Portal EN

Portal EN



The access to the uConctact Portal http://IPSERVERBBDD:8085/portal/ where IPSERVERBBDD is the IP address where is located Integra Server (usually database server).

This also could be accessed via https on port 8086. By entering this address you reach the initial screen of the Login of uContact portal. 

To access into the system, enter the user name and password, then push "enter" or "click" in the key to access. (Select the required language).

In the first entry to the portal the username "Admin" and password "Admin" could be changed, which is strongly recommended.

The first screen presented is in the portal are the specific groups that the user belongs.

Licensing information

On the lower right corner we find a closed lock, this lock is to provide licensing information available on the system, if you place the mouse pointer over it you can see how many licenses are owned by agent and what is the expiration date. Note that if you move from number of agents licensed or the license expires the system began to be unstable and will be impossible to use.


Basic commands:

Usually navigation, additions, deletions and modifications are the same throughout the system.

To add a new record or modify it: enter the data needed and finally click save, to delete a record, selection is performed on the same grid, and clicking the garbage icon.

The arrows allow us navigability Next and Previous through the pages of the records (Click on the images)





This option configures the SIP and IAX2 agents, administrative phones and voice mails.

To configure agents and administrative phones.

Name: Name of the agent to be deployed in the caller ID

Phone: Phone number.

Password: password of the phone.

Context: Associations which will direct the call attempts you make, this depends on the configuration of the dialplan.

Email: E-mail for sending the messages left on the mail box.

Group: Grouping for pickup, this functionality is used to group for example a number of phones (ex. 1) and among them will be able to take calls if they are in the same group.

Mail Box: mail box, usually the phone number, it must be created in the Voicemail option, number @ context, or if you want to create automatically you should select the left option of the mailbox.

Phone Type: Indicates the type of phone used the associated agent:

Hardphone: physical IP Phone.

SoftPhone: IP Phone software.

Built-in: IP Phone Agent Integra Integrated software.

Language: language for the system messages of the phone.

Transport: allows the user to select the protocol to be used (UDP, TCP, TLS).

Encryption: indicates if the connection is encrypted or not (used when TLS transport protocol is present), when using voice.

Account type: here is specified the type of the account:

SIP: using SIP tecnology.

IAX: using IAX tecnology.

Log: Indicates the logging level of the agent, enabling SEVERE log or INFO level with more information.

Administrative Phone: indicates if the pone is an agent or an administrative phone (this phone doesn’t count in the agent licenses)

Functions: labels are distinguished by features that the phone will have enabled. 

Below is the detail of each functionality and possible values (Depend call flows used):

  • Total Bypass: phone number to bypass totally (calls are always referred to a phone).
  • Busy Bypass: phone number to bypass (calls are bypassed when the extension is busy).
  • No Answer Bypass: phone number to bypass (calls are bypassed when the extension does not answer).
  • Do not disturb: enables the do not disturb mode, If set to 0 the phone is active, if it is 1 the do not disturb mode will be enabled.
  • Voicemail: enables the Voicemail, If set to 0 the Voicemail is active, if it is 1 the Voicemail will be enabled.
  • Record: enables call recording mode, If set to 0 the extension number will not record the calls, if it is 1 the calls will be recorded.
  • Local Calls: If set to 0 the Local Calls will be disabled, if it is 1 the Local Calls will be enabled.
  • International Calls: If set to 0 the International Calls will be disabled, if it is 1 the International Calls will be enabled.
  • Mobile Calls: If set to 0 the Mobile Calls will be disabled, if it is 1 the Mobile Calls will be enabled.
  • Mobile Overflow: If set to 0 the Mobile Overflow to landlines will be disabled, if it is 1 the Mobile Overflow to landlines will be enabled.
  • Local Overflow: If set to 0 the Local Overflow to secondary carriers will be disabled, if it is 1 the Local Overflow to secondary carriers will be enabled.
  • International Overflow: If set to 0 the International Overflow to secondary carriers will be disabled, if it is 1 the International Overflow to secondary carriers will be enabled.




Menu where system campaigns are created.

Direction: if inbound or outbound, may belong to an incoming or outgoing campaign.

Definition of the campaign: different types of campaigns may be created depending on the technology going to be used, as a default every campaign is defines as a voice one, here are the other possibilities:

  • WebChat
  • Redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter).
  • Email.
  • Chat.
  • SMS.

Name: campaign name (incoming / outgoing).

Email: campaigns email

DID: DID associated with the campaign for identification purposes.

Music on Hold: class name music on hold (default: default) (incoming).

Timeout: how much time is left on the phone ringing the agent (Incoming).

Retry: how long to wait before trying again to all members (incoming).

Wrapup: time to not send another call after hanging up, allows the agent to finish what is doing (ex. data entry) (incoming)

Max : Maximum number of people waiting in line (0 for no limit) (incoming)

Service Level: threshold to calculate service level (incoming / outgoing).

Weight: weight of the campaign, priority (inbound).

Member Delay: wait before being able to speak or listen (incoming).

Context: context so that if something is typed while in the campaign to go to that context (inbound).

Announce Frecuency: how often report the position in the campaign to the caller or estimated time (0 is off) (incoming)

Periodic Announce: name of audio to be played from time to time during the wait. Use the frequency parameter to enable. (Incoming)

Strategy (incoming):

  •  ringall (ring at all until one answer)
  •  leastrecent (ring at that time was called over from the last time)
  •  fewestcalls(ring at That Time was called over from the last time)
  •  random (random)
  •  rrmemory (round robin with memory)
  •  linear (ring in order)
  •  wrandom (random but used as a weight penalty, skills)

 Round Seconds: round seconds in 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 for report to the caller (incoming)

 Join Empty (incoming):

  •  yes (always enter to the campaign)
  •  no (don’t enter if there are no members)
  •  strict (Does not go if there is no available members)
  •  loose(same as strict but paused are not counted as not available)

yes - (empty) for joinempty; penalty,paused,invalid for leavewhenempty
no - penalty,paused,invalid for joinempty; (empty) for leavewhenempty
strict - penalty,paused,invalid,unavailable
loose - penalty,invalid

Schedule: This field can be used to load variables used in generic flows, for example if we have: mon-fri, 09:00-18:00 charge flow in two variables with each day and another with the time to use result in a goiftime, here we use him as a delimiter and can put other variables such as days or months.

Welcome: audio name was used as welcoming music as a parameter within the flow.

Thresholds: This section allows you to set thresholds for monitoring the campaign, including:

Service level:

First indicate the threshold value when the graph gives red.

