Integra Framework

Integra Framework




Runs an SQL query on the Base (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), it may or may not have a callback.


dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.

value: If the value is true the function will return the value of the base, otherwise, it will return OK or ERROR

UC_exec("INSERT INTO ccrepo.DC_Telefono VALUES ('" + nombreAgente+ "','" + 
$("#phone").val() + "','" + fecha + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE proximo_contacto = '" + 
fecha + "'","",respsaveproxcontacto, true);


Structure: (sqlquery,dsn)

Runs an SQL query on the Base (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), it may or may not have a callback.


dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

value: If the value is true the function will return the value of the base, otherwise it will return OK or ERROR

let response = await UC_exec("INSERT INTO ccrepo.DC_Telefono VALUES ('" + nombreAgente+ "','" + $("#telefono").val() + "','" + fecha + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE proximo_contacto = '" + fecha + "'","", true);
return response;



Saves an object from a specific table in the Database.

object: Javascript object to save (equal to the destination table).

table: Name of the destination table.

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.

UC_Save(ArrayOfVentas[i], 'DC_Venta', '', callbackGuardarVenta);


Structure: (object,table,dsn)

Saves an object from a specific table in the Database.

object: Javascript object to save (equal to the destination table).

table: Name of the destination table.

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

let response = await UC_Save(ArrayOfVentas[i], 'DC_Venta', '');
return response;


(solochosen, idSelect, objetoSelect, chosen, atributo, parse)

It is responsible for filling the comboBox or listBox with data from the query.

solochosen: If this parameter is 0, it is in charge of initializing the chosen one with the objects that we pass to it in the Select object.
If this parameter is 1, it assumes that the html of the select already contains the data with which we want to initialize the chosen one and all it does is a trigger to the .chosen () function, which initializes the chosen one.

idSelect: Id of the select in the html that corresponds to our combo box.

ObjectSelect: It is a list of values ā€‹ā€‹or a list of objects:

Eg list of values: ["ACOMP-BLESS ->", "campañaParaTestBeto <-"]

Eg list objects:


chosen: If this attribute is 1, the .chosen () function is applied that initializes the combo box, if it is 0 the HTML of the select is loaded
with the options of the Select object but the .chosen () function is not applied, that is, it is not initialized.

attribute: If an attribute is specified, it means that the Select object has the form of a list of objects, therefore the value of
our combo will have the value of the attribute of the object that we specify.
In our example of a list of objects, we would pass the attribute 'department'.

parse: If this attribute is 1, the JSON.parse function is applied to the Select object since it is assumed that it is being passed in the form of a string,
if this attribute is 0, the JSON.parse function is not applied and the Select object is assumed to be an array of values ā€‹ā€‹or an array of objects.

10ListBox using HTML values.
00ListBox usingSelect object values.
01ComboBox usingSelect object values.
11ComboBox using HTML values.


(idTabla, datosParaLlenar, stringDatos, onSelected, scroll, dataFormat, bColum, bOrder, bfilter, pagination, multipleSelect, onDeSelected)

It is responsible for filling a certain table.

idTabla: The id of the <table> tag in our html.

dataParaLlenar: It is the list of objects in string format that are used to load the table. It is important to note that it has to be in
string format since the method takes care of parsing it.

Ex: [{"id": 1, "document": "", "names": "Casanova Barreiro Rossana Haydee", "department": "" ...

stringDatos: These are the attributes of the object that we want to show in the columns of our table.
The attributes are written separated by commas.

onSelected: Method to be executed when the selection event occurs in a row of the table.
This method accepts a parameter, which returns the object that corresponds to the selected row:

Eg: function metodoOnSelectedSample(resp){

//Resp has the object in string format like the one we passed in the example

scroll: It is the height in pixels that the table will take. Ex: '100px'

dataFormat: If the data to fill has dates to order, the format of the date will be passed to it so that it can be ordered,
example: 'DD / MM / YYYY'

bColum, bOrder: These parameters are to sort a particular column in asc or desc way, it must be passed
How to integer the column and the order as a string, by default if these parameters are not passed, it will sort
by the first descending column.

