These are some important tables that can be used on reports. Database: ccrepo
Information of the queue calls state of campaigns input or output.
Parameter details
origid: Original id (can be repetead).
datetime: Datetime of the event.
callid: The call id.
queuename: Campaign name.
event: Check event list.
data a data5: Depends on the event.
Event | Description | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
AGENTLOGIN | Agent Login. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
AGENTLOGOFF | Agent logoff. Seconds logged in. | logintime | N/A | [automatic] | N/A | |
ABANDON | The caller abandoned their position in the queue. The position is the caller's position in the queue when they hungup, the origposition is the original position the caller was when they first entered the queue, and the waittime is how long the call had been waiting in the | position | origposition | waittime | ||
COMPLETEAGENT | The caller was connected to an agent, and the call was terminated normally by the agent. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both recorded. The caller's original position in the queue is recorded in origposition. | holdtime | calltime | origposition | N/A | N/A |
COMPLETECALLER | The caller was connected to an agent, and the call was terminated normally by the caller. The caller's hold time and the length of the call are both recorded. The caller's original position in the queue is recorded in origposition. | holdtime | calltime | origposition | N/A | N/A |
CONNECT | The caller was connected to an agent. Hold time represents the amount of time the caller was on hold. The bridged channel unique ID contains the unique ID of the queue member channel that is taking the call. This is useful when trying to link recording filenames to a particular call in the queue. | holdtime | bridgedchanneluniqueid | ringtime | N/A | N/A |
ENTERQUEUE | A call has entered the queue. URL (if specified) and Caller*ID are placed in the log. | N/A | callerid | N/A | N/A | |
EXITEMPTY | The caller was exited from the queue forcefully because the queue had no reachable members and it's configured to do that to callers when there are no reachable members. The position is the caller's position in the queue when they hungup, the origposition is the original position the | position | origposition | waittime | N/A | N/A |
EXITWITHKEY | The caller elected to use a menu key to exit the queue. The key and the caller's position in the queue are recorded. | key | position | origposition | waittime | N/A |
EXITWITHTIMEOUT | The caller was on hold too long and the timeout expired. The position in the queue when the timeout step is recorder as the position entered and the amount of time I hope. | position | origposition | waittime | N/A | N/A |
RINGNOANSWER | After trying for ringtime ms to connect to the available queue member the attempt ended without the member picking up the call. | ringtime | Ā N/A | Ā N/A | N/A | N/A |
REALPAUSE/REALUNPAUSE | The Agent was change to Pause or Unpause pausetime: time in seconds on unpause | pausetime | Ā N/A | N/AĀ | N/A | N/A |
UNBREAK/BREAK | Break with motive(descanso), have account that between BREAK and UNBREAK motive: BATHROOM, TRAINING, LUNCH, PERSONAL, OTHER. on breaktime in seconds when unbreak. | motive | comment | breaktime | N/A | N/A |
Ā OUTCALL | Call for out call, status of the ended call, duration in seconds since answered, total time in seconds, dialed number and unique id. | dialstatus | duration | totaltime | Ā dialednumber | guid |
Ā PAUSE/UNPAUSE | Ā Telephony Pause per campaign. We do not use in reports. | |||||
PAUSEALL/UNPAUSEALL | Telephony When Paused on all campaigns. We do not use in reports. | |||||
ATTENDEDTRANSFER BLINDTRANSFER TRANSFER | Ā Completed Call by Agent Until Transfered | extension | context | holdtime | calltime | origposition |
HOLD | Agent put call on hold | channel | calleridname | calleridnum | connectedlinename | connectedlinenum |
UNHOLD | Agent unhold the call, this event can be missing if call is hang before unhold by the agent | channel | calleridname | calleridnum | connectedlinename | connectedlinenum |
FINISHWRAPUP | If an agent finish wrapup before its time this event rises to tell you how much time left he had | timeleft | ||||
ADDMEMBER | A member was added to the queue. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
AGENTDUMP | The agent dumped the caller while listening to the queue announcement. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
CREATEDQUEUE | A new queue was created | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
QUEUESTART | The queueing system has been started for the first time this session. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
REMOVEMEMBER | A queue member was removed from the queue. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Call Detail Record.
Parameter details
calldate: Ā Start date of the call.
clid: Callerid complete name and number.
src: Source.
dst: Destination.
dcontext: Destination context.
channel: Source channel.
dstchannel: Destination channel.
lastapp: Last workflow activity.
duration: Total duration.
billsec: Duration from answered.
disposition: Resut of the call.
amaflags: Not used.
accountcode: Agent name or other.
userfield: Where we tag the record.
uniqueid: Call id.
type: If was recorded.
guid: Unique id and recording name.
causecode: Code of the provider when the call finish.
campaign: Campaign name.
charged_balance: For virtual pbx billing.
real_balance: For virtual pbx billing.
note: For billing.
contact: Id of the dialer contact.
finishtime: If configured Tagging recording this is the date/time of finish adding disposition code.
rating: Mean of the quality .
dialerbase: Name of the dialer base.