Second yellow or indicated value from the first value to this, and after this value green.

Abandon rate:

Third threshold value to indicate when it will be acceptable dropout rate, showing the green indicator.

The fourth value indicating the threshold until when will be a bit acceptable dropout rate, showing the yellow indicator (from the third to the fourth value).

Beyond the fourth indicator value and will be considered a dropout indicator record showing red.

Call time:

Until five, seconds value warning light appears on the monitor off, and then this value starts flashing yellow.

Until six, seconds value warning light goes from flashing supervisor in yellow to flashing red.

Time without activity:

The value is the time in seconds that an agent hasn’t being in activity since the last call.

Report Hold Time: if true, reports the waited time of the caller (incoming).

TimeOut Restart: If selected to true, the timeout for an agent to answer is reset if busy or congestion can reject the call or cancel. (Incoming)

Announce Position: yes, no, once, in the announcement include the estimated wait time. (Incoming)

Announce Frecuency: how often report the position in the campaign to the caller or estimated time (0 is off) (incoming)

Record: whether record or not incoming calls to the internal campaigns. (Incoming) recording the definition is made in the outbound call flow directly. (Set starting guid as recording name in the flow before entering the campaign)

Leave When empty: leave if the campaign is empty (incoming).

Ring in Use: true, send other call even if is InUse, if they have answered more than one line and want to attend more than one at a time (incoming).

Campaign Members

Menu where assigned members in campaigns are managed.

Here agents are assigned to campaign, sets its state (if it's paused) and skill (penalty)

Campaigns: campaign name

Agents: agent name

Name: selects the extension or extensions that want to add to the campaign.

Paused: 0 (no) 1 (yes), if this extension is paused

Penalty: skill, the lower skill more calls will get 

Members Displays the extensions assigned to the selected campaign.

Find: Allows searches by internal name (may be partial to display similar names), to expand more on how this managed internal, if a agent is selected in the grid will asks if you want to remove that agent in that campaign.


VoIP Carriers

Menu where VoIP carriers are managed.

Name: Name of Provider (Carrier).

Password: assigned by the Carrier.

Context: Grouping where direct call attempts made by the carrier, this depends of the dialplan.

Host: Provider IP.

From User: depends if required by the carrier.

From Domain: depends if required by the carrier.

Puerto: port used by the connection.

DTMF: DTMFs sending mode.

Qualify: if monitors connectivity with the provider.

Insecure: Specifies how to handle connections to the provider, not: authenticate all connections.

Transport: allows the user to select the protocol to be used (UDP,TCP, TLS).

Encryption: indicates if the connection is encrypted or not (used when TLS transport protocol is present), when using voice 

Type if the provider is SIP o IAX

Codecs: codecs used by the supplier (related to audio).


Digital Carriers

Menu where the E1 (ISDN PRI y MFCR2) digital lines are configured.

This is where you configure the E1/T1 digital lines (ISDN PRI and MFCR2).

When you start this screen you can see the list of the active configuration and details by selecting them, then you can add and remove in memory until the desired configuration, for the changes to take effect you must use the Apply Config button, this should be done once you are sure that you have the desired configuration information. For the changes to take effect you must restart the system.

Check Channels: This button automatically creates the new configuration for telephony boards that were installed on the system, this gives us the available channels to configure. Note that we should not use this button unless it is absolutely necessary either a new installation or a hardware change.

 ISDN PRI and MFCR2 Lists: Lists of available channels to group, each corresponding to a type of technology and these cannot be mixed.

 Group: group number.

 Lenguage: language associated with the channel group audios.

 Context: Grouping where direct call attempts made by the carrier, this depends on the set in the dialplan.

 Signalling: Signaling type desired for digital settings.

 Account: For reasons of saving in the CDR, usually carrier name. Signaling: corresponds to if ISDN PRI (CPE client / server net) or R2.

 Type: for several types of ISDN configurations thereof.

 CallerID: CID number for channel.


Exclusive R2:

  • Variant: Country protocol variant R2.
  • ANI 1: if first goes ANI.
  • Category: Category of R2.
  • MAX ANI: Maximum number of digits to look for ANI
  • MAX DNIS: Maximum number of digits to search by DNIS


                 Obtain channels




Menu where the FXO – FXS analog lines are configured

 This is where you configure the analog FXO - FXS In this screen you can see the list of the active configuration and details by selecting them, then you can add and remove in memory until the desired configuration, for the changes to take effect you must use the Apply Config button, this should be done once you are sure that you have the desired configuration information. For the changes to take effect you must restart the system.

Check Channels: This button automatically creates the new configuration for telephony boards that were installed on the system; this gives us the available channels to configure. Note that you should not use this button unless it is absolutely necessary either a new installation or a hardware change.


Lists FXO and FXS: available channels are listed FXO (Connected against the PSTN), FXS (Connected to phones), you cannot mix different signaling channels.


Group: group number.

Lenguage: language associated with the channel group audios.

Context: Grouping where direct call attempts made by the carrier, this depends on the set in the dialplan.

CID Signaling: CallerID signaling (ANI).

CID Start: signals the start of sending the CallerID (ANI).

DTMF CID Level: Signal strength for DTMF detection.

Account: For reasons of saving in the CDR, usually carrier name.

CallerID: CID number for the channel.

Answer on polarity switch: Set if incoming lines have polarity.

Hungup on polarity switch: Set if outgoing lines have polarity.

Busy Detect: if no polarity must make cutting detect analog lines, you can also specify the busy pattern.


                 Obtain channels





Menu for managing the system dial plan

View dial plan, call flows.

You can see all call flows created by the Integra Designer, after deploying a flow with the Integra Designer it ´ll appear in this view.

We can see context, exten and description; flows can be deleted from this view (once deleted they could not be restored). 



Menu for managing the system data sources.

Configuration of data sources for use in the system either from call flows or reports.

DSN Name: data source name is the one used from reports, and IVRs.

Engine: database engine data source.

Description: description of the DSN.

Data Base: Name of the Database.

Username: user to connect to the database.

Password: to connect to the database.

Server: IP where the database is located.

Port: Port where the database listens (automatically suggested according to engine selected).




 Menu for managing the system users.

In this module system users can be configured, where you can perform various options depending on the group to which you assign each user.

Username: You specify the name of the user to add.

Password: It specifies the password that the user has.

Confirm Password: It specifies the password again to verify it has been properly entered.

Enabled: It specifies whether the user is enabled or not, if false the user cannot access the system.