If you want to sort the second column in descending order: 1, "desc".

pagination: boolean. true for automatic table paging from frontend. In case of putting a number,
Ex: 50 will be shown per page the amount set

multipleSelect: null or 1 as an integer for multiple selection of rows.

onDeSelected: null or function (a) to get the value of the selected row as a return.




Add pagination to a table.

This method adds two buttons, a 'previous' and a 'next' button that serves as pagination for the table.

It is important to note that only the buttons are added in the html, it is the user who then has to define
the click events of these buttons. The button ids are: previous_Table_id, next_Table_id.

Using javascript the user should add the event on click of these two buttons as follows:


idTabla: ID in the HTML of the table.



(json, tablename, column, dsn, callback)

Update object data, put the value and update column.

obj: Object with the new data to update.

tablename: Name of the table to update.

column: Name of the column for which the update is going to be carried out, usually the ID of the table.

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.

UC_update(objetoRefActual, "DC_Referido", "idref", "", respUpdateReferido);


Structure: (json, tablename, column, dsn)

Update object data, put the value, and update column.

obj: Object with the new data to update.

tablename: Name of the table to update.

column: Name of the column for which the Update is going to be carried out, usually the ID of the table.

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

let response = await UC_update_async(objetoRefActual, "DC_Referido", "idref", "");
return response;


(tablename, column, value, valuetype, dsn, callback)

An object is deleted by value and column.

tablename: Name of the table to update.

column: Name of the column for which the delete is to be performed, usually the ID of the table.

value: Value of the column for which the delete is going to be done.

valuetype: Data type of the column to be deleted: int, string.

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.

UC_delete('DC_Producto', 'id', productoseleccionado.id, 'int', '', callbackEliminar);


Structure: (tablename, column, value, valuetype, dsn)

An object is deleted by value and column.

tablename: Name of the table to update.

column: Name of the column for which the delete is to be performed, usually the ID of the table.

value: Value of the column for which the delete is going to be done.

valuetype: Data type of the column to be deleted: int, string.

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

let response = await UC_delete('DC_Producto', 'id', productoseleccionado.id, 'int', '');
return response;


(sqlquery, dsn, callback)

Get the data from the database by passing an SQL SELECT query.

sqlquery: SELECT sql

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.

UC_get("SELECT * FROM DC_Param order by id asc","",callbackInitDocumento);


Structure: (sqlquery, dsn)

Get the data from the database by passing an SQL SELECT query.

sqlquery: SELECT sql

dsn: Data source name, empty for the Default Base CCREPO.

let response = await UC_get_async("SELECT * FROM DC_Param order by id asc","");
return response;


(campaign, source, destination, callback)

Makes a call.

campaign: Campaign for which you are going to make the call.

source: DID by which the call is going to be taken.

destination: Destination number of the call.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.

verifyWrapup: If true then it validates if the agent is in wrapup before calling, otherwise it does not validate it.

UC_makeCall(campaign, source, destination, callback, verifyWrapup);


Structure: (campaign, source, destination)

Makes a call.

campaign: Campaign for which you are going to make the call.

source: DID by which the call is going to be taken.

destination: Destination number of the call.

verifyWrapup: If true then it validates if the agent is in wrapup before calling, otherwise it does not validate it.

let response = await UC_makeCall(campaign, source, destination, verifyWrapup);
return response;



Drops the current call.

callback: Null or name of the function that is executed when returning the result.



Structure: ()

Drops the current call.

let response = await UC_hangUp();

Ends the call only if the callerid passed by parameter is the same as the current call.

  • callerid
  • callback
  • callerid



It is responsible for pausing or unpausing the agent.

Do not pause the agent in case he is on a break.

boolean: true or false

function: call function

UC_Pause(true, function(resp){});


(phone, message)

Sends an SMS.

phone: Destination of the SMS.

message: SMS text.



