of the web service . data: If the web service expects parameters, you must pass on data. calback : Return. header: Array containing list of headers | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ExecPost_async | Structure: (url, data)
url: Pass the url of the web service . data: If the web service expects parameters, you must pass on data. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ExecPostSOAP | (url, body, callback)
url: URL of the soap action, including the action name body: XML of the soap request callback : Return. headers : Headers to include in the http request | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ExecPostSOAP_async | Structure: (url, body)
url: URL of the soap action, including the action name body: XML of the soap request headers : Headers to include in the http request | ||||||||||||||||
UC_GM_LoadActions | (measure, actions, callback) Executes a Gamification WebService that allows to add points to the agent. measure: Name of the measure actions: Ammount of actions to credit (it will be multiplied with the measure to calculate the points) callback: Return. | ||||||||||||||||
UC_GM_LoadActions_async | Structure: (measure, actions) Executes a Gamification WebService that allows to add points to the agent. measure: Name of the measure actions: Ammount of actions to credit (it will be multiplied with the measure to calculate the points) | ||||||||||||||||
UC_openForm | (name, ctiObj) Open new form with the name given name: Form name ctiObj: Null or cti object | ||||||||||||||||
UC_Encrypt | text: Text to encrypt Encrypts the string passed by parameter and returns an object. You can save that object and decrypt it later or you can get the object value by executing obj.toString() | let test = UC_Encrypt('text to encrypt or whatever') console.log(test.toString()) // result is: "+VZ5lGWZ0DAONrcnP3MkEFGfpgP/LSPqhUDU4aXfY6U=" //Decrypt UC_Decrypt('+VZ5lGWZ0DAONrcnP3MkEFGfpgP/LSPqhUDU4aXfY6U=') UC_Decrypt(test) //this expressions will give you the same result: "text to encrypt or whatever" | |||||||||||||||
UD_Decrypt | text: Text or object to decrypt Decrypts the object returned by the encrypt funcion or the value obtained by excuting obj.toString() | ||||||||||||||||
UC_Add_Blacklist | Adds a contact to blacklist Recibes: Json object with contact data, callback. | let my_object = {"name":'name', "campaign":"hello", "username": "username", "phone": "phonenumber", "company": "Integra", "job_title": "Developer", "name": "name"} UC_Add_Blacklist(my_object, callback) | |||||||||||||||
UC_Remove_Blacklist | Removes a contact from blacklist Recibes: Json object with contact data, callback. | let my_object = {"name":'name', "campaign":"hello", "username": "username", "phone": "phonenumber", "company": "Integra", "job_title": "Developer", "name": "name"} UC_Remove_Blacklist(my_object, callback) | |||||||||||||||
UC_RemoveContactDialer | Removes a contact for the dialer of a given campaign Recibes: Campaign and number If * is the campaign value, the system will remove the contact for all campaigns. | UC_RemoveContactDialer('campaign', '36472974932') UC_RemoveContactDialer('*', '36472974932') | |||||||||||||||
UC_RemoveContactScheduler | Removes a contact for the scheduler of a given campaign Recibes: Campaign and number If * is the campaign value, the system will remove the contact for all campaigns. | UC_RemoveContactScheduler('campaign', '36472974932') UC_RemoveContactScheduler('*', '36472974932') | |||||||||||||||
UC_UploadBase | Uploads a dialer list campaign: name of campaign name: name of list list: Array[] of Objects{} callback (optional): response of function | Example of list array: var list=[{campaign:"campaignTest<-",destination:"099111111",data:"variable1=val1:variable2=val2",alternatives:"099222222:099333333",priority:"9999",agent:"Agent1"},{campaign:"campaignTest<-",destination:"213123",data:"variable1=val1",alternatives:"213213:123123",priority:"1233"}] Use:
| |||||||||||||||
UC_GenerateExampleCSV | Function download a CSV file is used for files that show the rise format CSV file. textToWrite: Text that you want to give as an example in the CSV file. idbtnCSV: Button identifier The same should be written between '', example 'idButton'. The button to which we are calling in the function must be of the <a> type, since the <a> tag allows the href which is what is used in the function, but not the <button>. Example of a button with the <a> tag: <a id="btnBuscar" class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;color:white;padding:0px;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);" name="btnBuscar"> | UC_GenerateExampleCSV('ExampleEmailCamp;email;value1;value2;value3;NOACTION','btnBuscar'); | |||||||||||||||
UC_MuteRecording | This function mutes or unmute the recording according to the value receive in the parameter
Value: 0 or 1, 1 for muting, 0 for unmuting | ||||||||||||||||
UC_StartRecording | Starts a new mix monitor on the channel Structure: (complete_path, callback) callback: retrieves the mix monitor id. Complete_path: complete path location of the file (including name) | ||||||||||||||||
UC_StopRecording | Stops a previously started mix monitor (UC_StartRecording) Structure: (idMix) IdMix: Mix monitor id to be stopped. Obtained from UC_StartRecording | ||||||||||||||||
UC_getCurrentCallInfo | Returns the state of the actual call. If it isn't in call, the property isInCall will be false { "isInCall":true, "startDate":"2019-11-21T19:46:38.833Z", "callerIdNum":"12343434", "inbound":false, "guid":"7dbaab4e-4d10-460f-a5e6-787c49351006", "campaign":"Hola->" } | ||||||||||||||||
UC_ExecScript_async | Executes one command on the application server Parameterscommand: command ExampleEjemplo let value = await UC_ExecPythonScript_async('python /etc/IntegraServer/scripts/test.py'); |