Group: You assign the group to which the user belongs which have assigned certain permissions to access both information and security options.

Last Change of password: Hereby established the date on which the last change of system password.





Password: It specifies the password that the user has.

Name: You specify the name of the user to add.

LastName: You specify the lastname of the user to add.


  • Local calls
  • Mobile calls
  • International calls

 Security Groups

Menu for managing the security groups.

This module allows you to define security groups that the system has, within the main functionality is to assign different access modules specified herein assigning separate campaigns and BI groups (or reports), to which it has access.

 Group: Group name.

 Description: Description of the group created.

Views: Assigns whether the group has access to system modules, if not enabled will not be seen by users who belong to that group. They can choose from any to all views. These views are separated into boxes depending on the possible roles that can be assigned.

Campaigns: You can assign from none to all campaigns (campaigns) in the system, the user assigned to this group will have access to all information of those campaigns.

BI Groups: From none to all groups can be assigned of the reports available in the system, the user assigned to this group will have access to all information of the groups assigned.

The reports will only be shown for the campaigns selected in that group.



Automated Tasks

The tasks module allows automating certain types of tasks that you want to control recurrently in the call center, allowing critical report on the status of these via email or SMS.

Name: Name of the alert to create.

Schedule: Frequency at which the alert is executed, with the following possible values:

  •  Minutes: (0-59) indicating the minute that it will run.
  • Hour: (0-23) indicating the time at which to run.
  • Day: (1-31) indicating the date on which to run.
  • Month: (1-12) indicating the month in which to run.
  • Day of the Week:  (0-6) indicating the day of the week to be executed, where 0 is Sunday.

Within schedules may use the following special characters for special behavior:

 (*)  Indicates that the expression to match for all values indicates "every minute of an hour", "all hours of the day", "every day of the month," "every month of the year", "all days of the week. 

( / ) Increases, * / 5 is every 5 minutes.

( , )  Separate items, make a list example "MON, WED, FRI".

( - )  Ranges. Example 1-15 in the month, running only between 1 and 15.

(L)  'L' "last". 'L' in day of week, last Friday ("5L") a month. In the month, specify the last day of the month.


Alert: Being able to be alert type email or SMS.

Type: Alert type to define, having predefined as follows:


Automatic Report: Definition of an automated generated report.

  • AbandonRateAlert: Defining an alert to monitor a particular campaign if the level exceeds a certain percentage drop.
  • ACDAvaiables: Defining an alert to monitor a campaign in the maximum amount of free agents who might be in it.
  • ACDCallsAlert: Defining an alert to monitor if you get to call up glued to a particular campaign.
  • ACDMidWaitAlert: Defining an alert to monitor in a campaign the maximum average waiting time in the campaign.
  • ACDNoAvaiable: Defining an alert to monitor whether a campaign is idle.
  • ACDWaitAlert: Defining an alert to monitor a campaign by setting the timeout that there may be a call on the same.
  • CallMaxTimeAlert: Set an alert for a maximum time of a call in minutes.
  • ChannelsAvaiables: Defining an alert to a minimum amount of free channels.
  • ChannelsDownAlert: Defining a maximum alert to alarmed channel (not connected).
  • ServiceLevelAlert: Defining an alert that lets you monitor when you pass a threshold level of minimum service in a particular campaign.
  • MySQLExec: Definition of store procedures or querys scheduled to be executed.


Parameter: parameter name to take (default is right on the grid parameters are available and loaded by selecting the name of it).

Specific parameters:



Database: indicates the data source to be used to execute the statements

Query: indicates the query that is going to be executed in the defined data source.


Automatic Report:

Report=name of the.jrxml 

Format= out format , html, doc,pdf,excel

REPORT_LOCALE: es, en, pt

INITIAL_DATE: fixed date or TODAY or TODAY-X (where x is the quantity of days to substract), or WEEK (from Monday to Sunday of the current week), o MONTH (From the 1st to the last day of the current  month), o YEAR (from the first to the last day of the current year) always inside INITIAL_DATE the date goes with 00:00:00

FINAL_DATE: fixed date or TODAY or TODAY-X (where x is the quantity of days to substract), or WEEK (from Monday to Sunday of the current week), o MONTH (From the 1st to the last day of the current  month), o YEAR (from the first to the last day of the current year) always inside INITIAL_DATE the date goes with 23:59:59

QUEUES: queues in format ‘Cola1’,’Cola2’

AGENTS: agent with the same format as queues.

Value: value of the parameter.

To: Email address or mobile number, depending on the type of alert that you define (SMS or email).

Status: If the alert is on or not.



Music on Hold

Menu for music on hold management

Class: name of the group of music on hold.

Directory: directory on the system (previously uploaded from the Administrator option Sounds).


System Sounds

FORMAT: PCM 8 KHz 16 bit Mono

File: Name of file to upload to the system is selected from the upload button to the right of the text box, selecting the Wav you want to upload to the system.

Directory: place to post audio, usually / var / lib / asterisk / sounds / and then you can use the language selection, can be changed to generate upload music on hold classes, which can be any required directory. Next to the text box is a button that shows the complete contents of the directory.

Language: select the audio language; this places it in the appropriate place to hear the language as setted in the flow. 

Description: usually it says the audio.

  • Download an audio. 
  • Listen to an audio.
  • Record and upload audio.



Menu for defining dialer’s campaigns.

Dialers: Indicates the type of campaign dialer that is can be one of the following types:

  •  VoiceBroadCast: Focused on massive automated calls, usually with a predefined audio and data load numbers to call, also can be used to perform automatic surveys.
  • Power Dialer: Focused on making outgoing calls, based on available agents, allowing automating the entire customer called with waiting times and selected strategies.
  • SMS: focused in SMS campaigns, usually used for massive distribution.

Name: You select the previously created campaign for outbound dialer (queue created).

Enabled: Indicates the state in which this campaign can be "on", "off", indicating whether to be active or not.

Schedule: Frequency at which the campaign is on, with the following possible values:

  • Minutes: (0-59) indicating the minute that it will run.
  • Hour: (0-23) indicating the time at which to run.
  • Day: (1-31) indicating the date on which to run.
  • Month: (1-12) indicating the month in which to run.
  • Day of the Week:  (0-6) indicating the day of the week to be executed, where 0 is Sunday.

Within schedules may use the following special characters to want special behavior:

 (*)  Indicates that the expression will match for all values may indicate "every minute of an hour", "all hours of the day", "every day of the month," "every month of the year", "all days of the week. 

