Other Actions API
Other Actions API
- Daniel Olivera (Unlicensed)
- Aylen Martinez (Unlicensed)
- Maria Carina Soca (Unlicensed)
- Anonymous
Owned by Daniel Olivera (Unlicensed)
Remember that to use the API you need
Authenticate and get a token for the session
Use the token in the Header Authorization
End session
Notificate Agent
Relative URL: Integra/resources/api/Notificate
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params: agent (agent name)
queue (campaign name)
message (the message to be displayed to an agent)
icon (fontaswome icon example: fa fa-exclamation-triangle)
when (always-> event if not connected leave the notification to be displayed on next login or online only notify if connected)
Result: OK -> if agent notificated
ERROR -> if agent not notificated
Generate Report
Relative URL: Integra/resources/BI/generatereport
Method: POST
content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Params: report (JSON Object)
html (0 or 1)
excel (0 or 1 or 2 for csv)
pdf (0 or 1)
doc (0 or 1 or 2 for txt)
Result: GUID of the generated report
Empty on Error
Json Object
"name":"Breaks Totales", //Name of the report
"file":"TiemposPausaBreakePorAgente.jrxml", // jrxml file
"description":"Breaks Totales", //Description
"dsn":"Repo", // Data source name
"parameters":"INITIAL_DATE=Timestamp=2015-11-03 00:00:00;FINAL_DATE=Timestamp=2015-11-03 3:59:59;REPORT_LOCALE=Locale=es;AGENT=Agent='Admin',,'Agente1','Agente10','Agente11',",
//Report parameters type and value for generation.
"grouped":"Agentes", //group
"language":"es", //language
Report URL
Close Form
From a uContact Form
From Cross Origin iFrame
To use this from a different origin of uContact we must create a proxy between the parent and the iframe. We use porthole, we define a proxy on each iFrame with a message parser, then from the iFrame we send the action close to the parent.
Add in your page
To make the WebCallBack possible to integrate with any web of any client, it was designed with a GET over HTTP, in this way anyone can invoke it.
External Workflow call
jsonparams object