(fromname, to, subject, body,callback)

Sends an Email with the system account

fromname: Name of the sender.

to: Recipient email.

subject: Subject of the mail.

body: Email text can be HTML.

UC_sendMail(clienteseleccionado.campana, $('#txtEmailGestion').val(), $('#txtDatoGestion').val(), $('#txtComentarios').val(),callbackSendMail);



Sends an email using the email account of the specified campaign.

	"campaign": "Email",
	"to": "adress@ucontactcloud.com",
	"subject": "Subject",
	"body": "This is an email body can be HTML",
    "attachments": ["020212/738hbjk-h73894algo.jgp", "020212/738hbjk-h73894algo.jgp"],
	"schedule": {
		"title": "Date title",
		"organizer": "Myself",
		"from": "2018-08-24 00:00:00",
		"to": "2018-08-24 01:00:00"
	"template": "templateName",
	"variables": {

The cc, bcc, template, and variables fields are optional.

The variables will be replaced before sending the mail. The template will only be sent if the body is empty or unspecified.

Attachments are optional, it will be a list of strings obtained with the function UC_addAttachment (file, id)

With the `reports` property you can send email attachments, previously generated reports. It will be a guid list of reports generated with their extension.

Hello $ {name} this is an example of a template to be able to replace the variables, greetings $ {greetings}

It will be replaced by:

Hello Santiago, this is an example of a template to be able to replace the variables, greetings, Cari

await UC_sendMailCampaignv2_async({
	campaign: "Email",
    to: "testabc@gmail.com",
    subject: "Subject",
    body: "Hey",
    attachments: [

UC_addAttachment(file, id)

Uploads any type of file to the server.

file: File object javascript.

id (optional): used to identify the file in the response

Response: ["20190513 / a6d9f3c6-9574-44ca-8b6f-ec02e2c977d1.filename.txt", "1234"]

The first string is the path of the file on the server.

The second is the submitted ID.


await UC_addAttachment(new File(["test1234filecontent"], "filename.txt", {type: "text/plain", lastModified: new Date()}))

This method sends a message using the Hey now API. The name of a previously configured Hey now provider is needed.

	"clientId": "598112321323",
	"message": "Hello",
	"providerName": "HeyNowProviderName"
let obj = {
	"clientId": "598112321323",
	"message": "Hello",
	"providerName": "HeyNowProviderName"

await UC_sendHeyNowMessage_async(obj)



Gets the agents in the callback in JSON format.


Structure: ()

Gets the agents in the callback in JSON format.

let response = await UC_getAgents();
return response;



Get the system campaigns in the callback in JSON format.



Structure: ()

Get the system campaigns in the callback in JSON format.

let response = await UC_getSystemCampaigns();
return response;



Get the agent's campaigns in the callback in JSON format.



Structure: ()

Get the agent's campaigns in the callback in JSON format.

let response = await UC_getMyAgentCampaigns();
return response;



Gets the campaigns that I can see if I am a supervisor in the callback in JSON format.



Structure: ()

Gets the campaigns that I can see if I am a supervisor in the callback in JSON format.

let response = await UC_getMySuperCampaigns();
return response;


(campaign, callback)

Gets the agents for a given campaign in the callback in JSON format.



Structure: (campaign)

Gets the agents for a given campaign in the callback in JSON format.

let response = await UC_getAgentForCampaign(campaign);
return response;


(file, tabla, sentence, callback)

It is responsible for uploading a CSV file to a specific table in the database.

file: Obtained from an upload.

table: Name of the destination table.

sentence: Changes required (see MYSQL LOAD IN FILE syntax).

callback: Return of the raise.