( / ) Increases, * / 5 is every 5 minutes.

( , )  Separate items; make a list example "MON, WED, FRI".

( - )  Ranges. Example 1-15 in the month, running only between 1 and 15.

(L)  'L' "last". 'L' in day of week, last Friday ("5L") a month. In the month, specify the last day of the month.



Dial String: Indicates the dial string used by the campaign (which depends on the technology being used). Ej (DAHDI/G1 / SIP/ CARRIER/, etc.)

Context: Context to be used in the outbound campaign, where flow must be defined to perform the desired action. This will connect an answered phone of the dialer to that context.

Max Caller Channels: In the event that either of VoiceBroadCast campaign may define a maximum channel to use to dial.

Time between Calls: Sets the time in milliseconds between calls, thereby giving the possibility to adjust speed of the dialer. (-1 for more power on making calls)

TimeOut: Sets the maximum time to set up the call and wait to take action while automatic dialing.

Max Retries: Cantidad de intentos que se puede hacer en una llamada antes de quitarla de la lista del discador.

Sounds: Set the name to be used in the audio stream VoiceBroadCast (or in case you want to use you in other dialer), you get a variable ${sound} within the flow.

CallerID: It indicates the caller ID of the campaign.

CallerID ComboBox: allows indicating if the caller ID is going to be sent to the dialed extension. (This functionality is enabled when the provider allows it).

Parameter Value:  Ads variables and values, which can then be used within the context predefined in the campaign, giving more flexibility to the flow. For this case you register the name of a variable followed by a value for it. 

AMD: Allows preset from taking into account the detection of answering machines, to take actions to dismiss a call or leave a message anyway (must define AMD on the flow).

DNCR: Allows enabling or disabling the DNCR list verification when dialing or sending SMS.

Within the call flows have the following variables to use in a campaign Dialer:

$ {sound}, $ {am} and all that are defined for both the campaign and for each contact in particular when the dialer database is loaded




Menu for report management

Reports can be created with iReport reporting tool


Report: with the upload button (to the right of the text box) is selected in a report made iReport (jrxml).

Name: Name of Report.

DSN: Select data source used by the report (previously configured DSNs)

Group: how reports are grouped

Description: Description of the report

Parameter: added the report parameters existing in the report created with iReport.


  • Timestamp (parameter date / time),
  • String (string parameter),
  • int (integer parameter),
  • float (parameter decimal),
  • Locale (language parameter),
  • Agent(parameter which returns list of Agents),
  • Queue(which returns parameter list Campaigns),
  • User (parameter which returns list of users).

Parameter List: List in order of parameters and their types, this allows the dynamic creation of the parameters in the BI portal.


Menu for system KPIS generation.

Handling KPIS user defined parameters or to monitor system queries.

This section handled indicators required.


Name: Name of indicator.

Description: description of the indicator.

DSN: selecting the data source discharge system.

Query: Query SQL

Max: selection of the maximum possible value for an indicator.

Min: selecting the minimum possible value for an indicator.

High: Definitions of threshold values above this are green.

Low: Definitions of threshold values below are in red.

Graphs: selection chart for data representation.


  Menu for managing companies (usually used to vPBX or internal pricing)

Company Management or sections parameters of the company (usually used to vPBX or internal pricing)

Number: No. of the initial phone company (the first 3 digits for example of the extension).

Name: name of the company

Payment: Type of payment used by the company:

  • Postpaid: payment type monthly statement.
  • Prepaid: payment type initial credit limit.

TimeZone: Select the time zone of the company.

Enabled: Indicates whether the company's account is enabled or not.

Carrier: Indicates whether the account is a carrier or not.

Email: Email address of contact in the company.

Phone: Phone number of the company.

City: city where your business is located.

Country: Country where the company is located.

User: user to enter the vPBX management portal (not used yet)

Password: password to enter the administrative Portal vPBX (not used  yet)

Address: address of the company.

Expiration: expiration date of the account.

Balance: Company's current balance (amount owed).

Credit Limit: credit limit assigned to the account to limit the call time

Frozen Time: variable used to define a time reserved for no overlap in the balance of the company.

Unfrozen Balance: variable used to define the amount reserved for no overlap in the balance of the company.

Discount: Discount applied to the company.

DID: Company Number used for both outgoing and incoming calls.

Note: Note significant data as a description of the company.

LDI regexp: regular expression that indicates when the call is international.

LDL regexp: regular expression that indicates when the call is local long distance.

LOC regexp: regular expression that indicates when the local call.

MOB regexp: regular expression that indicates when the call is to a mobile.

Time Range: indicates the time range used in the initial flow (operating hours).

Days of Week: indicates the days of the week used in the initial flow (operating hours).

Day of month: indicates the days of the months of the year used in the initial flow (operating hours).

Months: indicates the months of the year used in the initial flow (operating hours).

Gateway Local: indicates the account he used for GW output for local calls (used in SIP dial string).

Gateway Mobile: indicates which GW will use to output to mobile calls (used in SIP dial string).

Gateway LDL: indicates which GW will use to output to local long distance calls (used in SIP dial string).

Gateway LDI: indicates that output will use for long distance calls GW (used in SIP dial string).

My Gateway INT: Indicates whether the company uses its own GW for international calls.

My Gateway LOC: Indicates whether the company uses its own GW for local calls.

Alert: credit limit alerts to warn the customer.

Providers & Rates

 Menu for system Providers & rates.

he first menu is focused on management system providers.

Name: provider name.

Limit: Indicates if there is a balance limit on the use of carrier.

Balance: indicates the balance of the account of the supplier of the minutes used.

Note: comment on the provider.

Enabled: indicates if the provider is enabled or not.

The second menu is focused on management of the provider rates

provider selection.


  Prefix: Indicates a regular expression prefix to use.

  Cost: indicates the actual cost to the destination prefix minute.

  Rate: indicates the minute rate to the destination prefix that will be charged to the customer.

  Note: comment on the provider.

  Filter: Allows you to filter within the provider fees and prefix.

  Upload icon: Choose a .csv file to load rates massively.


  File Format .csv









  Menu for Dashboard configuration

In this section the indicators are grouped

Name of the Dashboard.


Description: Description of the Dashboard.

Group: Group associated BI Dashboard, and then this same group is selected for safety and visibility for users.

KPIs: selection of indicators for the Dashboard.


This module allows supervisors to enter directly to forms not having to go to the agent and monitoring along two separate subjects.

Here is may see all campaigns assigned to supervisor that this entering the uContact portal.


