Formatting from excel to CSV

Formatting from excel to CSV

It is needed to be changed firstly the delimit option inside the control panel > Clock, Language and Region options > Change date, time or numbers format.

1) Change date,time or number formats


2) Additional settings...


3)We change the list separator combo so it shows a semicolon.

Apply and close.



Necessarily we will have to insert a row at the beginning of all our bases independently of the dialer type that we will use, so as the time of exporting to csv, it is guided by the heads we have whether there are 5 or 6 in total.


5) We are headed to file>save as

We select that the filed type is CSV (MS-DOS)


6) Right click to the generated file, choose edit to visualize it on CSV mode and check that it is exported correctly.


7) This is the generated file. Erase the first line completely and save again.


8) Finally the file is ready to be uploaded to uContact

*We can see on line 3 and 5 that if one of the fields is empty, the delimiter is going to generate the relevant commas so that the base is uploaded anyways.

*Also we can see that at the end of the line at the 9999 a comma is inserted, creating an additional field to be consistent to the bases requirements to be uploaded to uContact correctly.



Suppose we have a base without alternative numbers or priority.


Without those fields this would be the resulting CSV after making the import.


We proceed to delete the first line, and the optimum result would be:



Its possible to change the EOL to Unix Format with for example NotePad++ if there is an error in the upload of a wrong format file.