UC_subirArchivoCSV(archivo, "DC_Telefono","IGNORE 1 LINES (agente,telefono)\n",respUploadCodigoCSV);


Structure: (file, tabla, sentence)

It is responsible for uploading a CSV file to a specific table in the database.

file: Obtained from an upload.

table: Name of the destination table.

sentence: Changes required (see MYSQL LOAD IN FILE syntax).

let response = await UC_subirArchivoCSV(archivo, "DC_Telefono","IGNORE 1 LINES (agente,telefono)\n");
return response;


(jsonReport, html, excel, pdf, doc)

It is responsible for generating and downloading a report in Excel, PDF, DOC, TXT, CVS format.

jsonReport: It is the report object in the following format:

Object Report
{"name": "Total Breaks", // report name
"file": "TimesPauseBreakePorAgente.jrxml", // name of the jrxml file
"description": "Total Breaks", // report description
"dsn": "Repo", // data source name
"parameters": "INITIAL_DATE = Timestamp = 2015-11-03 00: 00: 00; FINAL_DATE = Timestamp = 2015-11-03 3: 59: 59; REPORT_LOCALE = Locale = es; AGENT = Agent = 'Admin' ,, 'Agent1', 'Agent10', 'Agent11', ",
// They are the parameters with which the report is executed, these vary according to the report.
"grouped": "Agents", // group under which the report is found
"language": "es", // language in which the report is going to be returned
"license": "CCS"}

html, excel, pdf, doc: These parameters are booleans that accept 1 or 0, in case the parameter is 1,
It will be downloaded in that format, if it is 0, this type of file is not taken into account for the download.
(excel at 2 is csv) (doc at 2 is txt).



Closes the current form.



Returns number of forms opened by the agent.



Shows close button on tab,



(variable, value, callback)

Sets a variable in the call.

variable: Name of the variable.

value: Value.

callback: Return.



Structure: (variable, value)

Sets a variable in the call.



let response = await UC_setChannelVariable('name','John');
return response;


(guid, data) 

Tag in a recording to later search in data in recordings.

guid: ID of the call obtained from the CTI object.

data: Text with which to mark.



(objetoRespool, callback)

The respool occurs when a call could not be completed, for example when a dialer links an agent with a client but this was not the person to be contacted, so it is possible to put him back on the dialer.

objectRespool: Object obtained from UC_DialerObject, this can be changed accordingly to do the respool, example:
change of main num for the first alternative, etc.

callback: It is a user-defined callback function that has the response of the method.

 UC_respool(objetoRespool, callback);


Structure: (objetoRespool)

The respool occurs when a call could not be completed, for example when a dialer links an agent with a client but this was not the person to be contacted, so it is possible to put him back on the dialer.

ObjectRespool: Object obtained from UC_DialerObject, this can be changed as appropriate to do the respool, example change the main number for the first alternative, etc.

let response = await UC_respool(objetoRespool);
return response;


(cti, alternative)

Respool a call by specifying if you want to alternate between alternative numbers or not.

cti: CTI parsed

alternative: It can be passed empty, that indicates that it does not contemplate the alternatives, or it passes the alternatives to take into account.

 UC_DoRespool(cti, alternative);



Returns an object of type calls_spool to be able to respool or set up a DialerSchedule.

dialer: It is the string that arrives in dialer in CTI.



(str, find, replace)

Replaces all occurrences of a character in a String.

str: Original String.

find: What character to look for.

replace: By which character to replace.

Returns the changed String.

 UC_replaceAll("Hello","world","how are you?");


(jsonReport, html, excel, pdf, doc, name)

It is responsible for generating and downloading a report in excel, pdf, doc or cvs format, and it will also be given a specific name.

jsonReport: It is the report object in the following format:

Object Report
{"name": "Total Breaks", // report name
"file": "TimesPauseBreakePorAgente.jrxml", // name of the jrxml file
"description": "Total Breaks", // report description
"dsn": "Repo", // data source name
"parameters": "INITIAL_DATE = Timestamp = 2015-11-03 00: 00: 00; FINAL_DATE = Timestamp = 2015-11-03 23: 59: 59; REPORT_LOCALE = Locale = es; AGENT = Agent = 'Admin' ,, 'Agent1', 'Agent10', 'Agent11', ",
// They are the parameters with which the report is executed, these vary according to the report.
"grouped": "Agents", // group under which the report is found
"language": "es", // language in which the report is going to be returned
"license": "CCS"}

html, excel, pdf, doc: These parameters are Booleans that accept 1 or 0, in the event that the parameter is 1, it will be downloaded in this format, if it is 0, this type of file is not taken into account for the download. (excel at 2 is csv) (doc at 2 is txt).

name: Name of the file to download.