  Menu for managing the system configuration.

Settings, contains the basic system configuration.

In this part you can change basic system configurations

 Be careful to not use incorrect values as this would lead to system instability

These options are valid only for editing:

AsteriskIP: IP Telephony server.

AsteriskManagerPass: Password AMI connectivity (should not be changed).

AsteriskManagerPort: AMI port listening (default: 5038 should not be changed).

AsteriskManagerUser: User connectivity AMI (default: supervisor should not be changed).

AsteriskUser: uses root user by default but other user could be defined.

AsterisUserPass: user password Operating System of the PBX (default: password is that you must install the operating system), changing here also changes automatically in the OS, not directly change the operating system because the system will fail 

AuditoryLog: If logs all system actions 1 yes, 0 no.

Breaks: Separated by; lists the different states of breaks that may occur in the system 

BackupRecordsIP: IP of the Recordings Backup server, this can be a storage server or any server that has the old recordings and has access via http, this means that there must be a web server (any), that can access the files of the recordings through their url. Example: http://IPBACKUPRECORDS/GUIDgrabacion.gsm should be able to access the recording.

EMailAuth: Specifies the type of authentication required Mail Service mails.

EMailPassword: It specifies the password in encrypted format in a mail forwarding account for shipping.

EMailSMTPHost: It must specify the host (mail server) to be used for sending emails.

EMailSMTPPort: It must specify the port used for SMTP connection.

EMailUsername: It must specify the user account used by the mail with authentication reasons.

FaxOutboundChannel: It must specify the output channel used for sending faxes.

ShowDTMFAgent: Set whether the DTMF typed from the keyboard in the integrated Phone will be displayed or not, with 0 being not display the digits or 1 will show the digits. This functionality is primarily used for cases when passwords are entered. and do not want to show them on screen.

NarrowAgent: allows you to configure what type of screen will  be displayed to the agent with 0 if the classic agent being able of data capture and full screen, or 1 if in a limited sample to be used as a complementary bar format used to other things.

ScreenRecordServer: IP address of the server where the screen recordings are left.

ScreeRecordRootPass: Should specify the root password of the server where the recordings are stored in encrypted format.

Licence: License generated by Integra.

LogLevel: System log level (SEVERE, INFO).

SMSNumberRegexp: Property that validates the format of the cell numbers that are sent, in order to have more practical control of whether or not to send, for example ^(09\d{7})$  this function to validates that the cell phone format is 09XXXXXXX

This table shows how regular expressions are user in the control:

 Dot, any character (may or may not match line terminators, read on)

\d   A digit: [0-9]

\D   A non-digit: [^0-9]

\s   A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]

\S   A non-whitespace character: [^\s]

\w   A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9]

\W   A non-word character: [^\w]

\    Escape the next meta-character (it becomes a normal/literal character)

^    Match the beginning of the line

.    Match any character (except newline)

$    Match the end of the line (or before newline at the end)

|    Alternation (‘or’ statement)

()   Grouping

[]   Custom character class

*      Match 0 or more times

+      Match 1 or more times

?      Match 1 or 0 times

{n}    Match exactly n times

{n,}   Match at least n times

{n,m}  Match at least n but not more than m times

SMSSystemAPI: dongle or Twilio (using the system for massive SMS alerts).


*CoreTelephony Core Transfer

Transfer the call only when the second party is disconnected 



Transfer the call when the webphone is disconnected from the second party 

4Teléfono Transfer the call when any party is disconnected except when the original caller was initiated the disconnect 
5Teléfono Transfer the call when the webphone is disconnected from the second party. Put the caller on hold during the call transfer. (Standard)


*CoreTelephony Core Transfer

Transfer immediately and disconnect with the A user when the Transf button is pressed and the number entered (Standard)


Transfer the call immediately with hold and watch for notifications 

 Version: version of  uContact installed


 Campaign Status

Menu for supervising campaign status.

The module of campaign monitoring is divided into three tabs that will have different views of the campaigns that the supervisor has assigned.

Campaign Summary

Basic statistics as a summary of the status of queues in real time.

In this screen you can see the number of agents available and logged in, the number of calls that are on hold (on the ACD), the longest wait time for calls in queue, we also expect the average wait of customers in the queue and the average spoken between agents and customers among  service levels and individual dropout rates.

This dashboard is mainly targeted for deployment at the level of call centers that require display information with real-time alerts on monitors or LCD displays.

Campaign Status

Full Detail for queue status in real time.

Campaign: dropdown where you select the campaign to display.

In this view you can see the exact status of a campaign, extensions and real-time statistics.

Dashboard Service Level: you can see the percentage of service level of the queue (configured in the campaign parameters)

  • INCOMING: calls answered below the service level.
  • OUTGOING: duration equal to or less than the service level configured.

Completed: number of calls handled by the extensions (inbound) (outbound).

Abandoned: number of calls not answered and hanged up by the client (inbound), number of calls unanswered or failed the dial (outbound) 

Total: Completed + Abandoned.

Average Talked Time: average talked to the extensions.

Average Hold Time: The average wait in line for clients to be answered; only computes answered calls (incoming).

Service Level: Seconds for service level calculation.

Strategy: Call Distribution Strategy for the queue (inbound).

ACD Calls: number of calls waiting in the campaign now (incoming) for the largest LCD dial, the one below will display the maximum number of calls waiting there and the upper right displays the last number of the modified ACD.

Dashboard abandon rate: you can see the percentage of the rate of abandonment of a campaign (setting its threshold level campaign data)

Busy: Agents with active calls that are not paused.

Available: agents available to take calls.

Paused: Agents paused.

Total: Total of agents in the queue.

Agent Status

Grid with list of agents that are assigned to that queue.

State: color identifier extension state.

Name: Extension name.

Phone: Technology and phone number of the extension.

Completed: Number of calls answered (inbound) (outgoing).

Duration: Duration of the current or last call made.

Connected to: Telephone number of the last call or current call made or received.

Last call: Date / Time of last call answered.

Alert: It is indicated with a yellow or red when it exceeds the threshold defined in the campaign to talk predefined time (this is defined in the campaign settings), in the case that a red hourglass appears it indicate that the agent has more than x seconds of inactivity in this campaign.


In the right margin we have a button and a textbox below, this is used to monitor real-time agent, an agent 

In the right margin we have a button with a headset where if we select an agent and press that button supervising mode will be enabled; this supervision will be made directly on the computer where the uContact portal is opened (without having an extension logged in).

