First Access

First Access






The setting for the first access to the site uContact both Chrome and Firefox are within the Windows platform.


Is a guide to help a user in his first access to the portal, in case Google Chrome we use a plugin, that when we access first time must install;and for Firefox we must before download the last version of Java and then enter the portal.


Disable Firewall

For the right use of the portal it is necessary a specific configuration of Firewall.
The Firewall must be all deactivated, here the following steps of how to do:


Search in the Start of the computer "Control Panel":



Click in "Control Panel", and will appear the following screen:



Once in the Control Panel, you must search the System and Security and click here, and will show the following screen where you have to enter to "Windows Firewall":



To disable the Firewall must clic in "Turn Windows Firewall on or off", that is on the left side of the screen, and show the following:



Then the following screen would observe that Firewall are actives or not.


Once we are here, we deactivated all the Firewall of the computer can use later in the portal. We can do it selecting the disable options in the configuration:


To finish the disable of the Firewall, must click "OK" and then we can close the window, its important not to forget of pressing the OK button if not you will lost all the things we do before in the above steps.



The system show a message because the things we just do, but it's ok.






Help guide for installing the required by the uContact portal.

The home screen uContact webside requires entry of an agent or both as a Supervisor, in this case we enter the portal with Agente1.



Then click in "Login", will appear the following srceen:



To start downloading the plugin, this is requested by the system fot telephone operation of the portal, you must click where is says "plugin", appears the following screen:



One can see that when you click "plugin" in the computer downloaded a fil, what you have to do is open that file appears at ehe bottom of the screen, which is just download for downloading the plugin starts:



In the picture above you can see how the download is done, what we sholud do is wait fot

this to end.  After we finished as says the small window that appeared to us aat first is to close it.



You can see that the installation ended and the portal is ready to use.




For the case to try to connect with a inside server of the company through https protocol, for example this is our internal server, what we are going to try to do is to entering to the uContact portal without validate certificates.

Then will see what happens when we try to enter to the portal through that url:



You can observe that a pop up error appears, this means that the page that we want to enter it's not certificated, this type of page used cerfificates to encrypt connections from your computer to the server, in this case it means that the webside is not safe.  What we do is take care that the connection is not secure and proceed the same, for that clic on "ADVANCED" and will show the following:



Click on "Proceed to (unsafe)", and will appear the following screen:



In the image above the home screen portal uContact , then appear as the other previous cases the downloaded chrome complement phone:


We start the download of phone complement:




Click on the downloaded file:



One the installation finished, the portal is ready torun correctly.




The cloud uses the http protocol, which ensures data encryption (gives security to it) for that uses certificates, they are validated.


Now we will begin with steps to download the plugin phone in the cloud, so that we enter the portal with an agent, we will doo with the Agente1:



The first thins that appears when entering the portal is the option to download the plugin, as long as this does not already downloaded on the computer.  When the system is charging it appears similar to this screen, not to worry:



Immediately following appears:



To donwload the plugin must click on "plugin", then you can see how it starts to download at the bottom of the screen file:



To start downloading WebPhoneService_Install.exe must click on the file and start the installation:



Once installation is completed, the portal will be ready with all active functions.


Example if used proxy


In the case that use Proxy,we must add an exception, to set the phone plugin in Chrome.  We use Internet Explorer because through this we can change the proxy settings.  What we want is that the phone does not pass through the proxy, to do that we do the following:

First let the browser Internet Explorer, which is thewe this configuration is done:


Once we are here, we must search the image tht represents the Settings, in this case we selected to be seen easly.



Inside the Settings menu, we choose "Internet Options", the next screen will be:



Look on the tabs that are in the top of the window the one that says "Connections":



Whitin the Connections window, click on "LAN Settings" button, and will appear the following screen:


You musty select the box that says "Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections).



Then click on "Advanced" and the following is displayed:



Here we except "localhost.*" to change the setting, which is what we wanted when we started this process.


We click on "OK" to save changes.


Java Installation


To make the portal work in Firefox need I have downloaded on your computer the latest version of Java available, then the steps to donwnload it if you don't have it donwloaded to your computer.