(callDate, objectDialer, callback)

It is in charge of scheduling a call to occur on a certain date under an established campaign and to a specified destination.

callDate: Date on which the call is scheduled.

objetDialer: Object returned from calling UC_DialerObject with the CTI String Dialer,
this object is changed as required by schedule.

callback: It is a user-defined callback function that has the response of the method.

UC_DialerSchedule(objetoScheudle, callbackDialerSchedule);


Structure: (callDate, objectDialer)

It is responsible for scheduling a call to occur on a specific date under an established campaign and to a specified destination.

callDate: Date on which the call is scheduled.

objetDialer: Object returned from calling UC_DialerObject with the CTI String Dialer, this object is changed as required by schedule.

let response = await UC_DialerSchedule(date, objetoScheudle);
return response;


(title, message, icon, type)

Shows messages to the user.

title: It receives a string that it will use as the title of the notification.

message: It receives a string that it will use as the notification message.

icon: Get a string with the fontawesome class for the notification.

Possible icons: "fa fa-times" (error), "fa fa-check" (action carried out successfully), "fa fa-warning" (alert).

type: It receives a string that defines the type of notification that affects its color.

-types possible: "danger" (error when performing the operation), "success" (action performed successfully), "warning" (alert).

notification("Error","You must enter name","fa fa-times","danger");



Audit the actions performed by the user.

Receives a string (audit) that is recorded in the action column of the ccrepo.auditory table
along with the user that is using the system and its respective IP.

UC_audit('El usuario se logueo con exito');



Changes to the tab that is passed by parameter.

idTabPane: Receives a string that must be the id of the tab-pane that we want to show.



(idContainer, data, type, title, colors, size)

Generates graphs.

idContainer: Receives a string that must be the ID of the container where we want to show the graph.

data: Receives an array with the data to display in the graph.

type: Receives a string that defines the type of graph to display, if the graph is only linear, receives
this parameter as "null" (pie, donut, bars, null).

title: Receive a string as a title only for donut-type graphs, otherwise use null.

colors: Receives an array of strings with colors in hexadecimal (['#2334','#45454']).

size: Receives a string with the value in pixels for the size of the graph ('240px') null takes the size of the container.

var arrayDatos= [['data1', 30],['data2', 120]];
var arrayDatosLineas=[
	 ['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
	 ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]

Only the URL and method fields are required.

Method can be: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

The body has to be a string, and so it will be sent in the request.

await UC_Http_proxy({
	url: 'https://api-mirror.herokuapp.com/', 
	method: 'POST', 
	headers:{'authorization': 'header1'}, 
	body: '{}', 
	type: 'application/json',
	timeout: 10000

The default timeout is 10000 milliseconds.

Example response:

	body: "the body response",
	code: "200", //401, 504 etc
	headers: {
		content-type: ['application/json'],
		server: ['gunicorn/19.7.1']

In the event that the type is `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, the following can be done to avoid concatenating strings and to be able to send it in the body instead of JSON.stringify

var form = new FormData();
form.append('name', 'Augusto');
form.append('ci', '1234123-1');
var urlEncoded = new URLSearchParams(form).toString();

//urlEncoded will have the following value


await UC_ExecGet_async({url: 'https://google.com.uy', headers: {'Authorization': '1234'}})


(url, data, callback)

Executes a POST webService, from our domain.

url: Pass the URL of the web service.

data: If the web service expects parameters, you must pass them in the data.

callback: Return.

headers: Array of headers (not required).