The following options will be displayed in red when active in the system:

  •  Shows if the supervisor is in Spy mode (only hearing).
  • Shows if the supervisor is in coaching mode (talking to the agent).
  • Shows if the supervisor is in Barge In mode (talking to the client).
  • Allows ending the supervising mode.

Below we have a button to manage pauses on the agents (the pause will be for each campaign and not general).

In the middle of the grid on the bottom can find following buttons:


Refresh statistics: if we want to refresh the statistics manually we use that button.

Queue Reset: Resets real time queue statistics leaving them on 0 (won’t change historical data).


In the lower left corner we see a filter icon which allows you to filter the agents that are available and all, since in several cases there are many agents that could be unavailable and disturb the visual.

On the other hand you can use a filter for displaying the agents that are in use and see their activity.

ACD State

Grid with a list of calls waiting (incoming).

Caller ID: Displays the number of the call.

Position: Shows the position of the call in the queue.

Channel: Channel in which the call is coming from.

Wait: Timeout waiting for the call queue.

Filters: two filters are available under the grid for filtering calls in the following ways:

Unavailable: Unavailable extension Filters not showing them in the queue.

In Use: Displays with extension states are:

  • IN USE
  • BUSY


Detail description of the current status dashboard overview of all associated campaigns or specific campaign level will go refreshing every 5 seconds.


Menu to supervise real time dialer status.

 Full detail of dialer’s status, allowing you to manage your business and database load.

Campaigns: Select the campaign to monitor.

Status: Displays the status of the campaign based on the following states.

On Schedule: Shows whether the campaign is on schedule to run, with the following states.

Type: Indicates the type of campaign that is defined.

Processed: Number of calls processed by the campaign.

No processed: Number of calls remaining in the campaign.

Active Calls: Shows the number of active calls at the time (in the case that the campaign is in progress).

Answered: Shows the number of calls answered for the campaign.

Busy: Shows the number of calls busy for the campaign.

Other: Shows the number of calls in different states (other than answered or busy).

Blocked: Displays the number of calls be blocked by NDCR list. 

(Stop/Start)Button: stop or start the campaign, in case you want to do it for some reason.

Delete button: Delete the campaign data that have not been processed (eg unprocessed records have been mistake or have been on the table NDCR, or for some reason want to be canceled.

Database Load: Loads a CSV file with the data from the phone to call with the following parameters discriminated as follows (campaign name, phone, state (always 1), additional information (in this case the name can be anything). the key is [campaign name, phone] this cannot be repeated, column 4 passes to the flow variables defined for example: [name: Juan; ci: 1234] you can use the variables ${name} is going to have Juan value or variable ${ci} that will be 1234.

In this load you can load data for all the campaigns that are wanted at once on a very fast bulk insert.









Upload record called DNCR: Allows loading a csv file with data of phones that should not be called, indicating phone number and campaign








Physical Lines

Menu for supervising the status of physical lines

Detailed status of the lines that are being used or not.


Displays physical channels associated with telephony cards status:

Channel: Number of channel.

Signaling: FXS, FXO, PRI, BRI, R2 corresponding to the channel (remember that analog signaling is the opposite channel type eg. Whether I have FXO signaling channels is FXS).

Context: context that is grouped.

Data: free or in use, can be unknown if nothing is connected.

Account: Display extra information about the channel connection.

Hang-up Button:

Hang-up a selected channel.

Extended Information (to select a channel from the list):

 Channel: Channel name

PSTN: CallerID phone side.

Lenguaje: Channel  Language 

Status: channel status (unknown, low, quiet, OffHook, marking, ring, ringing, connected, busy, marking OffHook, prering).

Rings: Number of rings before answered.

Duration: of the call in h: mm: ss

PBX: CallerID PBX side.

Extension: where matching the dialplan if applicable (incoming).

Priority: If is an IVR what step is.

Application: if an IVR application is running.

Data: application parameters

Group: dial group which is associated with the channel.


 Active calls

Menu for supervising active calls on the system

Information about active channels (no direct correspondence between one call and a channel, 2 call sides or 1 may be a call). What you see here are created telephony channels, a channel may be an established call between the street and an IVR, or the PBX to an agent or phone, is thus noteworthy that the fields origin Channel and Destination Channel are cross linked on a bridged call that involves 2 call sides.


  • DOWN: not available
  • RESERVER: reserved
  • OFFHOOK: offhook
  • DIALING: dialing
  • RING: listening ring
  • RINGING: ringing
  • UP: active
  • BUSY: busy
  • DIALING OFFHOOK: dialing offhook
  • DIALING PRERING: dialing prering


Account: usually the extension you are connected, you may also name the carrier.

Source: ANI (callerid) number of the origin of the call.

Extension: DNIS, DID, internal extension.

Time: channel active time.

Context: context where the call came.

Origin Channel: channel where the call started example. SIP/1001 or IAX2/1002 (IP) DAHDI (conventional telephony).

Destination Channel: channel where the call was connected.

Step: step in the dial plan.

Application: Application Name where the dial plan call is currently placed

Data: Data passed to the application.


In the upper right corner is a button which can hangup a channel. (IF ONE OF TWO CHANNELS IS HANGED BOTH INTERCONECTED CHANNELS WILL BE HANGED).

On the other hand we have a button to refresh the status of the active lines. By default updated every 20 seconds.


Menu to supervise the status of mobile services and SMS campaigns.

 Displays all active mobile services, allowing you to manage your business and upload.

Campaigns: Select the campaign to monitor.

Status: Displays the status of the campaign based on the following states.

On Schedule: Shows whether the campaign is on schedule to run, with the following states.

Processed: Number of SMS processed by the campaign.

No processed: Number of SMS remaining in the campaign.

Other: Shows the number of SMS in different states (other than answered or busy).

Blocked: Displays the number of SMS be blocked by NDCR list. 

(Stop/Start)Button: stop or start the campaign, in case you want to do it for some reason.

Delete button: Delete the campaign data that have not been processed (eg unprocessed records have been mistake or have been on the table NDCR, or for some reason want to be canceled.

Unitary - Outbound

There is the option to send a text message to a number in unit specific and unique, you must insert the following:

Number: number where to send the text message.

Text: Text message.