First we search on Google oto download the Java used by the portal:



Clickeamos the first option, with says "free download Java software" and will show the following screen:



To start downloading click "Accept and start download" and the next screen to appear will be:



One can see that the download started:




Click on "Install" to continue the download:



Press the "Next" button, and the next screen that appears will be:




You can observe this in the installation process, now we must wait for the end:



Here you see ir finished the installation, and also warns that future updates will notice.  Then also ir warn that it will open the browser to check the operation of Java:



NOTE: To know which version of Java you just downloaded, have to go to Strart and search Control Panel :


Once we are in Control Panel, you can see something like that:



You can see that its selected the version of Java that the pc have installed, in t his case is 32 bits.




Have to be careful when you download Java, because if the Firefox version installed is of 32 bits (comes by default) must have special care in which Java version we already downloaded is of 32 bits too.  The same pass with Firefox version 64 bits, the Java version to download must coincide in 64 bits.  On whether to keep in mind that if once downloaded Java, without having into account these observations,the portal does not work for that reason.


For this we are going try to see the Firefox version we have installed on the computer before strart the Java installation:

To investigate the Firefox version we rigth click the taskbar:



We select of the list the one that says "Task Manager", and will appear the following screen:



In the last image we can see that the version of Firefox is 32 bits, so we have to install Java 32 bits in our computer.


For that we start searching in Google "download java 32 bits":



We must select the option that says "Whic Java download should I choose for the system..." and will show the following :



Click on where the arrow tip that says "32 - bit browser : you must dowload 32 - bit Java (recommended)".  From this step is repeated what made above to download Java.  Go to Java Installation.



Once Java is installed, we are in condition to enter the uContect portal without any problem, will show some things to finish with the process of configuration when we access first time:

Acces the portal with Agente1:


Then click on "Login", and will appear the following screen:\


To allow execute the java plugin, click "Allow" and will appear:



We must change the Java plugin configuration, for that we do:



We have to change to "Allow and Remember", we do that for not to repeat this process each time we enter the uContact portal:



Once we have both plugins is "Allow and Remember", click "OK" to save, and the following screen that will appear is:



Must select de box that says "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above", and click on "Run", and the following screen that will appear is:



We have to Allow the application, so we have to select the box "Do not show this again for this app and web side", and click the button.



Finally, we come to the home of Agente1,where you can use the site normally.




For the case to try to connect with a inside server of the company through https protocol, for example this is our internal server, what we are going to try to do is to entering to the uContact portal without validate certificates.

Then will see what happens when we try to enter to the portal through that url:




You can observe that a pop up error appears, this means that the page that we want to enter it's not certificated, this type of page used cerfificates to encrypt connections from your computer to the server, in this case it means that the webside is not safe.  What we do is take care that the connection is not secure and proceed the same, for that clic on "ADVANCED" and will show the following:



Click on "Add Exception...", and the following screen that will appear:



Before press the button "Confirm Security Exception", we must select the box that says "Permanently store this exception" so we must not repeat this procedure each tieme we try to enter to the portal.  Then click the button, the home site of the portal will appear:



Enter to the portal with Agente1, press the button "Login" and will show:



From this step is repeated as in the procedure described above.  At this point, we must Allow access to the Java plugin. 


We must allow that the portal can execute the Java plugins to can use the phone, for not to repeat this process each time that we enter to the portal, what is suggested is to put "Allow and Remember".



To both plugins we select "Allow and Remember" and finally we press "OK" button to save changes, will appear the following screen:



Then press "Continue" and will show the following screen:



Select the box that says "Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above", and will appear the following screen:



Here we select the box "Do not show this again for this app and web site", and press the button "Allow", and will appear:



If before you press the button "Allow", a pop-up warning appears in the screen, do not panic, press "Continue" and then continue with the last step normally.



In this part we are in conditions to use the portal normally.



To log in first time to the cloud, we are going to follow some steps to operation normal.



Then click on "Login", and in the next screen will appear:



In this screen it can see that we need to click on "Allow" to continue.



Here we have to enable both plugins to follow:



To save we have to press "OK", the following screen will appear is:



Press the "Continue" button to follow the steps:



This is the last step of our Firefox guide, but the first fot the Agent.

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