Parameter details
id: Unique id.
idm: Depends on the API used.
campaign: Campaign.Ā
dateprocessed: Date of sent or arrival.
direction: I o O (inbound or outbound).
callerid: Source or origen.
message: Short text message.
agent: Agent.
smsbase: Dialer base.
result: Depends on the API.
readsms: si fue leido
sessionid: guid para session con agenteĀ
Evento | Descripcion | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
ABANDON | El cliente abandonĆ³ en una cola antes que lo atendieran. position es donde estaba en el momento de cortar, origposition es en la posiciĆ³n que entro inicialmente, waittime es el tiempo que espero hasta cortar. | position | origposition | waittime | ||
COMPLETEAGENT | El que solicito fue conectado a un agente, y el chat fue terminado normalmente por el agente. El holdtime del agente y la duraciĆ³n de la llamada son guardadas al igual que la posiciĆ³n inicial donde entrĆ³ la llamada a la cola. | holdtime | chattime | origposition | messageqt | N/A |
COMPLETECALLER | El que llamĆ³ fue conectado a un agente, y el webchat fue terminado normalmente por el que llamĆ³. El holdtime del agente y la duraciĆ³n del webchat son guardadas al igual que la posiciĆ³n inicial donde entro el webchat a la cola. | holdtime | chattime | origposition | messageqt | N/A |
CONNECT | El solito el chat fue conectado a un agente, se graba el tiempo que espero en ser atendido, nombre del agente que atendiĆ³ la llamada. | holdtime | agent | N/A | N/A | |
ENTERQUEUE | Entro un webchat a la cola | name | phonenumber | N/A | N/A | |
REENTERQUEUE | A chat was restored when server was started | name | phonenumber | N/A | N/A | |
OUTOFTIME | El cliente solicito un chat pero la campana no estaba en hora |
| |||
OUTCALL | Una llamada por web chat fue terminada | audio/video | duration | dialednumber | webchatguid | |
NOAGENTS | The clients starts an interaction but there are no agents available for that campaign. (data1 and data2 will be saved only if existing data) | name | ||||
MAXQUEUE | Number of active chats for that campaign (waiting and attended) overflows the established value in Max Chats. (data1 and data2 will be saved only if existing data) | name | ||||
TRANSFERRED | The interaction was tranferred from an agent to another. 'From' indicates the agent's name that transfered the interaction and 'To' represents to whom it was tranfered. | from | to | |||
ATTENDED | The interaction was attended by the agent | from | to | |||
STARTCALL | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
ENDCALL | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
STARTVIDEOCALL | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
ENDVIDEOCALL | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
Event | Description | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
COMPLETEAGENTOUT | An interaction started by an agent has finished. | chattime | messageqt | number | ||
COMPLETEAGENT | Cient's interaction was attended and finished normally by an agent. Agent's Holdtime and call duration data get saved as well as the initial position when the interaction entered the queue.Ā | holdtime | chattime | origposition | messageqt | N/A |
CONNECT | SMS interaction got connected to an agent. Waiting time, agent that attended the interactin and clients phone number gets saved. | holtime | agent | number | N/A | N/A |
ENTERQUEUE | The clients sends a SMS interaction and because the campaign is on time, the interaction enters the queue | number | clientName | N/A | N/A | N/A |
REENTERQUEUE | A chat was restored when server was started. | number | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
HOLIDAYMESSAGE | The campaign sends back a SMS explaining the campaign is closed because its a holiday day | number | message | N/A | N/A | N/A |
OUTOFTIME | The SMS campaign is out of time, the client's phone number gets saved. | number | message | N/A | N/A | N/A |
OUTSMS | Its generated when an agents starts and SMS interaction. | number | clientName | N/A | N/A | N/A |
TRANSFERRED | The interaction was tranferred from an agent to another. 'From' indicates the agent's name that transfered the interaction and 'To' represents to whom it was tranfered. | from | to | |||
ATTENDED | The interaction was attended by the agent | from | to |
Event | Description | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
COMPLETEAGENTOUT | An interaction started by an agent has finished. | chattime | messageqt | adress | ||
COMPLETEAGENT | Cient's interaction was attended and finished normally by an agent. Agent's Holdtime and call duration data get saved as well as the initial position when the interaction entered the queue.Ā | holdtime | chattime | origposittion | messageqt | N/A |
CONNECT | Email interaction got connected to an agent. Waiting time, agent that attended the interactin and email address gets saved. | holdtime | agent | address | N/A | N/A |
HOLIDAYMESSAGE | The campaign sends back an email explaining the campaign is closed because its a holiday day | number | message | N/A | N/A | N/A |
ENTERQUEUE | The clients sends an email interaction and because the campaign is on time, the interaction enters the queue | number | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
REENTERQUEUE | A chat was restored when server was started. | number | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
OUTEMAIL | Generated when an agents starts an email interaction | address | subject | N/A | N/A | N/A |
STARTEMAILDIALER | Generated when a dialers is executed | spool length | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
FINISHEMAILDIALER | Generated when the dialer finished its process | spool length | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
STOPEMAILDIALER | Generated when the dialer stops | spool length | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