Masive - Outbound

The outgoing SMS are processed automatically by the system after loading. The loading document is a csv file

Values: self-generated empty; upload date time; destination phone; message; 0; device (ex. dongle0)

 (ej. dongle0); status (ej:1)




;smsintegratest;099635199;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1

;smsintegratest;098344484;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1

;smsintegratest;099635199;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1

;smsintegratest;098344484;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1

;smsintegratest;099635199;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1

;smsintegratest;098344484;Mensaje de prueba;dongle0;1

Upload record called DNCR: Allows loading a csv file with data of phones that should not be called, indicating 









To view status information and status messages sent message waiting to be sent view reports.

You can send messages from third-party applications running a REST webservice for example:



Displays the status of the telephone line to speak with the following statements:

Free (Green Icon)

Busy (red icon)

Ringing (blue icon)



Displays the status of the device.



Displays the device channel.



Context for incoming calls assigned to the device.


Group that owns the device, allowing the configuration group multiple devices in certain groups.



Displays the status of the device signal.



Displays the account to which the device is registered.


  Menu for supervising VoIP endpoints.

Show all VoIP endpoints connected to the system, such as administrative phones, agents or gateways.

Type: voip endpoint Technology.

Name: Phone or VoIP endpoint name.

IP: IP address of the endpoint.

Status: Status of the component displays OK and the arrival millisecond.

Extended information (by selecting an endpoint):

Channel: Type and number and type endpoint or destination channel number.

PSTN: CallerID phone side.

Language: Channel Language 

Status: channel status (unknown, low, quiet, OffHook, marking, ring, ringing, connected, busy, marking OffHook, prering)

Duration: of the call in h: mm: ss.

Extension: match of the dialplan.

Priority: IVR step.

Application: running application.

Data: running application parameters

Account: can be the name of the extension and / or account name of the PSTN, there may be two entries in this data depending on the type of call.




Menu for supervising system status.

General System State.

We see the RAM memory status (free and used), the primary hard disk status (free and used space), CPU (used and free), we also have general statistics historical system load, network usage and memory thereof.

We have the option to generate a backup of the system:

 Backup generation

Backup download

System Restart

Be careful when restarting all calls will be hanged.


Menu for supervising the system log.

 Call Log Viewer.

To use this utility, you must take into account two fundamental steps for proper operation

1.  In the telephony server must be enabled full Log type

2.  In the call flow must exist a variable called: __Ani and has the callerid from incoming call, you can also use the destination number in the outgoing flow to also find the outgoing call log. Although is more useful for IVR calls with several steps.

Phone Number: put the phone number you want to search in the entire log.

Dates List: Displays all the dates and times of calls from/to a number, then the callerid and finally the 3rd column is the id in the log. Is selected and click on the Show button you see the full log of the call. (You can select numbers knowing some numbers not all are needed, and then you can select what you want from the list)


Menu for supervising the calls records of the system.

Initial Date: From. 

End Date: To.

Agent: Select a particular agent to find recordings.

Campaign: Select a particular campaign to find recordings.

Source / Destination: Filter allows calls from different sources, which may be channels or extensions.

Magnifier: Run the search with filter (check the arrows to search for paginated pages paging 50 records).

Play: button to hear the recording associated with the record, the recording is heard if the range is within stored recordings (if it was not passed to backup or eliminated entirely), the default is 30 days available online, are then passed to the folder BackupRecords which remain for 150 days until irreversible deletion (configurable from PBX). QuickTime is required to listen to recordings.

Download: button to download the selected recording to disk.

Massive Download: Supports download of recordings together in an archive.

Erase: Delete selected conversations (need superuser privileges).

Paginate: if ticked the data will be paginated with 50 records at a time, if not all the data for that From/To will be displayed, example to download a complete day of recordings you will uncheck Paginate and make a query for the all day.

Tag: button to enter a check mark (with comments) in real-time recording. Then with right click on the recording you can select the marks and the recording will start directly at the time of the mark.


Menu for supervising the fax repository.


Initial Date: From.

End Date: To.

Source / Destination: Filter allows calls from different sources, which may be channels or extensions.

Magnifier: Run the search with filter (check the arrows to search for paginated pages paging 50 records)

 Inbox: Displays the fax in a new window as a pdf.



Number: phone number you want to send the fax.

File: selection window file .pdf for faxing.

Send: to the fax number with the file attached.


  Note: You can send a FAX via third-party applications, executing a REST Webservice.

Screen Recordings

Menu for supervising screen record files and Keyboard typing.

For Screen Recording and Keyboard Log search.

Initial Date: From.

End Date: To.

Agent: Select a particular agent to find recordings.

Text: Allows you to filter by specific screencasts text typed on the keyboard.

Magnifier: Run the search with filter (check the arrows to search for paginated pages paging 50 records)

Display: Displays the screen recording in a new window.

Donwload: Download screen recording files.

Folder: Download all screencasts deployed on the grid.

Paginate: if ticked the data will be paginated with 50 records at a time, if not all the data for that From/To will be displayed, example to download a complete day of recordings you will uncheck Paginate and make a query for the all day.



Menu to generate system reports based on historical data.

Selecting Reports, according to their groups.




These are generated dynamically for the defined by the Administrator; the order in which they are deployed is also configured by the administrator, so you can change the order in the parameter list in the administrator.


Usually we find:


Initial and end dates which can be selected via calendars and selection time. Language of the report, which is selected in a combo box.


Finally generate button that generates the report and displays it on screen.


Other common parameters are, Campaigns, Agents, Users, etc.


The display of reports is a html generated file.


On the right you can see a button with the Excel or PDF symbol, which allows us to download the report in the format you want to handle data in a better way. (NOTE: must allow popups for this site to download the report in excel).






Available Reports


uContact has built-in reports in these areas:


Agent Module:


  • Reports for the information generated by the activity of the agents to login, paused, logout the system:
  • Total breaks: Aggregation of the agent’s breaks grouped for each of these.
  • Breaks Details: Detail breaks all aggregated detailed agents per agent in each action.
  • Pauses Detail: Detail breaks all aggregated detailed agents per agent in each action.
  • Login Detail: Detail all agent´s logins detailed aggregated by agent in every action.
  • Total Logins: Aggregation of grouped agent’s logins for each of these.
  • Total pauses: agent´s pauses aggregation grouped by each of these.


Auditory Module:


  • Reports for the information generated by the system audit, consulting allowing the user activity in the system.
  • Auditory Detail: Details logged activity in the system in a given time period
  • Supervision Detail: Detail supervisor detailing activity monitoring executions, tracks, etc.
  • Blacklists DNCR: Detail of the content of the blacklist.