 UC_ExecPost(url, data, callback, [{header: 'Name', value: 'value'}]);


Structure: (url, data)

Executes a POST webService, from our domain.

url: Pass the URL of the web service.

data: If the web service expects parameters, you must pass them in the data.

headers: Array of headers (not required)

let response = await await UC_ExecPost_async('https://5dc2cc541666f6001477f514.mockapi.io/post/test', '{"data": "data to be sended"}', [{header: 'Name', value: 'value'}]);
return response;


(url, body, callback, headers)

Executes a SOAP action from a webservice.

url: URL of the SOAP action, with the name included.

body: XML of the SOAP request.

calback: return.

headers: Array of headers for the query.

var xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">   <soap12:Body>     <ObtengoDatos_HomeBanking_DOC xmlns="http://www.italcred.com">       <DOC>2905977</DOC>     </ObtengoDatos_HomeBanking_DOC>   </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>';

UC_ExecPostSOAP(http://serverip/ws_integra_beta/servicio.asmx?op=ObtengoDatos_Disponible, xml, function(xmlResponse){
	// xmlResponse	
},[{header: "Autorization", value: "Basic 748o748974837489237489"}, {header: "Custom-header", value: "Value header"}]);


Structure: (url, body, headers)

Executes a SOAP action from a webservice.

url: URL of the SOAP action, with the name included.

body: XML of the SOAP request.

headers: Array of headers for the query.

var xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap12="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">   <soap12:Body>     <ObtengoDatos_HomeBanking_DOC xmlns="http://www.italcred.com">       <DOC>2905977</DOC>     </ObtengoDatos_HomeBanking_DOC>   </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>';

let response = await UC_ExecPostSOAP_async("http://serverip/ws_integra_beta/servicio.asmx?op=ObtengoDatos_Disponible", xml, [{header: "Autorization", value: "Basic 748o748974837489237489"}, {header: "Custom-header", value: "Value header"}]);
return response;


(measure, actions, callback)

It executes the gamification WebService that credits points to the agent.

measure: Name of the performance measure.

actions: Number of actions to credit (multiplies with the measure).

callback: Return.

UC_GM_LoadActions("nombreMedida", 100, callback);


Structure: (measure, actions)

It executes the gamification WebService that credits points to the agent.

measure: Name of the performance measure.

actions: Number of actions to credit (multiplies with the measure).

let response = await UC_GM_LoadActions("nombreMedida", 100);
return response;


(name, ctiObj)

Open a new form.

name: Name of the form.

ctiObj: Null or CTI object.



text: Text to encrypt

It encrypts the text it receives as a parameter and returns an object. The object can be saved to decrypt later or get the value to store in a base, for example.

let test = UC_Encrypt('text to encrypt or whatever')
console.log(test.toString()) // result is: "+VZ5lGWZ0DAONrcnP3MkEFGfpgP/LSPqhUDU4aXfY6U="
//this expressions will give you the same result: "text to encrypt or whatever"


text: Text to decrypt

Decrypts the text or object I receive by parameter and returns a string with the result.


Adds a contact to the blacklist.

Receive: Json object with the contact data to add to the blacklist, callback.

let my_object = {"name":'name', "campaign":"hello", "username": "username", "phone": "phonenumber", "company": "Integra", "job_title": "Developer", "name": "name", "expire_date": "2023-12-05"}
UC_Add_Blacklist(my_object, callback)


Adds a contact to the blacklist.

Receive: Json object with the contact data to add to the blacklist,

let my_object = {"name":'name', "campaign":"hello", "username": "username", "phone": "phonenumber", "company": "Integra", "job_title": "Developer", "name": "name", "expire_date": "2023-12-05"}


Removes a contact from the blacklist.

Receive: Json object with the contact data to add to the blacklist, callback.

let my_object = {"name":'name', "campaign":"hello", "username": "username", "phone": "phonenumber", "company": "Integra", "job_title": "Developer", "name": "name"}
UC_Remove_Blacklist(my_object, callback)


Removes a contact from the blacklist.

