





This document show the flow  to realize inside the sistem of Gamitication to have the necesary configutation to start the game.

The tasks of configuration will be relized by the Supervisor.


Supervisor user login with the UContact system.



In the menu of the left, open tag Gamification.



The first thing to do in the Configuration, is to registrer Areas and Groups.  FOr them, slect the funcionality "Levels". A new screen silimar to the following appears:



Then that the Areas and Groups are created, must assigned the agents to the groups and areas.  For this, go to "Participants". Similar to the following screen will look like:



In the table of "Agents", you can see all the Agents defined in the system. To assign to a group, must first select the group and then add the agents.

The same thing happens with the assignation of groups to areas, must first select the area and then the groups.


Having definet the participants, must create performance measures.  For that, go to the funcionality "Measures".  It wolud apprear the  similar following screen:



To create a a measure, select the appropiate area, enter name and press "Create".

The functionality "Import Data", is based on importing a .csv document, which must have the following format:

  • Agent: Name of the agent.

  • Performance Measure: Name of the peromarmance measure.

  • Date: Date of the day the action was performed, format : AAAA:MM:DD HH:MM:SS.

  • Points: Points made for that action.

Fields must be separated by semicolon (;).

After creating the performance measures, must create the performance measures for each objectives. For that, go to the tag "Objectives" inside Gamification.



For each performance measure created, you must enter the target for this measure and the points assigned to meet that goal.

In the table all the objectives set for a particular area.

Then you must define the way in which the agents will see their progress.

In order to create the path ypu must click on the black spots that appear on the model selected.


It is added:

  • Name: Name of the desired model.

  • Width: Width that is going to have the model.

  • Long: Long that is going to have the model.

  • Image: An image is uploaded to the model.



Then we create the areas, groups, measures, objectives ando model, and we assign participants, we can create the game and active it.  For that you have to go to the tag "Game" inside Gamification.  A screen will look like the following:



To create the game you must:

  • Select the area.

  • Select the model, background, that will use.

  • Enter a name for the game.

  • Enter an indivitual goal and groupal.

Then, press "Activate", it will se that add a "tick" in the game active up in the model.

The Administrator also can create Levels and Badges.  the levels are "ranges" that can hace the agents, depending the amount of Badges that already have.




  • Newcomer

  • Learner

  • Beginner

  • Top

  • Teacher

  • Expert

To add one, you must enter a name and the amount of according badges.  Then press "Save".



Must select a category, enter a name, description. Then press "Save".  The image that will have  badge is by default.

In the table shows the badges created for each category.  Also come a lot badges by default, under the categories of Commitment, Perfomance and Collaboration.

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