Details Module:


  • Detailed reports of inbound and outbound calls by telephone:
  • Call Flow by ID: Distribution and call flow by the identifier assigned (may follow the traceability of a call flow in general).
  • Call Flow: Distribution and call flow (traceability can follow a call flow in general).
  • CDR - Summary - cola By: CDR summarized grouped by campaign.
  • CDR - Summary - By destination: CDR summarized grouped by destination.
  • CDR - Summary – by source: CDR summarized grouped by source.
  • CDR - Full: Full CDR with all the details of each record.
  • CDR - Summary: General Summary CDR (CDR shows the entire amount of data summarized in deploying).


Statics Module:


  • Statistical reports related to outgoing or incoming phone calls:
  • Incoming Channel Distribution: Distribution of incoming calls by physical channel.
  • Distribution of Outgoing Channels: Distribution of outgoing calls by physical channel.
  • Call Distribution: Call distribution


  • Incoming Statistical Data: Report statistics incoming emulating QoS allowing regulating performance.
  • Incoming - Abandoned: Report statistics of incoming calls abandoned.
  • Incoming - Completed: Report statistics for completed calls.
  • Outgoing - Completed: Report statistics for outgoing calls completed.
  • Outgoing grouped by state: Report statistics for outgoing calls grouped by the final state.
  • Dialers Statistical Data: Report to the statistical data of a predetermined campaign.


FAX Module:


  • Reports for the information generated by the FAX module:
  • Hourly Incoming: Distribution of incoming faxes per hour.
  • Outgoing Per Hour: Distribution of outgoing faxes hour.
  • Incoming Detail: Detail of incoming faxes.
  • Outgoing Detail: Details of outgoing faxes.


Incoming Module:


  • Reports of incoming calls (where the abandoned calls that were never answered by an agent):
  • Abandoned By Day: Distribution of calls abandoned by the days of the week
  • Abandoned by days and hours: Distribution of abandoned calls, days of the week and hours (0 to 23)
  • Abandoned By Dates: Distribution of calls abandoned by date (all day)
  • Abandoned By Dates and Hours: Distribution of calls abandoned by dates and times (0 to 23)
  • Abandoned By Hours: Distribution of calls abandoned for hours (0 to 23)
  • Abandoned by months, days and hours: Distribution of calls abandoned by Months weekdays sy hours (from 0 to 23 and Monday to Sunday)
  • Completed By Day: Distribution of completed calls for the days of the week
  • Completed by days and hours: Distribution of completed calls, days of the week and hours (0 to 23)
  • Completed By Dates: Distribution of calls completed by dates (all day)
  • Completed By Dates and Hours: Distribution of completed calls for dates and times (0 to 23)
  • Completed By Hours: Distribution of calls completed per hour (0 to 23)
  • Completed by months, days and hours: Distribution of calls completed by Months days weeks and hours (from 0 to 23 and Monday to Sunday).
  • Abandoned Detail: Detail of abandoned calls.
  • Completed Detail: Detail of completed calls.
  • Times by Agent: Detail of times spoken by agent totaled.
  • Virtual Hold: List calls that are in Virtual Hold.


Outgoing Modules:


  • Report of outgoing calls (where the abandoned calls that were never addressed to the dialed number):
  • Abandoned By Day: Distribution of calls abandoned by the days of the week
  • Abandoned By days and hours: Distribution of abandoned calls, days of the week and hours (0 to 23)
  • Abandoned By Dates: Distribution of calls abandoned by date (all day)
  • Abandoned By Dates and Hours: Distribution of calls abandoned by dates and times (0 to 23)
  • Abandoned By Hours: Distribution of calls abandoned for hours (0 to 23)
  • Abandoned by months, days and hours: Distribution of calls abandoned by Months weekdays sy hours (from 0 to 23 and Monday to Sunday)
  • Completed By Days: Distribution of completed calls for the days of the week.
  • Completed By days and hours: Distribution of completed calls, days of the week and hours (0 to 23)
  • Completed By Dates: Distribution of calls completed by dates (all day)
  • Completed By Dates and Hours: Distribution of completed calls for dates and times (0 to 23)
  • Completed By Hours: Distribution of calls completed per hour (0 to 23)
  • Completed by months, days and hours: Distribution of calls completed by Months days weeks and hours (from 0 to 23 and Monday to Sunday)
  • Abandoned Detail: Detail of abandoned calls.
  • Completed Detail: Detail of completed calls.
  • Times By Agent: Detail of times spoken by agent totaled.
  • Average Times by Agent: Detail of average spoken times  by agent totaled.


SMS Module:


  • Reports for the information generated by the SMS module:.
  • Incoming Detail: Detail all incoming mesages by SMS PBX.
  • Outgoing Detail: Detail of all SMS sent.
  • Hourly Incoming: Distribution incoming messages per hour (in quantities).
  • Outgoing Hourly: Distribution of messages sent per hour (in quantities).
  • Outgoing State: State of outgoing messages (if sent or not).
  • Not processed by DNCR: Detail of all SMS that couldn’t be sent because are listed in the DNCR list.
  • Not processed by error: Detail of all SMS that couldn’t be sent because the dispositive or number are incorrect.


Chat Module:


  • Reports for the information generated by the Web chat module (for making it available)
  • Conversation History: History of all conversations conducted in a given period and user groups.
  • Abandon Detail: Detail of chats abandoned them all (they never answered.)
  • Abandoned by Day: Detail of abandoned chats every day of the week (which was never answered).
  • Abandoned by Dates: Detail of chats abandoned by all dates in this period (which was never answered).
  • Abandoned On Hours: Detail of all chats abandoned for hours in this period (which was never answered).
  • Completed Detail: Detail of all completed chats (who were seen).
  • Completed by Extension: Summary of all completed chats grouped by internal (which were attended).
  • Completed by Day: Detail of all completed chats per weekday (who were seen).
  • Completed by Dates: Detail of all chats completed by this period dates (which were attended).
  • Completed by Hours: Detail of all completed chats for hours in this period (which were attended).
  • SIP Chat History: History chat messages in SIP.


Dialer Module:


  • Reports for the information generated by the module dialers.
  • Completed By Days: Report calls by day of the week of a default campaign and a given date range.
  • Outgoing By State: Report calls made from a default campaign and a given date range, grouped by the state in which they stayed.
  • Outgoing unanswered: Report unanswered calls of a default campaign and a given date range, grouped by the state in which they stayed.
  • Not processed by campaign: Report of all the calls that couldn’t be processed caused by different status (unanswered, failed, wrong number, busy, etc
  • Not processed by DNCR: Report of all the calls that couldn’t be processed because are listed in the DNCR list.