Strategies - Telephony

Strategies - Telephony

There are 7 call distribution strategies in uContact, which are:

  • ringall

  • leastrecent

  • fewestcalls

  • random

  • rrmemory

  • linear

  • wrandom

These types of strategies are determined by the agent's status at the time the call is delivered.


Take available agents into account

Call strategy which rings all available agents until the incoming call is answered by anyone of them.



Take the time without call into account

Call strategy that rings or delivers the call to the agent that was least recently hung up within the queue.



Take answered calls into account

Call strategy that rings or delivers the call to the agents with the fewest completed calls.



Call strategy that rings a random agent.



Call strategy will place agents in a row in the order that were added to the campaign (queue). Call strategy will always search for the first agent in line, and if it is not available, it will look for the second in line, and so on.



Call strategy (round robin) that remembers which agent answered the last incoming call and starts with the next agent in the round robin.



Call strategy that distributes calls in a balanced but random way among the available agents of the campaign, those with the highest penalty being the last to receive them.

The agent's penalty is considered, the higher the penalty value, the less chance that the agent will be delivered a call.








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