Receive: Json object with the contact data to add to the blacklist.

let my_object = {"name":'name', "campaign":"hello", "username": "username", "phone": "phonenumber", "company": "Integra", "job_title": "Developer", "name": "name"}



Deletes a contact for a campaign dialer.

Receive: Campaign and number.

If * is the value of the campaign, the system will delete the contact for all campaigns.


UC_RemoveContactDialer('campaign', '36472974932')

UC_RemoveContactDialer('*', '36472974932')



Deletes a contact for the scheduler of a campaign.

Receive: Campaign and number.

If * is the value of the campaign, the system will delete the contact for all campaigns.


UC_RemoveContactScheduler('campaign', '36472974932')

UC_RemoveContactScheduler('*', '36472974932')


Raise base to call spool.

campaign: Campaign name.

name: List name.

list: Array[] of objects{}

callback (optional): function that receives the result of the operation as a response.

ArrayList example:

var list=[{campaign:"Tests<-",destination:"099111111",data:"variable1=val1:variable2=val2",alternatives:"099222222:099333333",priority:"9999",agent:"Agente1"},{campaign:"Pruebas<-",destination:"213123",data:"variable1=val1",alternatives:"213213:123123",priority:"1233"}]Ejemplo de uso:



Type dialer calls.

Save the management, tag the call with l1 | l2 | l3, performs the actions that correspond to each classification,
credits the gamification points to the agent.

The actions may be: Respool, RespoolAlternative, Reschedule, Blacklist and NoAction.

Function parameters:

campaign: Campaign to which the call belongs.

callerid: Customer contact number.

agent: Agent who answered the call.

Guid: Unique Caller ID.

l1: Level 1 typing.

l2: Level 2 typing.

l3: Level 3 typing.

d1: Additional data 1.

d2: Additional data 2.

comment: Typing comments.

schedule: Date used to reschedule if applicable.

actionAmount (Optional, by default 1): Value by which it is multiplied if there is a typing measure for Gamification.

UC_DispositionCall( 'campaign', 'callerid', 'guid', 'l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'd1', 'd2', 'comment', moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), "2",(r) => console.log(r))


UC_DispositionCall( 'CobrosPredictive<-', '099758071', 'ed5c2b3c-8ab5-4abd-b5f6-46621e82ec79', 'reschedule', '', '', 'd1', 'd2',
'comment', moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), "2",(r) => console.log(r))


Function that downloads a csv file, it is used for files that account for the format of the csv file upload.

textToWrite: Text that you want to give as an example in the csv file.

idbtnCSV: Button identifier. It must be written between '', example 'idButton'.

The button we are calling in the function has to be of type <a>, since the <a> tag allows the href which is what is used in the function,
not so the <button>. Example of a button with the <a> tag:

<a id="btnBuscar" class="btn btn-primary" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;color:white;padding:0px;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);" name="btnBuscar">

       <span data-fa="fa"></span>
       <span class="btnText">Buscar</span>



UC_uploadEmailBase async

Function that uploads an email list in .csv format.

let uploadResponse= await UC_uploadEmailBase("NombreDeDiscador","Asunto",archivoTipoFile,"NombreDeArchivo");

Structure (value)

It is responsible for muting or unmuting, depending on the value passed by parameter, the recording.

Value: 0 or 1, with 1 it is muted and with 0 it is unmuted.


Structure (full_path, callback)

Start a new monitor mix on the channel, in addition to the main one.

Callback: Contains the id of the mixmonitor that you want to pause.

Full_path: Location and name of the .gms file to be created by the mix monitor.


Structure (idMix)

Terminates the monitor mix that was previously created with the function UC_StartRecording.

idMix: obtaines from the response of UC_StartRecording.


Get the status of the current call from the portal phone. If there is no call, the isInCall property will be false.

Function in charge of ending the wrap up time of the agent.

Run a command on the application server.

command: Command as it would be executed in the console.


let value = await UC_ExecPythonScript_async('python /etc/IntegraServer/scripts/test.py');

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