TRANSFERRED | The interaction was tranferred from an agent to another. 'From' indicates the agent's name that transfered the interaction and 'To' represents to whom it was tranfered. | from | to | |||
ATTENDED | The interaction was attended by the agent | from | to | |||
BLACKLIST | It is generated when an incoming email belongs to a blacklist. An interaction is not generated. Email address, subject and emailĀ email_id (that matches with the email saved in email_repo) is saved. If an agent started the interaction, the agent name is recorded. | adress | subject | email_id | ||
FORWARDED | Forward an interaction's email to another email address | address forwarded | subject forwarded | email_id used to identify unique emails in email_repo | ||
NEWEMAILCLIENT | The client sent a new email while interaction was opened | clientās address | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
NEWEMAILAGENT | The agent sent a new email while interaction was opened | clientās address | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
Event | Description | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
COMPLETEAGENT | Cient's interaction was attended and finished normally by an agent. Agent's Holdtime and call duration data get saved as well as the initial position when the interaction entered the queue.Ā | holdtime | chatttime | origposittion | messageqt | N/A |
CONNECT | Twitter interaction got connected to an agent. Waiting time, agent that attended the interactin and clients Twitter username gets saved. | holdtime | agent | id client | client username | |
ENTERQUEUE | The clients sends an interaction and because the campaign is on time, the interaction enters the queue | address | subject | |||
REENTERQUEUE | A chat was restored when server was started. | address | subject | |||
HOLIDAYMESSAGE | The campaign sends back an email explaining the campaign is closed because its a holiday day | address | message | |||
OUTTWEET | Generated when an agents starts a Tweet | addres | subject | |||
TRANSFERRED | The interaction was tranferred from an agent to another. 'From' indicates the agent's name that transfered the interaction and 'To' represents to whom it was tranfered. | from | to | |||
ATTENDED | The interaction was attended by the agent | from | to |
Event | Description | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
COMPLETEAGENT | Cient's interaction was attended and finished normally by an agent. Agent's Holdtime and call duration data get saved as well as the initial position when the interaction entered the queue | holdtime | chattime | origposittion | messageqt | N/A |
CONNECT | Messenger interaction got connected to an agent. Waiting time, agent that attended the interactin and clients Twitter username gets saved. | holdtime | agent | id client | client username | |
ENTERQUEUE | The clients sends an interaction and because the campaign is on time, the interaction enters the queue | address | message | |||
REENTERQUEUE | A chat was restored when server was started. | address | message | |||
HOLIDAYMESSAGE | The campaign sends back an email explaining the campaign is closed because its a holiday day | address | message | |||
TRANSFERRED | The interaction was tranferred from an agent to another. 'From' indicates the agent's name that transfered the interaction and 'To' represents to whom it was tranfered. | from | to | |||
ATTENDED | The interaction was attended by the agent | from | to |
Event | Description | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 |
COMPLETEAGENT | Cient's interaction was attended and finished normally by an agent. Agent's Holdtime and call duration data get saved as well as the initial position when the interaction entered the queue | holdtime | chattime | origpossition | messageqt | N/A |
CONNECT | Facebook interaction got connected to an agent. Waiting time, agent that attended the interactin and clients Twitter username gets saved. | holtime | agent | id client | client username | |
ENTERQUEUE | The clients sends an interaction and because the campaign is on time, the interaction enters the queue | post id | message | |||
REENTERQUEUE | A chat was restored when server was started. | post id | message | |||
HOLIDAYMESSAGE | The campaign sends back an email explaining the campaign is closed because its a holiday day | post id | message | |||
OUTFACEBOOK | Generated when a new Facebook post is made by the agent | post id | message | |||
TRANSFERRED | The interaction was tranferred from an agent to another. 'From' indicates the agent's name that transfered the interaction and 'To' represents to whom it was tranfered. | from | to | |||
ATTENDED | The interaction was attended by the agent | from | to |
Parameter details
id:Ā Automatic.
datetime:Ā Of the tag.
user:Ā Who tag.
guid:Ā Unique id.
time:Ā Time in seconds of the recording tag.
comment:Ā Of the tag.
Parameter details
id:Ā Automatic.
datecreated:Ā Of the message.
src:Ā Source.
dest: Destination.
message:Ā Text message.
srcagent:Ā Source agent.
dstagent:Ā Destination agent.
status:Ā Message status (SUCCESS, FAILURE)
Parameter details
id: Automatic.
datetime: Of the event.
userid: User.
host: Source ip address.
action: Action.
Parameter details
id: Automatic.
calldate: Date time of the intent.
src: Agent.
dst: Inbound or outbound number.
Parameter details
campaign: Dialer campaign.
destination:Ā Phone to dial.
status: Status (1 ready, 0 in progress, 3 black list blocked).
data: Variables for workflows and forms.
alternatives: List delimited by : of alternative phones.
contact: Contact id for the CDR trace.
dialerbase: List name.
priority: Prioridad (9999 usually, never 1 but can be > 1 so the smaller values are executed first).
agentphone: For progressive this is the agent extension Ā .
Parameter details
id: Autogenerated.
campaign: Dialer campaign name.
name: List name.
records: Count of records.
active: If active.
percentage: how many records get from that list in one run